# Documentation #
# Author: Todd Whiteman
# Date: 16th March, 2009
# Verion: 2.0.0
# License: Public Domain - free to do as you wish
# Homepage: http://twhiteman.netfirms.com/des.html
# This is a pure python implementation of the DES encryption algorithm.
# It's pure python to avoid portability issues, since most DES
# implementations are programmed in C (for performance reasons).
# Triple DES class is also implemented, utilising the DES base. Triple DES
# is either DES-EDE3 with a 24 byte key, or DES-EDE2 with a 16 byte key.
# See the README.txt that should come with this python module for the
# implementation methods used.
# Thanks to:
# * David Broadwell for ideas, comments and suggestions.
# * Mario Wolff for pointing out and debugging some triple des CBC errors.
# * Santiago Palladino for providing the PKCS5 padding technique.
# * Shaya for correcting the PAD_PKCS5 triple des CBC errors.
"""A pure python implementation of the DES and TRIPLE DES encryption algorithms.
Class initialization
pyDes.des(key, [mode], [IV], [pad], [padmode])
pyDes.triple_des(key, [mode], [IV], [pad], [padmode])
key -> Bytes containing the encryption key. 8 bytes for DES, 16 or 24 bytes
for Triple DES
mode -> Optional argument for encryption type, can be either
pyDes.ECB (Electronic Code Book) or pyDes.CBC (Cypher Block Chaining)
IV -> Optional Initial Value bytes, must be supplied if using CBC mode.
Length must be 8 bytes.
pad -> Optional argument, set the pad character (PAD_NORMAL) to use during
all encrypt/decrpt operations done with this instance.
padmode -> Optional argument, set the padding mode (PAD_NORMAL or PAD_PKCS5)
to use during all encrypt/decrpt operations done with this instance.
I recommend to use PAD_PKCS5 padding, as then you never need to worry about any
padding issues, as the padding can be removed unambiguously upon decrypting
data that was encrypted using PAD_PKCS5 padmode.
Common methods
encrypt(data, [pad], [padmode])
decrypt(data, [pad], [padmode])
data -> Bytes to be encrypted/decrypted
pad -> Optional argument. Only when using padmode of PAD_NORMAL. For
encryption, adds this characters to the end of the data block when
data is not a multiple of 8 bytes. For decryption, will remove the
trailing characters that match this pad character from the last 8
bytes of the unencrypted data block.
padmode -> Optional argument, set the padding mode, must be one of PAD_NORMAL
or PAD_PKCS5). Defaults to PAD_NORMAL.
from pyDes import *
data = "Please encrypt my data"
k = des("DESCRYPT", CBC, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)
# For Python3, you'll need to use bytes, i.e.:
# data = b"Please encrypt my data"
# k = des(b"DESCRYPT", CBC, b"\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", pad=None, padmode=PAD_PKCS5)
d = k.encrypt(data)
print "Encrypted: %r" % d
print "Decrypted: %r" % k.decrypt(d)
assert k.decrypt(d, padmode=PAD_PKCS5) == data
See the module source (pyDes.py) for more examples of use.
You can also run the pyDes.py file without and arguments to see a simple test.
Note: This code was not written for high-end systems needing a fast
implementation, but rather a handy portable solution with small usage.
import sys
# _pythonMajorVersion is used to handle Python2 and Python3 differences.
_pythonMajorVersion = sys.version_info[0]
# Modes of crypting / cyphering
ECB = 0
CBC = 1
# Modes of padding
# PAD_PKCS5: is a method that will unambiguously remove all padding
# characters after decryption, when originally encrypted with
# this padding mode.
# For a good description of the PKCS5 padding technique, see:
# http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1423.html
# The base class shared by des and triple des.
class _baseDes(object):
def __init__(self, mode=ECB, IV=None, pad=None, padmode=PAD_NORMAL):
if IV:
IV = self._guardAgainstUnicode(IV)
if pad:
pad = self._guardAgainstUnicode(pad)
self.block_size = 8
# Sanity checking of arguments.
if pad and padmode == PAD_PKCS5:
raise ValueError("Cannot use a pad character with PAD_PKCS5")
if IV and len(IV) != self.block_size:
raise ValueError("Invalid Initial Value (IV), must be a multiple of " + str(self.block_size) + " bytes")
# Set the passed in variables
self._mode = mode
self._iv = IV
self._padding = pad
self._padmode = padmode
def getKey(self):
"""getKey() -> bytes"""
return self.__key
def setKey(self, key):
"""Will set the crypting key for this object."""
key = self._guardAgainstUnicode(key)
self.__key = key
def getMode(self):
"""getMode() -> pyDes.ECB or pyDes.CBC"""
return self._mode
def setMode(self, mode):
"""Sets the type of crypting mode, pyDes.ECB or pyDes.CBC"""
self._mode = mode
def getPadding(self):
"""getPadding() -> bytes of length 1. Padding character."""
return self._padding
def setPadding(self, pad):
"""setPadding() -> bytes of length 1. Padding character."""
if pad is not None:
pad = self._guardAgainstUnicode(pad)
self._padding = pad
def getPadMode(self):
"""getPadMode() -> pyDes.PAD_NORMAL or pyDes.PAD_PKCS5"""
return self._padmode
def setPadMode(self, mode):
"""Sets the type of padding mode, pyDes.PAD_NORMAL or pyDes.PAD_PKCS5"""
self._padmode = mode
def getIV(self):
"""getIV() -> bytes"""
return self._iv
def setIV(self, IV):
"""Will set the Initial Value, used in conjunction with CBC mode"""
if not IV or len(IV) != self.block_size:
raise ValueError("Invalid Initial Value (IV), must be a multiple of " + str(self.block_size) + " bytes")
IV = self._guardAgainstUnicode(IV)
self._iv = IV
def _padData(self, data, pad, padmode):
# Pad data depending on the mode
if padmode is None:
# Get the default padding mode.
padmode = self.getPadMode()
if pad and padmode == PAD_PKCS5:
raise ValueError("Cannot use a pad character with PAD_PKCS5")
if padmode == PAD_NORMAL:
if len(data) % self.block_size == 0:
# No padding required.
return data
if not pad:
# Get the default padding.
pad = self.getPadding()
if not pad:
raise ValueError("Data must be a multiple of " + str(self.block_size) + " bytes in length. Use padmode=PAD_PKCS5 or set the pad character.")
data += (self.block_size - (len(data) % self.block_size)) * pad
elif padmode == PAD_PKCS5:
pad_len = 8 - (len(data) % self.block_size)
if _pythonMajorVersion < 3:
data += pad_len * chr(pad_len)
data += bytes([pad_len] * pad_len)
return data
def _unpadData(self, data, pad, padmode):
# Unpad data depending on the mode.
if not data:
return data
if pad and padmode == PAD_PKCS5:
raise ValueError("Cannot use a pad character with PAD_PKCS5")
if padmode is None:
# Get the default padding mode.
padmode = self.getPadMode()
if padmode == PAD_NORMAL:
if not pad:
# Get the default padding.
pad = self.getPadding()
if pad:
data = data[:-self.block_size] + \
elif padmode == PAD_PKCS5:
if _pythonMajorVersion < 3:
pad_len = ord(data[-1])
pad_len = data[-1]
data = data[:-pad_len]
return data
def _guardAgainstUnicode(self, data):
# Only accept byte strings or ascii unicode values, otherwise
# there is no way to correctly decode the data into bytes.
if _pythonMajorVersion < 3:
if isinstance(data, unicode):
raise ValueError("pyDes can only work with bytes, not Unicode strings.")
if isinstance(data, str):
# Only accept ascii unicode values.
return data.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise ValueError("pyDes can only work with encoded strings, not Uni
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