The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is a simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications.
# Quick Links
* Project Page -
* Tutorial -
* General Usage -
* Master Build Quick-Start -
* Branches and Building -
* Announcements -!forum/cef-announce
* Support Forum -
* Issue Tracker -
* C++ API Docs - [Stable release docs]( / [Beta release docs](
* Downloads -
* Donations -
# Introduction
CEF is a BSD-licensed open source project founded by Marshall Greenblatt in 2008 and based on the [Google Chromium]( project. Unlike the Chromium project itself, which focuses mainly on Google Chrome application development, CEF focuses on facilitating embedded browser use cases in third-party applications. CEF insulates the user from the underlying Chromium and Blink code complexity by offering production-quality stable APIs, release branches tracking specific Chromium releases, and binary distributions. Most features in CEF have default implementations that provide rich functionality while requiring little or no integration work from the user. There are currently over 100 million installed instances of CEF around the world embedded in products from a wide range of companies and industries. A partial list of companies and products using CEF is available on the [CEF Wikipedia page]( Some use cases for CEF include:
* Embedding an HTML5-compliant Web browser control in an existing native application.
* Creating a light-weight native “shell” application that hosts a user interface developed primarily using Web technologies.
* Rendering Web content “off-screen” in applications that have their own custom drawing frameworks.
* Acting as a host for automated testing of existing Web properties and applications.
CEF supports a wide range of programming languages and operating systems and can be easily integrated into both new and existing applications. It was designed from the ground up with both performance and ease of use in mind. The base framework includes C and C++ programming interfaces exposed via native libraries that insulate the host application from Chromium and Blink implementation details. It provides close integration between the browser and the host application including support for custom plugins, protocols, JavaScript objects and JavaScript extensions. The host application can optionally control resource loading, navigation, context menus, printing and more, while taking advantage of the same performance and HTML5 technologies available in the Google Chrome Web browser.
Numerous individuals and organizations contribute time and resources to support CEF development, but more involvement from the community is always welcome. This includes support for both the core CEF project and external projects that integrate CEF with additional programming languages and frameworks (see the "External Projects" section below). If you are interested in donating time to help with CEF development please see the "Helping Out" section below. If you are interested in donating money to support general CEF development and infrastructure efforts please visit the [CEF Donations]( page.
# Getting Started
Users new to CEF development should start by reading the [Tutorial]( Wiki page for an overview of CEF usage and then proceed to the [GeneralUsage]( Wiki page for a more in-depth discussion or architectural and usage issues. Complete API documentation is available [here]( CEF support and related discussion is available on the [CEF Forum](
# Binary Distributions
Binary distributions, which include all files necessary to build a CEF-based application, are available on the [Downloads]( page. Binary distributions are stand-alone and do not require the download of CEF or Chromium source code. Symbol files for debugging binary distributions of libcef can also be downloaded from the above links.
# Source Distributions
The CEF project is an extension of the Chromium project. CEF maintains development and release branches that track Chromium branches. CEF source code can be downloaded, built and packaged manually or with automated tools. Visit the [BranchesAndBuilding]( Wiki page for more information.
# External Projects
The base CEF framework includes support for the C and C++ programming languages. Thanks to the hard work of external maintainers CEF can integrate with a number of other programming languages and frameworks. These external projects are not maintained by CEF so please contact the respective project maintainer if you have any questions or issues.
* .Net (CEF3) -
* .Net (CEF1) -
* .Net/Mono (CEF3) -
* Delphi -
* Delphi -
* Go -
* Java -
* Python -
If you're the maintainer of a project not listed above and would like your project listed here please either post to the [CEF Forum]( or contact Marshall directly.
# Helping Out
CEF is still very much a work in progress. Some ways that you can help out:
\- Vote for issues in the [CEF issue tracker]( that are important to you. This helps with development prioritization.
\- Report any bugs that you find or feature requests that are important to you. Make sure to first search for existing issues before creating new ones. Please use the [CEF Forum]( and not the issue tracker for usage questions. Each CEF issue should:
* Include the CEF revision or binary distribution version.
* Include information about your OS and compiler version.
* If the issue is a bug please provide detailed reproduction information.
* If the issue is a feature please describe why the feature is beneficial.
\- Write unit tests for new or existing functionality.
\- Pull requests and patches are welcome. View open issues in the [CEF issue tracker]( or search for TODO(cef) in the source code for ideas.
If you would like to contribute source code changes to CEF please follow the below guidelines:
\- Create or find an appropriate issue for each distinct bug, feature or change.
\- Submit a [pull request]( or create a patch with your changes and attach it to the CEF issue. Changes should:
* Be submitted against the current [CEF master branch]( unless explicitly fixing a bug in a CEF release branch.
* Follow the style of existing CEF source files. In general CEF uses the [Chromium C++ style guide](
CEF115.0.5790.102 Windows 非官方编译(支持MP4, MP3等)115版本64位
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CEF,全称Chromium Embedded Framework,是一个开源项目,它允许开发者在自己的应用程序中嵌入Google Chrome浏览器的渲染引擎。CEF115.0.5790.102是CEF的一个特定版本,该版本针对Windows操作系统进行了非官方的编译优化。这个版本的CEF包含了对MP4和MP3媒体格式的支持,这意味着它能够处理音频和视频内容,为开发多媒体应用提供了便利。
在Windows平台上,CEF被广泛用于创建具有现代Web界面的应用程序,因为它的内核与Chrome相同,可以提供快速、稳定的网页渲染。CEF115.0.5790.102版基于Chromium 115.0.5790.102,这是一个相当新的版本,意味着它具备了Chromium在那个时期的所有最新特性和安全更新。
1. **高性能渲染**:由于CEF使用了与Chrome相同的渲染引擎,因此它可以提供快速的页面加载和流畅的用户体验。
2. **跨平台支持**:虽然这里提到的是Windows版本,但CEF实际上也支持Linux和macOS,使得开发者可以构建跨平台的应用程序。
3. **API集成**:CEF提供了丰富的API,可以让开发者轻松地将Web功能整合到他们的应用中,如JavaScript交互、资源管理等。
4. **持续更新**:随着Chromium的不断更新,CEF也会跟进,确保安全性和新功能的引入。
5. **社区支持**:CEF拥有活跃的开发者社区,可以提供帮助、示例代码和解决方案。
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