<h3>Export HTML Table to</h3>
<li> CSV
<li> DOC
<li> JSON
<li> PDF
<li> PNG
<li> SQL
<li> TSV
<li> TXT
<li> XLS (Excel 2000 HTML format)
<li> XLSX (Excel 2007 Office Open XML format)
<li> XML (Excel 2003 XML Spreadsheet format)
<li> XML (Raw xml)
To save the generated export files on client side, include in your html code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/FileSaver/FileSaver.min.js"></script>
To export the table in XLSX (Excel 2007+ XML Format) format, you need to include additionally:
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/js-xlsx/xlsx.core.min.js"></script>
To export an html table to a PDF file, you can use jsPDF-AutoTable as a PDF producer:
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jsPDF/jspdf.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/jsPDF-AutoTable/jspdf.plugin.autotable.js"></script>
Many HTML stylings can be converted to PDF with jsPDF, but support for non-western character sets is almost non-existent. Especially if you want to export Arabic or Chinese characters to your PDF file, you can use pdfmake as an alternative PDF producer. The disadvantage compared to jspdf is that using pdfmake has a reduced styling capability. To use pdfmake enable the pdfmake option and instead of the jsPDF files include
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/pdfmake.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/vfs_fonts.js"></script>
<!-- To export arabic characters include mirza_fonts.js _instead_ of vfs_fonts.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/mirza_fonts.js"></script>
<!-- For a chinese font include either gbsn00lp_fonts.js or ZCOOLXiaoWei_fonts.js _instead_ of vfs_fonts.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/pdfmake/gbsn00lp_fonts.js"></script>
To export the table in PNG format, you need to include:
<!-- For IE support include es6-promise before html2canvas -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/es6-promise/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="libs/html2canvas/html2canvas.min.js"></script>
Regardless of the desired format, finally include:
<script type="text/javascript" src="tableExport.min.js"></script>
Please keep this include order.
Library | Version
[jQuery]( | \>= 1.9.1
[es6-promise]( | \>= 4.2.4
[FileSaver]( | \>= 1.2.0
[html2canvas]( | \>= 0.5.0-beta4
[jsPDF]( | \>=1.3.4
[jsPDF-AutoTable]( | 2.0.14 or 2.0.17
[pdfmake]( | 0.1.65
[SheetJS]( | \>= 0.12.5
// CSV format
// Excel 2000 html format
// XML Spreadsheet 2003 file format with multiple worksheet support
mso: {fileFormat:'xmlss',
worksheetName: ['Table 1','Table 2', 'Table 3']}});
// PDF export using jsPDF only
jspdf: {orientation: 'p',
margins: {left:20, top:10},
autotable: false}
// PDF format using jsPDF and jsPDF Autotable
jspdf: {orientation: 'l',
format: 'a3',
margins: {left:10, right:10, top:20, bottom:20},
autotable: {styles: {fillColor: 'inherit',
textColor: 'inherit'},
tableWidth: 'auto'}
// PDF format with callback example
function DoCellData(cell, row, col, data) {}
function DoBeforeAutotable(table, headers, rows, AutotableSettings) {}
$('table').tableExport({fileName: sFileName,
type: 'pdf',
jspdf: {format: 'bestfit',
margins: {left:20, right:10, top:20, bottom:20},
autotable: {styles: {overflow: 'linebreak'},
tableWidth: 'wrap',
tableExport: {onBeforeAutotable: DoBeforeAutotable,
onCellData: DoCellData}}}
// PDF export using pdfmake
Options (Default settings)
csvEnclosure: '"'
csvSeparator: ','
csvUseBOM: true
date: html: 'dd/mm/yyyy'
displayTableName: false (Deprecated)
escape: false (Deprecated)
exportHiddenCells: false
fileName: 'tableExport'
htmlContent: false
htmlHyperlink: 'content'
ignoreColumn: []
ignoreRow: []
jsonScope: 'all'
jspdf: orientation: 'p'
format: 'a4'
margins: left: 20
right: 10
top: 10
bottom: 10
onDocCreated: null
autotable: styles: cellPadding: 2
rowHeight: 12
fontSize: 8
fillColor: 255
textColor: 50
fontStyle: 'normal'
overflow: 'ellipsize'
halign: 'inherit'
valign: 'middle'
headerStyles: fillColor: [52, 73, 94]
textColor: 255
fontStyle: 'bold'
halign: 'inherit'
valign: 'middle'
alternateRowStyles: fillColor: 245
tableExport: doc: null
onAfterAutotable: null
onBeforeAutotable: null
onAutotableText: null
onTable: null
outputImages: true
mso: fileFormat: 'xlshtml'
onMsoNumberFormat: null
pageFormat: 'a4'
pageOrientation: 'portrait'
rtl: false
styles: []
worksheetName: ''
xslx: formatId: date: 14
numbers: 2
numbers: html: decimalMark: '.'
thousandsSeparator: ','
output: decimalMark: '.',
thousandsSeparator: ','
onAfterSaveToFile: null
onBeforeSaveToFile: null
onCellData: null
onCellHtmlData: null
onCellHtmlHyperlink: null
onIgnoreRow: null
onTableExportBegin: null
onTableExportEnd: null
outputMode: 'file'
pdfmake: enabled: false
docDefinition: pageSize: 'A4'
pageOrientation: 'portrait'
styles: header: background: '#34495E'
color: '#FFFFFF'
bold: true
alignment: 'center'
fillColor: '#34495E
alternateRow: fillColor: '#f5f5f5'
defaultStyle: color: '#000000'
fontSize: 8
font: 'Roboto'
fonts: {}
preserve: leadingWS: false
- 粉丝: 1686
- 资源: 2319
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的小区物业新冠疫情物资管理平台小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- data_a8-2016.10.27-2017.10.27.xlsx
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的校园二手交易微信小程序的设计与实现(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的校篮球联赛微信小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的校园快递平台系统(小程序)(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的校园疫情防控管理平台小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的新冠抗原自测平台小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的新建文件夹(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- Cisco-Certified-Design-Expert-CCDE-400-007-Official-Cert-Guide.pdf
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的音乐播放器小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的养老院管理系统(小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的智慧物流小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的岳阳市美术馆预约平台(小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 源码-毕业设计-Vue实现的聊天系统
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的在线疫苗预约小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip
- 小程序项目-基于微信小程序的智慧物业平台(小程序(包括源码,数据库,教程).zip