function [p,X2,sigma_p,sigma_y,corr,R_sq,cvg_hst] = lm(func,p,t,y_dat,weight,dp,p_min,p_max,c)
% [p,X2,sigma_p,sigma_y,corr,R_sq,cvg_hst] = lm(func,p,t,y_dat,weight,dp,p_min,p_max,c)
% Levenberg Marquardt curve-fitting: minimize sum of weighted squared residuals
% -------- INPUT VARIABLES ---------
% func = function of n independent variables, 't', and m parameters, 'p',
% returning the simulated model: y_hat = func(t,p,c)
% p = n-vector of initial guess of parameter values
% t = m-vectors or matrix of independent variables (used as arg to func)
% y_dat = m-vectors or matrix of data to be fit by func(t,p)
% weight = weighting vector for least squares fit ( weight >= 0 ) ...
% inverse of the standard measurement errors
% Default: sqrt(d.o.f. / ( y_dat' * y_dat ))
% dp = fractional increment of 'p' for numerical derivatives
% dp(j)>0 central differences calculated
% dp(j)<0 one sided 'backwards' differences calculated
% dp(j)=0 sets corresponding partials to zero; i.e. holds p(j) fixed
% Default: 0.001;
% p_min = n-vector of lower bounds for parameter values
% p_max = n-vector of upper bounds for parameter values
% c = an optional vector of constants passed to func(t,p,c)
% ---------- OUTPUT VARIABLES -------
% p = least-squares optimal estimate of the parameter values
% X2 = Chi squared criteria
% sigma_p = asymptotic standard error of the parameters
% sigma_y = asymptotic standard error of the curve-fit
% corr = correlation matrix of the parameters
% R_sq = R-squared cofficient of multiple determination
% cvg_hst = convergence history
% Henri Gavin, Dept. Civil & Environ. Engineering, Duke Univ. 13 Apr 2011
% modified from:
% using references by
% Press, et al., Numerical Recipes, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, Chapter 15.
% Sam Roweis
% Manolis Lourakis
% Hans Nielson
% Mathworks optimization toolbox reference manual
% K. Madsen, H.B., Nielsen, and O. Tingleff
global func_calls
tensor_parameter = 0;
func_calls = 0; % running count of function evaluations
p = p(:); y_dat = y_dat(:); % make column vectors
Npar = length(p); % number of parameters
Npnt = length(y_dat); % number of data points
if length(t) ~= length(y_dat)
disp('lm.m error: the length of t must equal the length of y_dat');
length_t = length(t)
length_y_dat = length(y_dat)
X2 = 0; corr = 0; sigma_p = 0; sigma_y = 0; R_sq = 0; cvg_hist = 0;
if ~tensor_parameter,
% Algorithmic Paramters
prnt = 3; % >1 intermediate results; >2 plots
MaxIter = 200000*Npar; % maximum number of iterations
epsilon_1 = 1e-6; % convergence tolerance for gradient
epsilon_2 = 1e-6; % convergence tolerance for parameters
epsilon_3 = 1e-5; % convergence tolerance for Chi-square
epsilon_4 = 1e-2; % determines acceptance of a L-M step
lambda_0 = 1e-2; % initial value of damping paramter, lambda
lambda_UP_fac = 11; % factor for increasing lambda
lambda_DN_fac = 9; % factor for decreasing lambda
Update_Type = 1; % 1: Levenberg-Marquardt lambda update
% 2: Quadratic update (as in Mathworks lstsqrnonlin)
% 3: Nielsen's lambda update equations
if ( tensor_parameter & prnt == 3 ) prnt = 2; end
% plotcmd='figure(11); plot(t(:,1),y_dat,''og'',t(:,1),y_hat,''-b''); axis tight; drawnow ';
if nargin < 5, weight = sqrt((Npnt-Npar+1)/(y_dat'*y_dat)); end
if nargin < 6, dp = 0.001; end
if nargin < 7, p_min = -100*abs(p); end
if nargin < 8, p_max = 100*abs(p); end
if nargin < 9, c = 1; end
p_min=p_min(:); p_max=p_max(:); % make column vectors
if length(dp) == 1, dp = dp*ones(Npar,1); end
idx = find(dp ~= 0); % indices of the parameters to be fit
Nfit = length(idx); % number of parameters to fit
stop = 0; % termination flag
if ( length(weight) < Npnt ) % squared weighting vector
weight_sq = ( weight(1)*ones(Npnt,1) ).^2;
weight_sq = (weight(:)).^2;
[alpha,beta,X2,y_hat,dydp] = lm_matx(func,t,p,y_dat,weight_sq,dp,c);
if ( max(abs(beta)) < epsilon_1 )
fprintf(' *** Your Initial Guess is Extremely Close to Optimal ***\n')
fprintf(' *** epsilon_1 = %e\n', epsilon_1);
stop = 1;
if ( Update_Type == 1 )
lambda = lambda_0; % Marquardt: init'l lambda
lambda = lambda_0 * max(diag(alpha)); % Mathworks and Nielsen
X2_old = X2; % previous value of X2
p_old = 2*p; % previous parameters
cvg_hst = ones(MaxIter,Npar+2); % initialize convergence history
iteration = 0; % iteration counter
while ( ~stop & iteration <= MaxIter ) % --- Main Loop
iteration = iteration + 1;
% incremental change in parameters
if ( Update_Type == 1 )
delta_p = ( alpha + lambda*diag(diag(alpha)) ) \ beta; % Marquardt
delta_p = ( alpha + lambda*eye(Npar) ) \ beta; % Mathworks and Nielsen
% big = max(abs(delta_p./p)) > 2; % this is a big step
% --- Are parameters [a+delta_a] much better than [a] ?
p_try = p + delta_p(idx); % update the [idx] elements
p_try = min(max(p_min,p_try),p_max); % apply constraints
delta_y = y_dat - feval(func,t,p_try,c); % residual error using a_try
func_calls = func_calls + 1;
X2_try = delta_y' * ( delta_y .* weight_sq ); % Chi-squared error criteria
if ( Update_Type == 2 )
% One step of quadratic line update in the delta_a direction for minimum X2
X2_try1 = X2_try;
alpha_q = beta'*delta_p / ( (X2_try1 - X2)/2 + 2*beta'*delta_p ) ;
delta_p = delta_p * alpha_q;
p_try = p + delta_p(idx); % update only [idx] elements
p_try = min(max(p_min,p_try),p_max); % apply constraints
delta_y = y_dat - feval(func,t,p_try,c); % residual error using p_try
func_calls = func_calls + 1;
X2_try = delta_y' * ( delta_y .* weight_sq ); % Chi-squared error criteria
rho = (X2 - X2_try) / ( 2*delta_p' * (lambda * delta_p + beta) ); % Nielsen
if ( rho > epsilon_4 ) % it IS significantly better
X2_old = X2;
p_old = p;
p = p_try(:); % accept p_try
[alpha,beta,X2,y_hat,dydp] = lm_matx(func,t,p,y_dat,weight_sq,dp,c);
% decrease lambda ==> Gauss-Newton method
if ( Update_Type == 1 )
lambda = max(lambda/lambda_DN_fac,1.e-7); % Levenberg
if ( Update_Type == 2 )
lambda = max( lambda/(1 + alpha_q) , 1.e-7 ); % Mathworks
if ( Update_Type == 3 )
lambda = lambda*max( 1/3, 1-(2*rho-1)^3 ); nu = 2; % Nielsen
if ( prnt > 2 )
else % it IS NOT better
X2 = X2_old; % do not accept a_try
% increase lambda ==> gradient descent method
if ( Update_Type == 1 )
lambda = min(lambda*lambda_UP_fac,1.e7); % Levenberg
if ( Update_Type == 2 )
lambda = lambda + abs((X2_try - X2)/2/alpha_q); % Mathworks
if ( Update_Type == 3 )
lambda = lambda * nu; nu = 2*nu; % Nielsen
if ( prnt > 1 )
fprintf('>%3d | chi_sq=%10.3e | lambda=%8.1e \n', iteration,X2,lambda );
fprintf(' param: ');
for pn=1:Npar
fprintf(' %10.3e', p(pn) );
fprintf(' dp/p : ');
for pn=1:Npar
fprintf(' %10.3e', delta_p(pn) / p(pn) );
cvg_hst(iteration,:) = [ p' X2/2 lambda ]; % update convergence history
if ( max(abs(delta_p./p)) < epsilon_2 & iteration > 2 )
fprintf(' **** Convergence in Parameters **** \n')
fprintf(' **** epsilon_2 = %e\n', epsilon_2);
stop = 1;
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4