### 环球雅思5000必备词汇详解 #### 一、引言 随着全球化进程的加速,英语作为国际交流的重要工具,其重要性不言而喻。对于准备参加雅思考试的学生而言,掌握一定数量的词汇是提高成绩的关键之一。《环球雅思5000必备词汇》旨在帮助考生快速积累词汇量,提升语言能力。本文将从给定的部分内容中挑选若干词汇进行详细解释。 #### 二、词汇详解 ##### 1. **toler** (动词) - **释义**:降低位置、评价等;贬低。 - **例句**:His behavior was so unacceptable that it lowered my estimation of him. ##### 2. **abbess** (名词) - **释义**:女修道院院长。 - **例句**:The abbess of the convent has been leading the sisters for over a decade. ##### 3. **abbey** (名词) - **释义**:由一系列建筑物组成的僧侣或修女的生活场所。 - **例句**:The old abbey was built in the Middle Ages and is now a popular tourist attraction. ##### 4. **abbot** (名词) - **释义**:僧侣团体的领导人。 - **例句**:The abbot of the monastery is respected by all members for his wisdom. ##### 5. **abdicate** (动词) - **释义**:放弃(王权或其他类似权力)。 - **例句**:After much contemplation, the king decided to abdicate in favor of his son. ##### 6. **abdomen** (名词) - **释义**:哺乳动物位于膈肌与骨盆底之间的内脏腔;腹部。 - **例句**:Pain in the abdomen can be caused by various conditions ranging from indigestion to more serious illnesses. ##### 7. **abdominal** (形容词) - **释义**:与腹部有关的。 - **例句**:He practices abdominal exercises daily to strengthen his core muscles. ##### 8. **abduction** (名词) - **释义**:非法带走某人。 - **例句**:The abduction of the young girl sent shockwaves through the small town. ##### 9. **abed** (副词) - **释义**:在床上。 - **例句**:She spent most of the day abed due to her illness. ##### 10. **aberration** (名词) - **释义**:偏离正轨、常规或规定的行为。 - **例句**:His sudden change in behavior was an aberration that concerned his friends. ##### 11. **abet** (动词) - **释义**:帮助、促进或鼓励犯罪行为的发生。 - **例句**:She was charged with abetting the theft because she provided the getaway car. ##### 12. **abeyance** (名词) - **释义**:暂停或暂时的不活动状态。 - **例句**:The project was put into abeyance until further funding could be secured. ##### 13. **abhorrence** (名词) - **释义**:极度厌恶的行为。 - **例句**:He had an abhorrence for violence, which influenced his decision to become a pacifist. ##### 14. **abhorrent** (形容词) - **释义**:极其反感的;憎恶的。 - **例句**:Many people find the idea of animal cruelty abhorrent. ##### 15. **abide** (动词) - **释义**:持续存在。 - **例句**:Despite the challenges, their friendship abides as strong as ever. ##### 16. **abject** (形容词) - **释义**:陷入低谷的状态。 - **例句**:After losing everything, he found himself in an abject state of poverty. ##### 17. **abjure** (动词) - **释义**:在誓言下否认、放弃(权利或特权)。 - **例句**:The king was forced to abjure his claim to the throne under pressure from his enemies. ##### 18. **able-bodied** (形容词) - **释义**:身体健康的。 - **例句**:Able-bodied volunteers were needed to help with the construction project. ##### 19. **ablution** (名词) - **释义**:洗涤或清洁,特别是身体的清洗。 - **例句**:Taking ablutions before prayer is a common practice in many religions. ##### 20. **abnegate** (动词) - **释义**:放弃(权利或特权)。 - **例句**:In order to live a simpler life, he decided to abnegate all his worldly possessions. #### 三、总结 以上词汇涵盖了从基本概念到复杂含义的不同层面,对于准备雅思考试的学生来说非常重要。通过理解和记忆这些词汇及其用法,可以有效提高阅读理解能力和写作水平。建议考生们在日常学习中多加练习,并尝试在实际情境中运用这些词汇,以加深印象并达到灵活运用的目的。
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