SIMULINK_Dynamic System Simulation for MATLAB
For a useful introduction that will help you start using Simulink quickly, take a look at “Running a Demo Model” in Chapter 2. Browse around the model, double-click on blocks that look interesting, and you will quickly get a sense of how Simulink works. If you want a quick lesson in building a model, see “Building a Simple Model” in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 describes in detail how to build and edit a model. It also discusses how to save and print a model and provides some useful tips. Chapter 4 describes how Simulink performs a simulation. It covers simulation parameters and the integration solvers used for simulation, including some of the strengths and weaknesses of each solver that should help you choose the appropriate solver for your problem. It also discusses multirate and hybrid systems. Chapter 5 discusses Simulink and MATLAB features useful for viewing and analyzing simulation results. Chapter 6 discusses methods for creating your own blocks and using masks to customize their appearance and use. Chapter 7 describes subsystems whose execution depends on triggering signals. Chapter 8 provides reference information for all Simulink blocks. Chapter 9 provides information about how Simulink works, including information about zero crossings, algebraic loops, and discrete and hybrid systems. Chapter 10 provides reference information for commands you can use to create and modify a model from the MATLAB command window or from an M-file. Chapter 11 explains how to use the Simulink debugger to debug Simulink models. It also documents debugger commands. Appendix A lists model and block parameters. This information is useful with the get_param and set_param commands, described in Chapter 10. Appendix B describes the format of the file that stores model information. Although we have tried to provide the most complete and up-to-date information in this manual, some information may have changed after it was completed. Please check the Known Software and Documentation Problems delivered with your Simulink system, for the latest release notes.
- sooAnderson2016-04-07谢谢分享,可以研究一下
- 兰塘村人力资源与社会保障局2019-08-18正在学习中,谢谢分享
- hjdhjdhjdhjdhjd2016-01-21这本书真好用
- duhuanchao2015-05-08感觉还可以,就是内容有点老,跟不上simulink的发展了!
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