Rcpp is an R add-on package which facilitates extending R with C++ functions. It is being used for anything from small and quickly constructed add-on functions written either to fluidly experiment with something new or to accelerate computing by replacing an R function with its C++ equivalent to large-scale bindings for existing libraries, or as a building block in entirely new research computing environments. While still relatively new as a project, Rcpp has already become widely deployed among users and developers in the R community. Rcpp is now the most popular language extension for the R system and used by over 100 CRAN packages as well as ten BioConductor packages. This books aims to provide a solid introduction to Rcpp.
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- 面向初学者的 Java 教程(包含 500 个代码示例).zip
- 阿里云OSS Java版SDK.zip
- 阿里云api网关请求签名示例(java实现).zip
- 通过示例学习 Android 的 RxJava.zip
- 通过多线程编程在 Java 中发现并发模式和特性 线程、锁、原子等等 .zip
- 通过在终端中进行探索来学习 JavaScript .zip
- 通过不仅针对初学者而且针对 JavaScript 爱好者(无论他们的专业水平如何)设计的编码挑战,自然而自信地拥抱 JavaScript .zip
- 适用于 Kotlin 和 Java 的现代 JSON 库 .zip
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