two layers: a denotational semantics for pure expres-
sions (including exception-raising ones), and an oper-
ational semantics \on top" that deals with exception
handling, as well as input/output (Section 4).
Informed by this semantics, we show that various ex-
tensions of the basic idea, such as resource-exhaustion
interrupts, can readily be accommo dated; while oth-
ers, such as a \pure" exception handler, are more trou-
blesome (Section 5).
There has b een a small urry of recent prop osals and pap ers
on exception-handling in Haskell [3, 13 , 12]. The distinctive
feature of this pap er is its fo cus on the semantics of the
resulting language. The trick lies in getting the nice fea-
tures of exceptions (eciency, implicit propagation, and the
like) without throwing the baby out with the bath-water
and crippling the language design.
Those less interested in functional programming
per se
nevertheless nd interesting our development of the (old)
idea of exceptions-as-values, and the trade-o b etween pre-
cision and p erformance.
2 The status quo ante
Haskell has managed without exceptions for a long time,
so it is natural to ask whether they are either necessary or
appropriate. We briey explore this question, as a way of
setting the scene for the rest of the pap er.
Before we b egin, it is worth identifying three dierent ways
in which exceptions are typically used in languages that sup-
port them:
Disaster recovery
uses an exception to signal a (hop efully
rare) error condition, such as division by zero or an
assertion failure. In a language like ML or Haskell we
may add pattern-match failure, when a function is ap-
plied to a value for which it do es not have a dening
equation (e.g.
of the empty list). The program-
mer can usually also raise an exception, using a prim-
itive such as
The exception handler typically catches exceptions
from a large chunk of code, and p erforms some kind of
recovery action.
Exception handling used in this way provides a degree
of modularity: one part of a system can protect itself
against failure in another part of the system.
Alternative return.
Exceptions are sometimes used as an
alternative way to return a value from a function,
where no error condition is necessarily implied. An
example might be lo oking up a key in a nite map:
it's not necessarily an error if the key isn't in the map,
but in languages that support exceptions it's not un-
usual to see them used in this way.
The exception handler typically catches exceptions
from a relatively circumscrib ed chunk of code, and
serves mainly as an alternative continuation for a call.
Asynchronous events.
In some languages, an asyn-
chronous external event, such as the programmer typ-
ing \
" or a timeout, are reected into the program-
mer's mo del as an exception. We call such things
chronous exceptions
, to distinguish them from the two
previous categories, which are b oth
synchronous ex-
2.1 Exceptions as values
No lazy functional programming language has so far sup-
ported exceptions, for two apparently persuasive reasons.
lazy evaluation scrambles control ow
. Evaluation
is demand-driven; that is, an expression is evaluated only
when its value is required [14]. As a result, programs don't
have a readily-predictable control ow; the only pro ductive
way to think ab out an expression is to consider the
it computes
, not the
way in which the value is computed
Since exceptions are typically explained in terms of changes
in control ow, exceptions and lazy evaluation do not appear
very compatible.
exceptions can be explicitly encoded in values
, in
the existing language, so p erhaps exceptions are in any case
unnecessary. For example, consider a function,
, that takes
an integer argument, and either returns an integer or raises
an exception. We can encode it in Haskell thus:
data ExVal a = OK a
| Bad Exception
f :: Int -> ExVal Int
f x = ...defn of f...
declaration says that a value of type
ExVal t
either of the form
(Bad ex)
, where
has type
or is of the form
(OK val)
, where
has type
. The
type signature of
declares that
returns a result of type
ExVal Int
; that is, either an
or an exception value. In
the exception is encoded into the value returned by
Any consumer of
's result is forced, willy nilly, to rst p er-
form a case analysis on it:
case (f 3) of
OK val -> ...normal case...
Bad ex -> ...handle exception...
There are goo d things ab out this approach: no extension to
the language is necessary; the type of a function makes it
clear whether it can raise an exception; and the type system
makes it imp ossible to forget to handle an exception.
The idea of exceptions as values is very old [10, 18 ]. Subse-
quently it was realised that the exception type constructor,
, forms a
[6, 9]. Rather than having lots of
pattern matches on
, standard monadic ma-
chinery such as Haskell's
notation, can hide away much
of the plumbing.