424 pages Publisher: Manning Publications (January 29, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617290866 ISBN-13: 978-1617290862 Summary Dart in Action introduces Google's Dart language and provides techniques and examples showing how to use it as a viable replacement for Java and JavaScript in browser-based desktop and mobile applications. It begins with a rapid overview of Dart language and tools, including features like interacting with the browser, optional typing, classes, libraries, and concurrency with isolates. After you master the core concepts, you'll move on to running Dart on the server and creating single page HTML5 web applications. About the Technology Dart is a web programming language developed by Google. It has modern OO features, just like Java or C#, while keeping JavaScript's dynamic and functional characteristics. Dart applications are "transpiled" to JavaScript, and they run natively in Dart-enabled browsers. With production-quality libraries and tools, Dart operates on both the client and the server for a consistent development process. About this Book Dart in Action introduces the Dart language and teaches you to use it in browser-based, desktop, and mobile applications. Not just a language tutorial, this book gets quickly into the nitty-gritty of using Dart. Most questions that pop up while you're reading are answered on the spot! OO newbies will appreciate the gentle pace in the early chapters. Later chapters take a test-first approach and encourage you to try Dart hands-on. To benefit from this book you'll need experience with HTML and JavaScript?a Java or C# background is helpful but not required. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book. What's Inside Dart from the ground up Numerous code samples and diagrams Creating single-page web apps Transitioning from Java, C#, or JavaScript Running Dart in the browser and on the server 《Dart in Action》是一本由Manning Publications出版的书籍,作者是Chris Buckett,涵盖了Dart编程语言及其在实际应用中的使用方法。Dart由Google开发,是一种旨在替代Java和JavaScript的现代编程语言,尤其适用于基于浏览器的桌面和移动应用程序开发。该书提供了关于Dart语言及工具的全面介绍,强调了Dart的关键特性和编程概念,包括与浏览器的交互、可选类型、类、库以及使用隔离器进行并发处理。 Dart是一种面向对象的编程语言,它具有Java或C#等现代编程语言的特性,同时保持了JavaScript的动态和功能性特点。Dart应用程序可以被“转译”为JavaScript代码,并在支持Dart的浏览器中原生运行。Dart提供了生产级别的库和工具,可在客户端和服务器端进行一致的开发流程。这本书不仅仅是Dart语言的教程,它还快速深入Dart的实际使用细节,并鼓励读者动手实践。 书中内容主要分为三个部分。第一部分是“介绍Dart”,这一部分将对Dart语言进行快速概览,涵盖了Dart工具的使用、如何构建和测试自己的Dart应用程序等基础知识。第二部分是“核心Dart”,深入讲解了函数式编程、闭包、库和隐私、类和接口的构造与扩展、更丰富的类集合,以及通过回调和未来(futures)实现的异步编程等核心概念。第三部分是“客户端Dart应用”,这一部分专注于构建Dart网络应用程序、处理离线数据以及与其他系统和语言进行通信的技巧和实践。 该书适合已经具备HTML和JavaScript经验的读者,拥有Java或C#背景的开发者也会发现这本书很有帮助。购买纸质版书籍时,Manning出版社提供免费的PDF、ePub和Kindle格式电子书,以及书中的所有代码示例。 《Dart in Action》的封面设计由Marija Tudor完成,书籍的印刷工作在美国进行,纸张至少含有15%的回收材料,且不使用元素氯进行漂白处理,这体现了出版社对环境保护的承诺。书籍的ISBN-10为***,ISBN-13为978-***,全书共424页。 在介绍Dart时,书中也提到了Dart与其他技术的关联,如从Java、C#或JavaScript过渡到Dart,以及如何在浏览器和服务器上运行Dart。这部分内容特别适合那些希望将现有技能转换到Dart开发的开发者。 值得注意的是,Manning Publications为批量购买书籍的客户提供折扣,具体信息可通过出版社的特别销售部门获得。书籍的出版社地址是20Baldwin Road,PO Box 261,Shelter Island, NY 11964,可通过电子邮件***进行联系。该书籍的版权声明显示,Manning Publications Co.保留在任何形式或任何方式下复制、存储、检索或传输出版物内容的全部权利,未经出版社事先书面许可,不得进行上述活动。此外,出版社强调了对于书籍内容的保护,致力于使用无酸纸印刷,并尽力保证所出版书籍的可持续性。
- shihliangou2013-02-14可供学习者参考,挺实用的。
- dustonly882013-04-30不错,就是已经落后了,很多已经过时了,dart每周都在更新,这个版本的api在下个版本就无效了
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