----------------- INSTALLATION ------------------
After AutoIt3 installation the Translator files are in the "Extra\V2 to V3 Converter"
You can run thee _Shortcut_creation.au3 script to create a shortcut on the desktop.
And just click select the file to be translated.
Good conversion and forget about AutoItV2 :)
REPORTS problem with the sample reproducing the error or the faulty script itself
don't forget to join the AutoItV2toV3.dat used if MODIFIED
TO JPaul-Mesnage at ifrance.com or through the http://www.autoitscript.com/forum
-------------------- HISTORY --------------------
1.06 - Added Ignore labels not referenced
- Fixed default internal variable initialisation as for stringcase
1.05 - Fixed Bad variable like a(%i%)
1.04 - Added Fileselection to choose file to be converted
- Fixed Launching by drag & drop on AutoItV2toV3.exe
1.03 - Added Update #include filename extension to .AU3
- Added use "include".ini function definitions if found in the folder
containing the file being translated
- Added Continueloop in while statement
for ScriptKitty satisfaction (I hope !!!)
just add label in the [While] in *.ini
- Added /1 option to execute only one translation
default now is 2 runs with the first one generating references
- Added Define constant parameter in function definition
func ( const) as opposed to func ( $par)
will suppress SetEnv, Par, const translation except if /G used
- Added varname return by a function can be derived from a const param
func ( const) = ret$const
- Added redefinition of internal variable. Can be used in case homonymy.
ex desktop = desktop will suppress internal reference to @desktop
and produce a $desktop translation for %desktop%
- Fixed variable name containing "-$" (substitution with "_")
1.02 - Fixed %i% = $CmdLine[$i]
- Fixed " " after a %variable% in a string (sorry for @comspec !!!)
- Fixed comment line with only ";" no more skipped
- Fixed IfEqual,IfNotEqual referencing __cmp() compatibilty function
- Fixed filename can be protected with " to contain space character
- Fixed #include generation
- Fixed empty value
for SetEnv, Send, Splash, String..., File...,Ini..., Reg...
- Fixed String generation (starting with a protected char)
- Added %comspec% = @Comspec
- Added %DosEnvironment% = EnvGet('DosEnvironment')
- Added Global variables generation when needed
- Added Global or Environment variable can be predefined in *.ini
/R will set what it thinks is the best !!!
- Added correct error code handling for
FileReadLine, RegRead, StringReplace, StringGetPos
- Removed /E Kamikaze option (2 runs with /R should be save)
- Added /G force extra code Generation for ERRORLEVEL checking
for those which get trouble with 2 runs
- Added a%i% -> $a[$i]. Only works if it is a variable type in V2
For Tylo satisfaction and my AutoItV2 code too !!!
- Added Global variable renaming predefinition in *.ini
For handling simple case a%i% -> $ret to avoid __idx()
Only works if it is a variable type in V2 SetEnv, a%i%
- Added Function parameter/return predefinition in *.ini
To be done
1.01 - Added Support "," in last parameter (Send, Msgbox, SetEnv, ...)
- Added simple DO Until
- Added %i% command line parameter
- Added /Q /E options
- Fixed string starting with special variable
- Fixed WinMinimize with empty Text
- Fixed SplashTextOff
1.00 Initial release
-------------- Command Line SYNTAX --------------
Translator AutoItV2toV3 [Version 1.0.6]
(C) Copyright 2004 J-Paul Mesnage.
AutoItV2toV3 source [/C] [/R] [/1] [/Q] [/G] [/P] [/S] [/1] [deffile]
/C insertion of AutoIt V2 source line
/R create/update AutoIt V2 label Reference file (*.ini)
will be reused in the next translation.
/1 do only one phase translation.
By default Translator is called twice first time forcing /R.
If /R is not initialy requested, the *.ini will not be changed.
/Q Quit translation without stopping at completion
/G force extra code Generation for ERRORLEVEL checking
or for SetEnv used for function call constant parameter.
/P trace AutoIt V2 Parameters (for trouble shooting)
/S trace AutoIt V3 Statement (for trouble shooting)
source filename to be translated.
AutoItV3 script will be created in the same directory suffixed by .AU3
deffile allow to override the standard AutoItV2toV3.dat
by default located in the same directory as AutoItV2toV3.exe
----------------- *.ini SYNTAX ------------------
/R option will generate/update a *.ini
sometime it helps to force some labels before the first run
I found the forcing func label for Stop followed by Exit
very fruitful to solved:
V2 V3 *.ini
Goto, Stop Stop () [Func]
... Stop
Stop: Func Stop ()
Exit Exit
Each section are terminated by a blank line
No blank line inside section
Inside each section, each line will defined the type of the Label/Variable
FuncLabel2 ( $par1, ... ) = $retvar ; par and retvar are optional
FuncLabel3 ( const1, ... ) = $retvar ; const is the variable define
... ; in the corresponding SetEnv
... ; preceeding the Gosub
FuncLabel4 ( const, ... ) = str$const ; const is as above
... ; the translated return value
... ; will be stored in a variable
... ; whose name is concatenation
... ; of "str" and const value
as [Func] but forcing a Do at the begining
as [Func] but forcing a While at the begining
GlobalVariable2[dim] ; "[dim]" is optional
GlobalVariable3 = NewName ; The AutoItV2 variable will be renamed
... ; in "NewName"
Linenumber1 ; input source linenumber where the
... ; setting of error code will be forced
... ; to go around case the checking
... ; is not generated the line after
----------------- Sample *.ini ------------------
MyRoutineWithPar ( $par1, $par2)
MyFunction ( $par1) = $ret
MyFunctionWithConstant ( par1) = $ret
_%_Str% = _str_
--------------------- HINTS ---------------------
0. don't expect a 100% translation.
1. source MUST run under AutoItV2 without ERRORS.
2. simple "if then else endif" will be detected even nested.
3. simple "while wend" even nested.
4. it is better to have a label only reference once.
5. for script with ERRORLEVEL checking not working use /G to generate extra code
or if a SetEnv corresponding to a constant parameter is badly suppress
6. use /1 to run only one run translation at a time.
Needed if the *.ini must be changed manualy before second run
7. noodle GOTO will not translate.
8. combined endif GOTO may not be translated
ex: if...,Goto, endif1
if..., Goto, endif1
if..., Goto, else1
goto, endif1
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AUTOIT绿色版3.2.2(包括中文教程) AutoIt v3 是用以编写并生成具有 BASIC 语言风格的脚本程序的免费软件,它被设计用来在Windows GUI(用户界面)中进行自动操作。通过它可以组合使用模拟键击、鼠标移动和窗口/控件操作等来实现自动化任务,而这是其它语言所无法做到或尚无可靠方法实现的(比如VBScript和SendKeys)。 AutoIt 最初是为PC(个人电脑)的“批量处理”而设计,用于对数千台PC进行(同样的)配置,不过随着v3版本的到来它也很适合用于家庭自动化和编写用以完成重复性任务的脚本。 AutoIt 可以做的事: 运行 Windows 及 DOS 下的可执行文件 模拟键击动作(支持大多数的键盘布局) 模拟鼠标移动和点击动作。 对窗口进行移动、调整大小和其它操作。 直接与窗口的“控件“交互(设置/获取 文字、移动、关闭,等等) 配合剪贴板进行剪切/粘贴文本操作 对注册表进行操作
AUTOIT绿色版3.2.2(包括中文教程) (935个子文件)
libautoitx3.a 71KB
au3.api 113KB
SQLite.dll.au3 390KB
IE.au3 167KB
GuiListView.au3 83KB
Visa.au3 66KB
Date.au3 58KB
GuiCombo.au3 51KB
SQLite.au3 50KB
GuiList.au3 46KB
GuiStatusBar.au3 36KB
GuiEdit.au3 35KB
GuiTreeView.au3 34KB
Array.au3 27KB
File.au3 26KB
AutoUpdateIt.au3 26KB
Memory.au3 24KB
GuiTab.au3 19KB
msgboxwizard.au3 18KB
String.au3 18KB
Misc.au3 17KB
GuiMonthCal.au3 17KB
Inet.au3 17KB
GuiIPAddress.au3 15KB
GUIRegisterMsg.au3 13KB
Constants.au3 12KB
GuiSlider.au3 11KB
Sound.au3 10KB
Math.au3 10KB
GUICtrlRegisterListViewSort.au3 8KB
StringRegExpGUI.au3 7KB
ListViewConstants.au3 7KB
_GUICtrlListViewCopyItems.au3 6KB
GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem.au3 4KB
GUICtrlCreateTreeView.au3 4KB
Process.au3 4KB
sysinfo.au3 4KB
TCPCloseSocket.au3 4KB
enumicons.au3 4KB
dice.au3 4KB
GUICtrlCreateContextMenu.au3 3KB
SampleControls.au3 3KB
GuiCtrlSetGraphic.au3 3KB
treeview.au3 3KB
_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlListViewGetItemText.au3 3KB
_IEFormElementOptionSelect.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlComboAddDir.au3 3KB
GUICtrlCreateEdit.au3 3KB
TreeViewConstants.au3 3KB
_IEFormElementSetValue.au3 3KB
GUIConstantsEx.au3 3KB
_IEDocInsertHTML.au3 3KB
_IEDocInsertText.au3 3KB
Toggle AU3 Beta.au3 3KB
encrypt.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewSetIndent.au3 3KB
GuiCtrlCreateGraphic.au3 3KB
DllCall.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewGetLineColor.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewGetTextColor.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewGetBkColor.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewGetIndent.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewGetCount.au3 3KB
TCPRecv.au3 3KB
TabConstants.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewSetTextColor.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewSetLineColor.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlTreeViewSetBkColor.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlListAddDir.au3 3KB
ComboConstants.au3 3KB
_GUICtrlEditFind.au3 2KB
_StringEncrypt.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlStatusBarSetParts.au3 2KB
WindowsConstants.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlListViewSetColumnHeaderText.au3 2KB
Color.au3 2KB
child.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlListViewFindItem.au3 2KB
ListBoxConstants.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlTabGetItemRECT.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlTabGetExtendedStyle.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlStatusBarSetUnicode.au3 2KB
AutoItSetOption.au3 2KB
ObjEvent.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlListViewHideColumn.au3 2KB
StatusBarConstants.au3 2KB
GUIDefaultConstants.au3 2KB
_IECreate.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlTabGetCurFocus.au3 2KB
_install_syntax_files.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlListViewJustifyColumn.au3 2KB
GUICtrlGetHandle.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlListViewInsertItem.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlEditGetLine.au3 2KB
GUIStartGroup.au3 2KB
_viExecCommand.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlListViewSetHoverTime.au3 2KB
_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel.au3 2KB
_viOpen.au3 2KB
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- luo3627223532013-01-14好东西。自动安装用的上
- daibixiaohouzi2013-02-26不错的教程,谢谢
- belukwill2012-05-24不错的教程,值得收藏
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- wpf 控件库 参考 Demo
- MoonBit 编译器 MoonBit - 文档 - 概览 - 标准库
- CRC8 标准校验CAN报文
- promtail linux 安装包
- 基于微信小程序的中国各地美食推荐平台的设计与实现springboot.zip
- 微信小程序基于BS模式的学生实习与就业管理系统设计与实现springboot.zip
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