###1.Brief introduction
Atlas is a MySQL protocol-based database middleware project developed and maintained by infrastructure team of the Web platform Department in QIHU 360 SOFTWARE CO. LIMITED(NYSE:QIHU). It fixed lots of bugs and added lot of new functions on the basis of MySQL-Proxy 0.8.2. Currently the project has been widely applied in QIHU, many MySQL business has connected to the Atlas platform. The number of read and write requests forwarded by Atlas has reached billions.
###2.Major functions
1.Read/Write Splitting.
2.Load balancing and failover handling.
3.IP filtering.
4.Data sharding
5.DBA can online or offline the backend database server smoothly.
6.Remove the failed database server automatically.
7.Config file reload without downtime.
###3.The improvement of Atlas compared with Mysql-proxy
1.Rewrite all lua code with C, Lua is only used for management interface.
2.Rewrite the network model and the threading model.
3.Implement the connection pool.
4.Optimize the locking mechanism, performance improved immensely.
###4.Detailed descriptions about Atlas
[1.The installing of Atlas](https://github.com/Qihoo360/Atlas/wiki/Installing-Atlas)
[2.The Architecture Of Atlas](https://github.com/Qihoo360/Atlas/wiki/The-Architecture-Of-Atlas)
[3.The FAQs about the main features of Atlas](https://github.com/Qihoo360/Atlas/wiki/The-FAQs-about-the-main-features-of-Atlas)
[4.The FAQs Of Running Atlas](https://github.com/Qihoo360/Atlas/wiki/The-FAQs-Of-Running-Atlas)
###5.Requirement and feedback
If You have new functional requirements about Atlas in the production environment, or find a bug in the process of using Atlas. Welcome to send a mail to g-atlas[at]360.cn, we will reply as soon as possible. Also you can contact us in [Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/atlas-proxy). Enthusiastic user has established a QQ group:326544838, the developers of Atlas have also been in the QQ group.
###6.The origin of the name
In Greek mythology, Atlas was the primordial Titan who held up the celestial spheres. He is also the titan of astronomy and navigation.
###7.Other language version
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Atlas是由 Qihoo 360, Web平台部基础架构团队开发维护的一个基于MySQL协议的数据中间层项目。它在MySQL官方推出的MySQL-Proxy 0.8.2版本的基础上,修改了大量bug,添加了很多功能特性。目前该项目在360公司内部得到了广泛应用,很多MySQL业务已经接入了Atlas平台,每天承载的读写请求数达几十亿条。 主要功能: * 读写分离 * 从库负载均衡 * IP过滤 * SQL语句黑白名单 * 自动分表
Atlas-2.2.1 (259个子文件)
Makefile.am 8KB
Makefile.am 3KB
Makefile.am 655B
Makefile.am 554B
Makefile.am 546B
Makefile.am 453B
Makefile.am 445B
Makefile.am 421B
Makefile.am 421B
Makefile.am 331B
Makefile.am 45B
Makefile.am 18B
proxy-plugin.c 77KB
lpeg.c 56KB
network-mysqld.c 54KB
network-mysqld-packet.c 53KB
mysql-myisam-dump.c 38KB
my_rdtsc.c 35KB
mysql-binlog-dump.c 34KB
network-mysqld-proto.c 29KB
network-mysqld-lua.c 24KB
replicant-plugin.c 22KB
network-mysqld-binlog.c 22KB
mysql-proto.c 19KB
network-socket.c 19KB
mysql-proxy-cli.c 19KB
admin-plugin.c 18KB
network_mysqld_type.c 16KB
network-injection-lua.c 15KB
lfs.c 15KB
chassis-frontend.c 15KB
network-backend.c 14KB
lua-scope.c 13KB
network_mysqld_proto_binary.c 12KB
debug-plugin.c 11KB
chassis.c 11KB
chassis-log.c 10KB
network-conn-pool-lua.c 10KB
test-latency.c 10KB
network-address.c 9KB
chassis-mainloop.c 9KB
network-backend-lua.c 9KB
chassis-event-thread.c 7KB
network-mysqld-masterinfo.c 6KB
sql-tokenizer-tokens.c 6KB
chassis-unix-daemon.c 6KB
chassis-win32-service.c 6KB
glib-ext.c 5KB
sql-tokenizer-lua.c 5KB
chassis-options.c 5KB
chassis-keyfile.c 4KB
network-conn-pool.c 4KB
network-queue.c 4KB
mysql-password.c 4KB
chassis-timings.c 3KB
chassis-plugin.c 3KB
chassis-path.c 3KB
lua-load-factory.c 3KB
network-socket-lua.c 3KB
network-address-lua.c 3KB
network-injection.c 3KB
chassis-limits.c 2KB
glib2.c 2KB
chassis-shutdown-hooks.c 2KB
chassis-filemode.c 2KB
posix.c 2KB
lua-env.c 2KB
chassis-stats.c 2KB
glib-ext-ref.c 2KB
crc32-lua.c 1KB
chassis-gtimeval.c 1KB
encrypt.c 1KB
sql-tokenizer-gen.c 1KB
time-ticker-lua.c 416B
crc32.c 293B
ChangeLog 4KB
libevent.event.h.cmake 39KB
libevent.evutil.h.cmake 6KB
libevent.cmake 1KB
libevent.event-config.h.cmake 1KB
libevent.config.h.cmake 956B
compile 4KB
configure 590KB
proxy-dtrace-provider.d 1KB
libevent.def 1KB
mysql.def 50B
chassis.def 48B
glib2.def 44B
lpeg.def 42B
posix.def 41B
lfs.def 40B
depcomp 17KB
lua-classes.dot 13KB
architecture.dot 5KB
architecture-overview.dot 3KB
Doxyfile 52KB
config.guess 44KB
network-mysqld.h 17KB
共 259 条
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