* The author of this software is David M. Gay.
* Copyright (c) 1991, 2000, 2001 by Lucent Technologies.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
* purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
* is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
* or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
* documentation for such software.
/* Please send bug reports to David M. Gay (dmg at acm dot org,
* with " at " changed at "@" and " dot " changed to "."). */
/* On a machine with IEEE extended-precision registers, it is
* necessary to specify double-precision (53-bit) rounding precision
* before invoking strtod or dtoa. If the machine uses (the equivalent
* of) Intel 80x87 arithmetic, the call
* _control87(PC_53, MCW_PC);
* does this with many compilers. Whether this or another call is
* appropriate depends on the compiler; for this to work, it may be
* necessary to #include "float.h" or another system-dependent header
* file.
/* strtod for IEEE-, VAX-, and IBM-arithmetic machines.
* This strtod returns a nearest machine number to the input decimal
* string (or sets errno to ERANGE). With IEEE arithmetic, ties are
* broken by the IEEE round-even rule. Otherwise ties are broken by
* biased rounding (add half and chop).
* Inspired loosely by William D. Clinger's paper "How to Read Floating
* Point Numbers Accurately" [Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '90, pp. 92-101].
* Modifications:
* 1. We only require IEEE, IBM, or VAX double-precision
* arithmetic (not IEEE double-extended).
* 2. We get by with floating-point arithmetic in a case that
* Clinger missed -- when we're computing d * 10^n
* for a small integer d and the integer n is not too
* much larger than 22 (the maximum integer k for which
* we can represent 10^k exactly), we may be able to
* compute (d*10^k) * 10^(e-k) with just one roundoff.
* 3. Rather than a bit-at-a-time adjustment of the binary
* result in the hard case, we use floating-point
* arithmetic to determine the adjustment to within
* one bit; only in really hard cases do we need to
* compute a second residual.
* 4. Because of 3., we don't need a large table of powers of 10
* for ten-to-e (just some small tables, e.g. of 10^k
* for 0 <= k <= 22).
* #define IEEE_8087 for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the least
* significant byte has the lowest address.
* #define IEEE_MC68k for IEEE-arithmetic machines where the most
* significant byte has the lowest address.
* #define Long int on machines with 32-bit ints and 64-bit longs.
* #define IBM for IBM mainframe-style floating-point arithmetic.
* #define VAX for VAX-style floating-point arithmetic (D_floating).
* #define No_leftright to omit left-right logic in fast floating-point
* computation of dtoa.
* #define Honor_FLT_ROUNDS if FLT_ROUNDS can assume the values 2 or 3
* and strtod and dtoa should round accordingly.
* #define Check_FLT_ROUNDS if FLT_ROUNDS can assume the values 2 or 3
* and Honor_FLT_ROUNDS is not #defined.
* #define RND_PRODQUOT to use rnd_prod and rnd_quot (assembly routines
* that use extended-precision instructions to compute rounded
* products and quotients) with IBM.
* #define ROUND_BIASED for IEEE-format with biased rounding.
* #define Inaccurate_Divide for IEEE-format with correctly rounded
* products but inaccurate quotients, e.g., for Intel i860.
* #define NO_LONG_LONG on machines that do not have a "long long"
* integer type (of >= 64 bits). On such machines, you can
* #define Just_16 to store 16 bits per 32-bit Long when doing
* high-precision integer arithmetic. Whether this speeds things
* up or slows things down depends on the machine and the number
* being converted. If long long is available and the name is
* something other than "long long", #define Llong to be the name,
* and if "unsigned Llong" does not work as an unsigned version of
* Llong, #define #ULLong to be the corresponding unsigned type.
* #define KR_headers for old-style C function headers.
* #define Bad_float_h if your system lacks a float.h or if it does not
* define some or all of DBL_DIG, DBL_MAX_10_EXP, DBL_MAX_EXP,
* #define MALLOC your_malloc, where your_malloc(n) acts like malloc(n)
* if memory is available and otherwise does something you deem
* appropriate. If MALLOC is undefined, malloc will be invoked
* directly -- and assumed always to succeed.
* #define Omit_Private_Memory to omit logic (added Jan. 1998) for making
* memory allocations from a private pool of memory when possible.
* When used, the private pool is PRIVATE_MEM bytes long: 2304 bytes,
* unless #defined to be a different length. This default length
* suffices to get rid of MALLOC calls except for unusual cases,
* such as decimal-to-binary conversion of a very long string of
* digits. The longest string dtoa can return is about 751 bytes
* long. For conversions by strtod of strings of 800 digits and
* all dtoa conversions in single-threaded executions with 8-byte
* pointers, PRIVATE_MEM >= 7400 appears to suffice; with 4-byte
* pointers, PRIVATE_MEM >= 7112 appears adequate.
* #define INFNAN_CHECK on IEEE systems to cause strtod to check for
* Infinity and NaN (case insensitively). On some systems (e.g.,
* some HP systems), it may be necessary to #define NAN_WORD0
* appropriately -- to the most significant word of a quiet NaN.
* (On HP Series 700/800 machines, -DNAN_WORD0=0x7ff40000 works.)
* When INFNAN_CHECK is #defined and No_Hex_NaN is not #defined,
* strtod also accepts (case insensitively) strings of the form
* NaN(x), where x is a string of hexadecimal digits and spaces;
* if there is only one string of hexadecimal digits, it is taken
* for the 52 fraction bits of the resulting NaN; if there are two
* or more strings of hex digits, the first is for the high 20 bits,
* the second and subsequent for the low 32 bits, with intervening
* white space ignored; but if this results in none of the 52
* fraction bits being on (an IEEE Infinity symbol), then NAN_WORD0
* and NAN_WORD1 are used instead.
* #define MULTIPLE_THREADS if the system offers preemptively scheduled
* multiple threads. In this case, you must provide (or suitably
* #define) two locks, acquired by ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(n) and freed
* by FREE_DTOA_LOCK(n) for n = 0 or 1. (The second lock, accessed
* in pow5mult, ensures lazy evaluation of only one copy of high
* powers of 5; omitting this lock would introduce a small
* probability of wasting memory, but would otherwise be harmless.)
* You must also invoke freedtoa(s) to free the value s returned by
* dtoa. You may do so whether or not MULTIPLE_THREADS is #defined.
* #define NO_IEEE_Scale to disable new (Feb. 1997) logic in strtod that
* avoids underflows on inputs whose result does not underflow.
* If you #define NO_IEEE_Scale on a machine that uses IEEE-format
* floating-point numbers and flushes underflows to zero rather
* than implementing gradual underflow, then you must also #define
* Sudden_Underflow.
* #define YES_ALIAS to permit aliasing certain double values with
* arrays of ULongs. This leads to slightly better code with
* some compilers and was always used prior to 19990916, but it
* is not strictly legal and can cause trouble with aggressively
* opt