Version 3.1
Nothing new since version 3.1 beta
(Excepted some japanese translations, thank you to Yae Suzuki)
Version 3.1 beta
New features :
- Projects list in source path could be computed automatically (there is a new checkbox in Source path preference page).
Computed source path contains all opened Tomcat projects and their prerequisites.
Fixed :
- Can't open Tomcat projects properties page on Eclipse 3.1M6
- Extra information not added to context definition when switching context declaration mode from 'server.xml' to 'context file'.
- DevLoader problems when webapp root directory was set : .#webclasspath file was always created at project root instead of web app root.
Thanks to Ben Turner.
- Starting and stopping Tomcat was logged in .log file.
- Preferences pages were sometimes too large and did not have scrollbars (several buttons and fields were hidden).
Version 3.0
New features :
- in main preference page add a way to choose how contexts are declared :
- definition in server.xml (previous version allowed only this)
- creation of a context file (recommended way with Tomcat 5)
- add an 'advanced' preference page to simplify the main preference page.
- add a field in Tomcat properties page to set extra information to generated context definitions
- Tomcat projects build path are automatically updated when Tomcat version is changed
Fixed :
- It is no more possible to add Tomcat projects to Tomcat classpath (they won't be listed in preference page)
- TOMCAT_HOME was added to project build path (when Tomcat 4 was selected in Tomcat preferences).
Before Eclipse 3.0 (final release) this could make Eclipse hangs, see this bug report https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=64646
Eclipse 3.0 won't build the project.
Many thanks to Jerry Lampi
- Unable to start Tomcat or to open Tomcat project properties when using DevLoader and allowing circular dependencies for Java projects.
- By default, new Tomcat projects were not added to source path
- When using Tomcat 5, Eclipse does not stop on breakpoints set in generated java files for JSP. This is fixed only for new Tomcat projects, for existing ones follow those steps :
- Edit your Tomcat project Java Build Path
- in 'Source' tab, check 'Allow output folders for source folders'
- in the list named 'Source folders on build path', select '%Your_project%/work' and 'Output Folder'
- select the 'Edit' button, check 'Specific output folder' and enter 'work' in the text field.
Version 2.2.1
Fixed :
- starting Tomcat 5.0.15 or 5.0.16 failed
Version 2.2 works with Tomcat 5.0.14 (and previous 5.0.x), in Tomcat 5.0.15 a change in Tomcat command line was introduced.
Version 2.2.1 runs Tomcat according to this change so Tomcat 5.0.15, 5.0.16 could be started.
Trying to run version 5.0.14 will fail if you select 'Tomcat 5.x' in Tomcat preference page, a workaround is to select 'Tomcat 4.1.x' instead of 'Tomcat 5.x' (Tomcat 4.1.x and Tomcat 5.0.14 has the same starting command line)
Version 2.2
New features :
- add two buttons on Tomcat JVM preference page :
- 'Create a launch Configuration' : add a launch configutation to start Tomcat from menus Run->Run... and Run->Debug...
- 'dump configuration to .log' : write all parameters use by the plug-in to launch Tomcat in /.metadata/.log
- see below (version 2.2beta and 2.1.1beta) for other new features from version 2.1
Fixed :
- Starting Tomcat 4.1.29 failed
Version 2.2beta2
Fixed :
- Starting Tomcat failed if Tomcat directory contains whitespaces
Version 2.2beta
(Jump to version 2.2 because there are several new features)
This version works on Eclipse 2.1.x and Eclipse 3.0M4.
New features :
- Tomcat project menu has a new option to ask Tomcat to reload the application.
This feature uses the Tomcat manager application. This application is enabled by default but for security reasons there no default user.
The plug-in add a 'Tomcat Manager App' preference page to set which URL and which tomcat user to use (there is a default value for the url and a button to add a user to tomcat-users.xml).
- Add a 'source path' preference page : with previous versions all Java and Tomcat projects were visible by Eclipse Debugger.
If a class was defined in two projects Eclipse debugger sometimes show the wrong source code.
Using this preference page user can set in which projects Eclipse debuger will look up source code if Tomcat JVM reaches a breakpoint.
- when a new project is created, .cvsignore files are created in the following directories : work and WEB-INF/classes
- user can activate Tomcat Security Manager in preference page.
(for more information about Security Manager see : http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/security-manager-howto.html)
Fixed :
- From version 2.1.1 beta :
- In preference page Catalina base field is not saved
- On Linux, starting Tomcat failed with a NoClassDefFoundError.
- According to catalina.bat, the plugin will now set java.io.tempdir property
- Tomcat 5 work dir should not include org.apache.jsp.
- User should be warned if Tomcat home is not set in preference page
Other :
- Source code file (tomcatsrc.zip) now contains the eclipse project contents, it's easier to setup in new workspace
Version 2.1.1 beta
New features :
- add a field in Tomcat preference page to set Catalina_base directory (http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/RUNNING.txt, section '(4)')
- Devloader (thanks to Johan Compagner):
- .tomcatplugin file now contains relative path (so it can be shared between developers in a team).
- at runtime a file is created with absolute path.
- add Eclipse 3.0 M2 support
Fixed :
- JVM parameters should not contain ';'
- when a subdirectory is set as webapplication root, the 'work' directory is created in this subdirectory. The fix now create the work directory at project root.
Version 2.1
New features :
- add "reloadable=true" to context definition in server.xml, projet property page has a check box to set reloadble property to false
- add a check box in project property page to redirect Tomcat context logger to eclipse Console. (default is not checked)
- Updating server.xml is set to true when creating a new Tomcat project (with previous version it was set to false)
- Tomcat 5.x support
- Tomcat JVM preference page :
- remember last selected directory
- add multiple file or directory
- update a JVM parameter
- Devloader Classpath Editor (in Project Properties) is scrollable. JAR removed from compilation build path are removed from DevLoader list
- Files not exported to WAR files are listed in resources.properties file : project.warExport.exclude.files
Fixed :
- changing root directory in project properties page is not reflected in server.xml ... (Thanks to Klaus Dieter Jaeger)
- Exported WAR contains itself if WAR file location is in the project directory
- nested comments in server.xml when a context is already commented and use of DevLoader is activated
- context root is empty after closing project properties page
Fixed from version 2.1 beta :
- complete japanese translations
- add jsp-api.jar to Tomcat projet buildpath, when using Tomcat 5
Version 2.0.1
Fixed :
- JVM parameters problems (separator used was File.pathSeparator when saving parameters and ':' when reading so depending on the OS that works or not. In V2.0.1 separator is ';' everywhere)
Version 2.0
Jump to version 2.0 to be in synch with
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