# Workerman
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## What is it
Workerman is an asynchronous event driven PHP framework with high performance for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Supports HTTP, Websocket, SSL and other custom protocols. Supports libevent, [HHVM](https://github.com/facebook/hhvm) , [ReactPHP](https://github.com/reactphp/react).
## Requires
PHP 5.3 or Higher
A POSIX compatible operating system (Linux, OSX, BSD)
POSIX and PCNTL extensions for PHP
## Installation
composer require workerman/workerman
## Basic Usage
### A websocket server
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
// Create a Websocket server
$ws_worker = new Worker("websocket://");
// 4 processes
$ws_worker->count = 4;
// Emitted when new connection come
$ws_worker->onConnect = function($connection)
echo "New connection\n";
// Emitted when data received
$ws_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data)
// Send hello $data
$connection->send('hello ' . $data);
// Emitted when connection closed
$ws_worker->onClose = function($connection)
echo "Connection closed\n";
// Run worker
### An http server
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
// #### http worker ####
$http_worker = new Worker("");
// 4 processes
$http_worker->count = 4;
// Emitted when data received
$http_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data)
// $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_SERVER, $_FILES are available
var_dump($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_SERVER, $_FILES);
// send data to client
$connection->send("hello world \n");
// run all workers
### A WebServer
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\WebServer;
use Workerman\Worker;
// WebServer
$web = new WebServer("");
// 4 processes
$web->count = 4;
// Set the root of domains
$web->addRoot('www.your_domain.com', '/your/path/Web');
$web->addRoot('www.another_domain.com', '/another/path/Web');
// run all workers
### A tcp server
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
// #### create socket and listen 1234 port ####
$tcp_worker = new Worker("tcp://");
// 4 processes
$tcp_worker->count = 4;
// Emitted when new connection come
$tcp_worker->onConnect = function($connection)
echo "New Connection\n";
// Emitted when data received
$tcp_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data)
// send data to client
$connection->send("hello $data \n");
// Emitted when new connection come
$tcp_worker->onClose = function($connection)
echo "Connection closed\n";
### Enable SSL
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
// SSL context.
$context = array(
'ssl' => array(
'local_cert' => '/your/path/of/server.pem',
'local_pk' => '/your/path/of/server.key',
'verify_peer' => false,
// Create a Websocket server with ssl context.
$ws_worker = new Worker("websocket://", $context);
// Enable SSL. WebSocket+SSL means that Secure WebSocket (wss://).
// The similar approaches for Https etc.
$ws_worker->transport = 'ssl';
$ws_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data)
// Send hello $data
$connection->send('hello ' . $data);
### Custom protocol
namespace Protocols;
* User defined protocol
* Format Text+"\n"
class MyTextProtocol
public static function input($recv_buffer)
// Find the position of the first occurrence of "\n"
$pos = strpos($recv_buffer, "\n");
// Not a complete package. Return 0 because the length of package can not be calculated
if($pos === false)
return 0;
// Return length of the package
return $pos+1;
public static function decode($recv_buffer)
return trim($recv_buffer);
public static function encode($data)
return $data."\n";
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
// #### MyTextProtocol worker ####
$text_worker = new Worker("MyTextProtocol://");
$text_worker->onConnect = function($connection)
echo "New connection\n";
$text_worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data)
// send data to client
$connection->send("hello world \n");
$text_worker->onClose = function($connection)
echo "Connection closed\n";
// run all workers
### Timer
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Lib\Timer;
$task = new Worker();
$task->onWorkerStart = function($task)
// 2.5 seconds
$time_interval = 2.5;
$timer_id = Timer::add($time_interval,
echo "Timer run\n";
// run all workers
### AsyncTcpConnection (tcp/ws/text/frame etc...)
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Connection\AsyncTcpConnection;
$worker = new Worker();
$worker->onWorkerStart = function()
// Websocket protocol for client.
$ws_connection = new AsyncTcpConnection("ws://echo.websocket.org:80");
$ws_connection->onConnect = function($connection){
$ws_connection->onMessage = function($connection, $data){
echo "recv: $data\n";
$ws_connection->onError = function($connection, $code, $msg){
echo "error: $msg\n";
$ws_connection->onClose = function($connection){
echo "connection closed\n";
### Async Mysql of ReactPHP
composer require react/mysql
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Workerman\Worker;
$worker = new Worker('tcp://');
$worker->onWorkerStart = function() {
global $mysql;
$loop = Worker::getEventLoop();
$mysql = new React\MySQL\Connection($loop, array(
'host' => '',
'dbname' => 'dbname',
'user' => 'user',
'passwd' => 'passwd',
$mysql->on('error', function($e){
echo $e;
$mysql->connect(function ($e) {
if($e) {
echo $e;
} else {
echo "connect success\n";
$worker->onMessage = function($connection, $data) {
global $mysql;
$mysql->query('show databases' /*trim($data)*/, function ($command, $mysql) use ($connection) {
if ($command->hasError()) {
$error = $command->getError();
} else {
$results = $command->resultRows;
$fields = $command->resultFields;
### Async Redis of ReactPHP
composer require clue/redis-react
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Clu
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