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<p align="center">Element Plus - A Vue.js 3 UI library</p>
- ðª Vue 3 Composition API
- ð¥ Written in TypeScript
## Getting Started
Alright, for you to get started if you are looking for making Element Plus better you should keep reading.
For developers that uses Element Plus to develop your website you should go ahead visit [Getting Started](https://element-plus.org/).
- ä¸å½å¤§é[å ééåç«ç¹](https://cn.element-plus.org/zh-CN/)
## Breaking change list
The first stable release of Element Plus suitable for use in production was released on February 07, 2022. The APIs is stable right now, and here's also a full list about how to get upgraded from [Element UI](https://element.eleme.io) to Element Plus.
You can find the breaking change list here: [Breaking Change List](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/discussions/5658).
### Migration Tool :hammer_and_wrench:
We have made a migration tool for you to migrate your project from [Element UI](https://element.eleme.io) to Element Plus.
You can find the [gogo code migration tool](https://github.com/thx/gogocode/tree/main/packages/gogocode-plugin-element) here.
We have tested this on [Vue Element Admin](https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin). You can find the transpiled code [here](https://github.com/gogocodeio/vue-element-admin).
### Playground
You can also try Element Plus out with the components built-in playground.
#### Try it with our built-in playground
#### Try it with code sandbox
[![Edit element-plus](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/element-plus-demo-dxtcr)
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<b>Special thanks to the generous sponsorship by:</b>
<p align="center">
<b>Platinum Sponsors</b>
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<a href="https://melecode.com/" target="_blank">
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<b>Gold Sponsors</b>
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## Translations
Element Plus is translated to multiple languages, you can click the badge to help up update the translation or apply to become
a proofreader [![Crowdin](https://badges.crowdin.net/element-plus/localized.svg)](https://crowdin.com/project/element-plus)
For now we are only showing English and Chinese for resource reasons, but we are looking forward to translate it into more languages, please go to the link
above and leave a message if you want to help translating Element Plus into your desired language.
### How to help translating
See how to help translating in [Translating Element Plus](https://element-plus.org/en-US/guide/translation.html).
## Stay tuned :eyes:
Join our [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/gXK9XNzW3X) to start communicating with everybody.
## This thing is broken, I should help improve it!
Awesommmmmmee. Everything you need is down below. You can also refer to
[CONTRIBUTING](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/blob/dev/CONTRIBUTING.md) and
[Code of Conduct](https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/blob/dev/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
where you'll find the same information listed below.
## I would like to become a part of the development team!
Welcome :star_struck:! We are looking for talented developers to join us and making Element Plus better! If you care to join the development team, please
reach out to us, you are more than welcomed to join us! :heart:
We are now lacking of experts of `Testing`, `GitHub Actions`, `PM`, if you do feel like you can and willing to help us, please do reach out to us. :pray:
## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
And thank you to all our backers! ð
<a href="https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=element-plus/element-plus" />
## License
Element Plus is open source software licensed as
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Vue3 结合桌面端组件库为开发者提供了丰富、高效的开发体验。现代化的UI组件库不仅令前端开发更加便捷,还大大提升了应用的外观和用户体验。以下是一些优质的Vue3桌面端组件库: 1、vue-devui:vue-devui基于DevUI Design,使用最新的Web技术构建,包括pnpm、vite、vue3和tsx。它提供55个简洁、易用且灵活的组件,支持按需引入,允许用户根据需要加载特定的组件,以减少最终打包文件的大小。同时,vue-devui支持主题定制,内置了五种漂亮的主题,如追光、蜜糖、紫罗兰等,这为开发者提供了多样化的视觉风格选择。它还支持TypeScript,有助于提高代码的可维护性和稳定性。 2、TinyVue:TinyVue是一套跨端、跨框架的企业级UI组件库。它采用Renderless无渲染组件设计架构,实现了一套代码同时支持Vue2和Vue3,以及PC端和移动端的应用。 3、TinyVue包含84个功能丰富的组件,并内置4套精美主题,适用于各种界面设计需求。TinyVue的特点在于其跨端能力和丰富的组件集,使其成为企业级应用开发的优秀选择。
Vue3+桌面端组件库+JavaScript+前端开发框架 (2000个子文件)
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