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《AFR-Net: Attention-Driven Fingerprint Recognition Network》论文
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《AFR-Net: Attention-Driven Fingerprint Recognition Network》论文
AFR-Net: Attention-Driven Fingerprint
Recognition Network
Steven A. Grosz and Anil K. Jain , Life Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The use of vision transformers (ViT) in computer
vision is increasing due to its limited inductive biases (e.g., local-
ity, weight sharing, etc.) and increased scalability compared
to other deep learning models. This has led to some initial
studies on the use of ViT for biometric recognition, includ-
ing fingerprint recognition. In this work, we improve on these
initial studies by i.) evaluating additional attention-based archi-
tectures, ii.) scaling to larger and more diverse training and
evaluation datasets, and iii.) combining the complimentary rep-
resentations of attention-based and CNN-based embeddings for
improved state-of-the-art (SOTA) fingerprint recognition (both
authentication and identification). Our combined architecture,
AFR-Net (Attention-Driven Fingerprint Recognition Network),
outperforms several baseline models, including a SOTA com-
mercial fingerprint system by Neurotechnology, Verifinger v12.3,
across intra-sensor, cross-sensor, and latent to rolled fingerprint
matching datasets. Additionally, we propose a realignment strat-
egy using local embeddings extracted from intermediate feature
maps within the networks to refine the global embeddings in
low certainty situations, which boosts the overall recognition
accuracy significantly. This realignment strategy requires no
additional training and can be applied as a wrapper to any
existing deep learning network (including attention-based, CNN-
based, or both) to boost its performance in a variety of computer
vision tasks.
Index Terms—Fingerprint embeddings, fingerprint recogni-
tion, attention, vision transformers, fixed-length fingerprint
representations, cross-sensor fingerprint recognition, sensor inter-
operability, universal representation.
UTOMATED fingerprint recognition systems have con-
tinued to permeate many facets of everyday life, appear-
ing in many civilian and governmental applications over the
last several decades [1]. As an example, India’s Aadhaar
civil registration system is used to authenticate approximately
70 million transactions per day, primarily with fingerprints.
Due to the impressive accuracy of fingerprint recognition
algorithms (0.626% False Non-Match Rate at a False Match
Rate of 0.01% on the FVC-ongoing 1:1 hard benchmark [2]),
researchers have turned their attention to addressing difficult
Manuscript received 2 May 2023; accepted 15 September 2023. Date of
publication 19 September 2023; date of current version 8 March 2024. This
article was recommended for publication by Associate Editor S. Schuckers
upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments. (Corresponding author:
Steven A. Grosz.)
The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA (e-mail: groszste@
cse.msu.edu; jain@cse.msu.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBIOM.2023.3317303
edge-cases where accurate recognition remains challenging,
such as partial overlap between two candidate fingerprint
images and cross-sensor interoperability (e.g., optical to capac-
itive, contact to contactless, latent to rolled fingerprints, etc.),
as well as other practical problems like template encryp-
tion, privacy concerns, and matching latency for large-scale
(gallery sizes on the order of tens or hundreds of millions)
For many reasons, some of which mentioned above
(e.g., template encryption and latency), methods for extract-
ing fixed-length fingerprint embeddings using various deep
learning approaches have been proposed. Some of these
methods were proposed for specific fingerprint-related tasks,
such as minutiae extraction [3], [4] and fingerprint index-
ing [5], [6], whereas others were aimed at extracting a single
“global” embedding [7], [8], [9]. Of these methods, the most
common architecture employed is the convolutional neural
network (CNN), often utilizing domain knowledge (e.g., minu-
tiae [8]) and other tricks (e.g., specific loss functions, such as
triplet loss [10]) to improve fingerprint recognition accuracy.
More recently, motivated by the success of attention-based
Transformers [11] in natural language processing, the com-
puter vision field has seen an influx of the use of the vision
transformer (ViT) architecture for various computer vision
tasks [12], [13], [14], [15].
In fact, two studies have already explored the use of ViT
for learning discriminative fingerprint embeddings [16], [17];
albeit, with the following limitations: i.) the authors of [16]
supervised their ViT model using a pretrained CNN as a
teacher model and thus did not give the transformer archi-
tecture the freedom to learn its own representation and ii.) the
authors of [17] were limited in the data and choice of loss
function used to supervise their transformer model, thereby
limiting the fingerprint recognition accuracy compared to the
baseline ResNet50 model. Nonetheless, the authors in [17] did
note the complimentary nature between the features learned by
the CNN-based ResNet50 model and the attention-based ViT
model. This motivated us to evaluate additional attention-based
models that bridge the gap between purely CNN and purely
attention-based models, in order to leverage the benefits of
each. Toward this end, we evaluate two ViT variants (vanilla
ViT [12] and Swin [15]) along with two variants of a CNN
model [18] (ResNet50 and ResNet101) for fingerprint recog-
nition. In addition, we propose our own architecture, AFR-Net
(Attention-Driven Fingerprint Recognition Network), consist-
ing of a shared feature extraction and parallel CNN and
attention classification layers.
2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: SICHUAN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on November 04,2024 at 13:06:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 1. Example correspondence between local features extracted from the
intermediate feature maps of our AFR-Net model for two images of the same
finger. Note, these local features are not necessarily the same as minutiae
points, which are commonly used in fingerprint recognition.
Even though these models are trained to extract a single,
global embedding representing the identity of a given finger-
print image, we make the observation that for both CNN-based
and attention-based models, the intermediate feature maps
encode local features that are also useful for relating two can-
didate fingerprint images. Correspondence between these local
features can be used to guide the network in placing atten-
tion on overlapping regions of the images in order to make a
more accurate determination of whether the images are from
the same finger. Additionally, these local features are useful
in explaining the similarity between two candidate images by
directly visualizing the corresponding keypoints, as shown in
Figure 1.
One remaining concern with regards to deep learning-based
fingerprint matchers is their generalization across different
fingerprint sensing technology (e.g., optical, capacitive, etc.),
fingerprint readers (e.g., CrossMatch, GreenBit, etc.) and fin-
gerprint impression types (e.g., rolled, plain, contactless, etc.).
This problem is often referred to as sensor interoperability,
which has received some attention in recent years [19], [20],
[21], [22]. In this paper, we demonstrate the generalizability of
our learned representations via extensive experiments across
a wide range of fingerprint sensors and types. As we show
in the ablation study in Section IV-E, much of the challenge
of sensor interoperability is mitigated by training on a large,
diverse training dataset; however, additional performance gains
are achieved by incorporating both of the complimentary CNN
and attention-based features into our network.
More concisely, the contributions of this research are as
• Analysis of various attention-based architectures for fin-
gerprint recognition.
• Novel architecture for fingerprint recognition, AFR-Net,
which incorporates attention layers into the ResNet archi-
• State-of-the-art (SOTA) fingerprint recognition
performance (authentication and identification) across
several diverse benchmark datasets, including intra-
sensor, cross-sensor, contact to contactless, and latent to
rolled fingerprint matching.
• Novel use of local embeddings extracted from
intermediate feature maps to both improve the recognition
accuracy and explainability of the model.
• Ablation analysis demonstrating the importance of each
aspect of our model, including choice of loss function,
training dataset size, use of spatial alignment module, use
of both classification heads, and use of local embeddings
to refine the global embeddings.
Here we briefly discuss the prior literature in deep learning-
based fingerprint recognition and the use of vision transformer
models for computer vision. For a more in-depth discussion on
these topics, refer to one of the many survey papers available
(e.g., [23] for deep learning in biometrics and [24] for the use
of transformers in vision).
A. Deep Learning for Fingerprint Recognition
Over the last decade, deep learning has seen a plethora
of applications in fingerprint recognition, including minutiae
extraction [3], [4], fingerprint indexing [5], [6], presentation
attack detection [25], [26], [27], [28], synthetic fingerprint
generation [29], [30], [31], [32], and fixed-length finger-
print embeddings for recognition [7], [8], [9]. For purposes
of this paper, we limit our discussion to fixed-length (global)
embeddings for fingerprint recognition.
Among the first studies on extracting global fingerprint
embeddings using deep learning was proposed by Li et al. [7],
which used a fully convolutional neural network to produce a
final embedding of 256 dimensions. The authors of [8] then
showed improved performance of their fixed-length embedding
network by incorporating minutiae domain knowledge as an
additional supervision. Similarly, Lin and Kumar incorporated
additional fingerprint domain knowledge (minutiae and core
point regions) into a multi-Siamese CNN for contact to con-
tactless fingerprint matching [9]. More recently, [16] and [17]
proposed the use of vision transformer architecture for extract-
ing discriminative fixed-length fingerprint embeddings, both
showing that incorporating minutiae domain knowledge into
ViT improved the performance.
B. Vision Transformers for Biometric Recognition
Transformers have led to numerous applications across the
computer vision field in the past couple of years since they
were first introduced for computer vision applications by
Doesovitskiy et al. in 2021 [12]. The general principle of
transformers for computer vision is the use of the attention
mechanism for aggregating sets of features across the entire
image or within local neighborhoods of the image. The notion
of attention was originally introduced in 2015 for sequence
modeling by Bahdanau et al. [33] and has been shown to be
a useful mechanism in general for operations on a set of fea-
tures. Today, numerous variants of ViT have been proposed
for a wide range of computer vision tasks, including image
recognition, generative modeling, multi-model tasks, video
processing, low-level vision, etc. [24].
Some recent works have explored the use of transformers
for biometric recognition across several modalities including
face [34], finger vein [35], fingerprint [16], [17], ear [36],
gait [37], and keystroke recognition [38]. In this work,
Authorized licensed use limited to: SICHUAN UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on November 04,2024 at 13:06:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 2. Overview of the AFR-Net architecture. First, input fingerprint images are passed through a spatial alignment module for better alignment of two
fingerprints under comparison, then passed through a shared feature extraction, followed by two classification heads (one CNN-based and the other attention-
based). For our implementation, we followed the ResNet50 architecture as our backbone and CNN classification head and used 12 multi-headed attention
transformer encoder blocks for the attention-based classification head.
we improve upon these previous uses of transformers by
evaluating additional attention-based architectures for extract-
ing global fingerprint embeddings.
Our approach consists of i.) investigating several baseline
CNN and attention-based models for fingerprint recognition,
ii.) fusing a CNN-based architecture with attention into a sin-
gle model to leverage the complimentary representations of
each, iii.) a strategy to use intermediate local feature maps to
refine global embeddings and reduce uncertainty in challeng-
ing pairwise fingerprint comparisons, and iv.) use of spatial
alignment module to improve recognition performance. Details
of each component of our approach are given in the following
A. Baseline Methods
First, we improve on the initial studies [16], [17] apply-
ing ViT to fingerprint recognition to better establish a fair
baseline performance of ViT compared to CNN-based mod-
els. This is accomplished by removing the limitations of the
previous studies in terms of choice of supervision and size of
training dataset used to learn the parameters of the models.
We then compare ViT with two variants of the ResNet CNN-
based architecture, ResNet50 and ResNet101. For our specific
choice of ViT, we decided on the small version with patch size
of 16, number of attention heads of 6, and layer depth of 12.
We selected this architecture as it presents an adequate trade-
off in speed and accuracy compared to other ViT variants. In
addition, we compare the performance of a popular ViT suc-
cessor, Swin, which uses a hierarchical structure and shifted
windows for computing attention within local regions of the
image. Specifically, we used the small Swin architecture with
patch size of 4, window size of 7, and embedding dimension
of 96.
For additional baseline comparisons with previous methods,
we included the latest version of the commercial-of-the-shelf
(COTS) fingerprint recognition system from Neurotechnology,
Verifinger v12.3,
and DeepPrint [8], a fingerprint recogni-
tion network based on Inceptionv4 backbone that incorporates
fingerprint domain knowledge into the learning framework.
According to the FVC On-going competition, Verifinger is
the top performing algorithm for the 1:1 fingerprint verifica-
tion benchmark [2] and DeepPrint has also shown competitive
performance with Verifinger on some benchmark datasets [8].
B. Proposed AFR-Net Architecture
Based on previous research suggesting the complimentary
nature of ViT and ResNet embeddings, we were motivated
to merge the two into a single architecture, referred to as
AFR-Net. As shown in Figure 2, AFR-Net consists of a spa-
tial alignment module, shared CNN feature encoder, CNN
classification head, and an attention classification head. The
shared alignment module and feature encoder greatly reduces
the number of parameters compared to the fusion of the two
separate networks and also allows the two classification heads
to be trained jointly.
Due to the two classification heads, we have two bot-
tleneck classification layers which map each of the 384-d
embeddings, Z
and Z
, into a softmax output represent-
ing the probability of a sample belonging to one of N
classes (identities) in our training dataset. We employ the
Additive Angular Margin (ArcFace) loss function to encour-
age intra-class compactness and inter-class discrepancy of
the embeddings of each branch [39]. Through an ablation
study, presented in Section IV-E, we find that despite the
relatively little use of this loss function in previous finger-
print recognition papers [17], [40], the ArcFace loss function
makes an enormous difference in the performance of our
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