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/* The following section defines styles that every HTML Help project should need. */
/* Specifies White Background color */
body {background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, sans-serif; font-size:8pt; color: #000000;}
/* The default style of P is red to alert you that you need to apply a style class, such as Body. */
P { margin-top:6.00pt; margin-bottom:6.00pt;}
BR { font-size:4.00pt; }
/* Use H1 for all topic headings. */
H1 { margin-top:3.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; font-size:150%; font-weight:bold; }
/* Use H2 for second-level headings. */
H2 { margin-top:9.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; font-size:125%; font-weight:bold; }
/* Use H3 for third-level headings. */
H3 { margin-top:6.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; }
/* Use H4 for fourth-level headings. */
H4 { margin-top:6.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; }
/* H5 and H6 have the same definition as H4 because you should not need this level of heading in one topic. If you need to use H5 or H6, consider breaking up your topic into more than one topic. */
H5 { margin-top:6.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; }
H6 { margin-top:6.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; font-size:100%; font-weight:bold; }
/* Use the Body style class for normal paragraphs. */
P.Body { }
/* Use the Anchor style class for graphic references on a line by themselves. */
P.Anchor { font-size:125%; }
/* Use the Indent style classes to indent a paragraph. If you need to indent text below a list item, use <br><br> to start the new paragraph within the same set of <li></li> tags. If you need to indent a list within another list, nest the indented list within the first list's set of <ol></ol> or <ul></ul> tags. */
P.Indent1 { margin-left:12.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; }
P.Indent2 { margin-left:24.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; }
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P.Indent4 { margin-left:48.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; }
P.Indent5 { margin-left:60.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; }
/* Use the LI style for all list items. */
LI { margin-top:3.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; }
/* Use the OL style for numbered lists. You do not have to type the number for each list item in a numbered list. */
OL { margin-left:22.00pt; margin-top:3.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; text-indent:0pt; list-style-type: decimal; }
/* Use the OL style for numbered lists. Nested lists will use the bullet types according to the nesting scheme below */
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ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal}
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ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha}
/* Use the EquationNum style class for numbered lists of equations. You do not have to type the number for each list item in a numbered list. */
OL.EquationNum { margin-left:36.00pt; text-indent:0pt; list-style-type: decimal; }
/* Use the List-abc style class for lettered lists. You do not have to type the letter for each list item in a lettered list. */
OL.List-abc { margin-left:22.00pt; text-indent:0pt; list-style-type:lower-alpha; }
/* Use the UL style for bulleted lists. You do not have to type the bullet for each list item in a bulleted list. */
UL { margin-left:22.00pt; text-indent:0pt; margin-top:3.00pt; margin-bottom:3.00pt; list-style-type: disc; }
/* Use the UL style for bulleted lists. Nested lists will use the bullet types according to the nesting scheme below. */
ul ul {list-style-image: none;list-style-type: circle}
ul ul ul {list-style-image:none;list-style-type:disc}
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ul ul ul ul ul ul ul ul ul{list-style-image: none;list-style-type: circle}
/* Use the List-Box style class for bulleted lists with boxes instead of bullets. You do not have to type the box for each list item in a box list. */
UL.List-Box { list-style-image: none;list-style-type: square}
Table { font-size:100%; }
/* Use the Borderless style class for tables that do not need borders, such as for 2-column or 3-column lists with no headings. */
Table.Borderless { border:none; }
/* Use the Bordered style class for tables that need borders. */
Table.Bordered { border-width: 1pt; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; border-collapse: collapse; }
/* Use the TD style for table cells in Borderless or Borderless-Wide tables. */
TD { vertical-align:top; padding:3px; }
/* Use the Bordered style class for table headings and cells in Bordered or Bordered-Wide tables. */
.Bordered { border-width: 1pt; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; }
/* Use the Icon style class for table cells that contain note, caution, warning, or tip icons, or LabVIEW datatype terminals. */
TD.Icon { width:40px; }
/* Use the TH style for table heading cells in Borderless or Borderless-Wide tables. */
TH { font-weight:bold; padding:3px; }
/* Use the Left-Align style class for table headings and cells that you want to left align instead of center align. */
.Left-Align { text-align:left; }
/* The following section defines character formats that every HTML Help project should need. */
/* CHARACTER FORMATS Updated to conform with the CSE HTML Validator Pro */
/* The following section defines character formats that every HTML Help project should need. */
/* Use the Dark-Red format for warnings or cautions. */
.Dark-Red { color: #800000 }
/* Use the Monospace format for code or syntax examples. */
.Monospace { font-family: Courier New; font-size: 100%; }
/* Use the Monospace-Bold format for messages and responses that the computer automatically prints to the screen. */
.Monospace-Bold { font-family: Courier New; font-weight: bold; font-size: 100%; }
/* Use the Monospace-Italic format to denote text that is a placeholder for a word or value that the user must supply. */
.Monospace-Italic { font-family: Courier New; font-style: italic; font-size: 100%; }
/* small class */
.smallFont { font-size:87.5%; }
/* Bold class */
.Bold { font-weight: bold; }
/* Italic class */
.Italic { font-style: italic; }
/* Use the Platform format to denote a specific platform. */
.Platform { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold; }
/* Use the Symbol format for characters not in the Verdana character set. Use this format sparingly. When possible, you should use the correct ASCII code for the symbol or use a graphic to recreate the symbol. */
.Symbol { font-family: Symbol; }
/* Use the Red-text format to call attention to text that needs information added or edited by techcomm */
.Red-text {color: #FF0000;}
/* Use the Green-Underline format for the green defintion in the conventions topic */
.Green-Underline {color: #007700; text-decoration : underline;}
/* Use the glossButton format for the glossary buttons used in the glossary topic */
.glossButton { font-size:12px; color:black; }
/* Use for text sections and hyphenated words that should not break at li
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NI-Halcon混合编程.rar (90个子文件)
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Queued Message Handler Documentation.html 31KB
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loc_create_two_queues.png 23KB
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loc_ui_data.png 2KB
loc_open_msg_queue_typedef.png 10KB
2.bmp 1.17MB
1.bmp 1.17MB
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Data.ctl 11KB
Message Queue
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All Message Queues.ctl 12KB
Message Queue.lvlib 16KB
Message Cluster.ctl 12KB
Enqueue Message (Single).vi 21KB
Dequeue Message.vi 19KB
Enqueue Message.vi 9KB
Enqueue Message (Array).vi 23KB
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Halcon Function
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HInitial.vi 30KB
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HInt2HTuple.vi 23KB
HSetParamEx.vi 19KB
Error Handler - Event Handling Loop.vi 23KB
GetSaveName.vi 21KB
DataWriter.vi 28KB
Error Handler - Message Handling Loop.vi 24KB
DelayTime.vi 10KB
ColorCameras.vi 129KB
MVCamera3.vi 42KB
MVCameras.lvlib 1KB
MVCamera.vi 41KB
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MVSTest.vi 36KB
MVCamera2.vi 44KB
Check Loop Error.vi 23KB
User Event - Stop
Fire User Event - Stop.vi 17KB
Destroy User Event - Stop.vi 16KB
Create User Event - Stop.vi 17KB
User Event - Stop.lvlib 16KB
OPCLibrary.lvlib 5KB
Modbus Init.vi 25KB
Modbus Write Bools.vi 14KB
Modbus Read Bool.vi 14KB
Modbus Write Word.vi 14KB
OPC2.lvlib 6KB
Modbus.lvlib 2KB
Modbus Write Bool.vi 14KB
Modbus Read Bools.vi 15KB
User Event
Destroy User Event.vi 17KB
User Event.lvlib 1KB
Fire User Event.vi 18KB
Create User Event.vi 18KB
DataInit.vi 26KB
队列消息处理器.aliases 87B
Config.xml 238B
Setting.vi 18KB
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