本科生毕业设计(论文) 第 2 页
offered them. As it turns out, the Internet was ready for Java technology, and just in time for
its initial public introduction in 1995, the team was able to announce that the Netscape
Navigator Internet browser would incorporate Java technology ("Learn about Java," 2007).
Applications of Java
Java uses many familiar programming concepts and constructs and allows portability by
providing a common interface through an external Java Virtual Machine (JVM). A virtual
machine is a self-contained operating environment, created by a software layer that behaves
as if it were a separate computer. Benefits of creating virtual machines include better
exploitation of powerful computing resources and isolation of applications to prevent cross-
corruption and improve security (Matlis, 2006).
The JVM allows computing devices with limited processors or memory to handle more
advanced applications by calling up software instructions inside the JVM to perform most of
the work. This also reduces the size and complexity of Java applications because many of the
core functions and processing instructions were built into the JVM. As a result, software
developers no longer need to re-create the same application for every operating system. Java
also provides security by instructing the application to interact with the virtual machine,
which served as a barrier between applications and the core system, effectively protecting
systems from malicious code.
Among other things, Java is tailor-made for the growing Internet because it makes it easy
to develop new, dynamic applications that could make the most of the Internet's power and
capabilities. Java is now an open standard, meaning that no single entity controls its
development and the tools for writing programs in the language are available to everyone. The
power of open standards like Java is the ability to break down barriers and speed up progress.
Today, you can find Java technology in networks and devices that range from the Internet
and scientific supercomputers to laptops and cell phones, from Wall Street market simulators
to home game players and credit cards. There are over 3 million Java developers and now
there are several versions of the code. Most large corporations have in-house Java developers.
In addition, the majority of key software vendors use Java in their commercial applications
(Lazaridis, 2003).
Java on the World Wide Web
Java has found a place on some of the most popular websites in the world and the uses of
Java continues to grow. Java applications not only provide unique user interfaces, they also
help to power the backend of websites. Two e-commerce giants that everybody is probably
familiar with (eBay and Amazon) have been Java pioneers on the World Wide Web.
Founded in 1995, eBay enables e-commerce on a local, national and international basis
with an array of Web sites-including the eBay marketplaces, PayPal, Skype, Rent.com and
Shopping.com-that bring together millions of buyers and sellers every day. You can find it on
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