关规定执行,确保船舶在运营过程中产生的垃圾得到妥善管理和处理,以符合国际及国家的环保法规。All crew members on board this vessel must strictly adhere to the provisions of this "Plan" to ensure proper management and disposal of garbage generated during vessel operations, in compliance with international and national environmental regulations. 垃圾管理计划的主要目标是减少船舶在海上和港口活动期间产生的垃圾,并规定了相应的收集、存储、处理和排放程序。The primary objective of the Garbage Management Plan is to minimize garbage generation during the vessel's operations at sea and in port, and it outlines procedures for collection, storage, treatment, and disposal. 根据《73/78防污公约》附则V,船舶垃圾分为七类:食品废弃物、生活废弃物、操作废弃物、货物残留物、焚烧炉灰渣、电子废物和其他垃圾。Each category of waste is managed differently according to the guidelines: 1. 食品废弃物:通常可以经过粉碎或浓缩后排放,但在特定海域可能禁止排放。Food waste can usually be discharged after being ground or compacted, but排放可能在某些 areas be prohibited. 2. 生活废弃物:包括纸张、塑料、玻璃和金属等,必须在岸上处理或焚烧。Domestic waste, such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal, must be handled ashore or incinerated. 3. 操作废弃物:涵盖作业过程中产生的油抹布、油漆桶等,需按照有害物质处理。Operational waste, like oil-soaked rags and paint containers, must be managed as hazardous waste. 4. 货物残留物:如散货舱清洗后的残留物,需遵循特殊程序处理。Residues from cargo holds after cleaning need to be managed according to specific procedures. 5. 焚烧炉灰渣:通常需要在岸上处置。Incinerator ashes should generally be disposed of ashore. 6. 电子废物:包括废旧电池、电器等,必须送回陆地处理。E-waste, such as old batteries and electrical appliances, must be returned to land for disposal. 7. 其他垃圾:任何未被明确分类的垃圾,需要根据其性质和当地法规处理。Other waste, including any unclassified items, must be managed based on its nature and local regulations. 船员应接受培训,了解各类垃圾的正确处理方式,以及如何记录和报告垃圾处理情况。Crew members must be trained on the correct handling of each waste type and how to maintain and report on garbage disposal activities. 此外,船舶应配备合适的垃圾收集容器,并标识清晰,便于区分不同类型的垃圾。Containers for garbage collection must be properly labeled and differentiated to ensure proper segregation. 计划还规定了垃圾处理设施的维护和检查,以保证其始终处于良好工作状态。Maintenance and inspections of garbage handling facilities are outlined in the plan to ensure they remain operational. 船长和船舶管理人负责监督和执行此计划,确保所有垃圾管理活动符合法规要求。The Master and Manager are responsible for overseeing and enforcing the plan, making sure all garbage management activities comply with regulatory requirements. 该计划强调了持续改进和评估的重要性,以适应不断变化的法规和最佳实践。Continuous improvement and evaluation of the plan are emphasized to adapt to evolving regulations and best practices. 船舶垃圾管理计划是保障海洋环境免受船舶活动污染的关键工具,它详细规定了船上垃圾的分类、储存、处理和记录方法,旨在确保所有船舶活动符合国际和国家的环保标准。
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