[jQuery Validation Plugin](https://jqueryvalidation.org/) - Form validation made easy
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The jQuery Validation Plugin provides drop-in validation for your existing forms, while making all kinds of customizations to fit your application really easy.
## Getting Started
### Downloading the prebuilt files
Prebuilt files can be downloaded from https://jqueryvalidation.org/
### Downloading the latest changes
The unreleased development files can be obtained by:
1. [Downloading](https://github.com/jquery-validation/jquery-validation/archive/master.zip) or Forking this repository
2. [Setup the build](CONTRIBUTING.md#build-setup)
3. Run `grunt` to create the built files in the "dist" directory
### Including it on your page
Include jQuery and the plugin on a page. Then select a form to validate and call the `validate` method.
<input required>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.validate.js"></script>
Alternatively include jQuery and the plugin via requirejs in your module.
define(["jquery", "jquery.validate"], function( $ ) {
For more information on how to setup a rules and customizations, [check the documentation](https://jqueryvalidation.org/documentation/).
## Reporting issues and contributing code
See the [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
**IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT EMAIL VALIDATION**. As of version 1.12.0 this plugin is using the same regular expression that the [HTML5 specification suggests for browsers to use](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#valid-e-mail-address). We will follow their lead and use the same check. If you think the specification is wrong, please report the issue to them. If you have different requirements, consider [using a custom method](https://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.addMethod/).
In case you need to adjust the built-in validation regular expression patterns, please [follow the documentation](https://jqueryvalidation.org/jQuery.validator.methods/).
**IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT REQUIRED METHOD**. As of version 1.14.0 this plugin stops trimming white spaces from the value of the attached element. If you want to achieve the same result, you can use the [`normalizer`](https://jqueryvalidation.org/normalizer/) that can be used to transform the value of an element before validation. This feature was available since `v1.15.0`. In other words, you can do something like this:
``` js
rules: {
username: {
required: true,
// Using the normalizer to trim the value of the element
// before validating it.
// The value of `this` inside the `normalizer` is the corresponding
// DOMElement. In this example, `this` references the `username` element.
normalizer: function(value) {
return $.trim(value);
## License
Copyright © Jörn Zaefferer<br>
Licensed under the MIT license.
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基于JavaScript + Servlet + MySQL开发的图书管理系统+非常适合小白入手学习+源码+文档(高分优秀项目)
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基于JavaScript + Servlet + MySQL开发的图书管理系统+非常适合小白入手学习+源码+文档,适合毕业设计、课程设计、项目开发。项目源码已经过严格测试,可以放心参考并在此基础上延申使用~ 项目简介: 这个项目是我在学 jsp 时候从网上下载的,原来也没有什么文档说明,我把它导入 IDEA 中,边读代码边修改, 花费了一点时间,终于调通了。 对于像我一样有其他语言基础的人,最好的学习途径就是从一个 CRUD 案例开始下手,可是最大的困难往往在于配置环境比较复杂,拿到程序不能运行起来,导致无法进行后面的学习,直接打包了一个可运行的程序,希望能帮助到你。 1.运行环境 Tomcat8.0 + JDK8 + MySQL + IDEA + Bootstrap + jQuery 2.功能 用户模块 图书模块
基于JavaScript + Servlet + MySQL开发的图书管理系统+非常适合小白入手学习+源码+文档(高分优秀项目) (632个子文件)
UserInfoInsertServiceImpl.class 5KB
UserInfoDaoImpl.class 5KB
BookServiceImpl.class 5KB
BookDaoImpl.class 4KB
BookSortServiceImpl.class 4KB
BookSortDaoImpl.class 3KB
BaseDao.class 3KB
BookUpdateServlet.class 3KB
BookInsertServlet.class 3KB
BookSelectServlet.class 3KB
BookSortSelectServlet.class 3KB
UserLoginServlet.class 3KB
DbUtils.class 3KB
UserInfoUpdateServlet.class 3KB
LoginFilter.class 2KB
UserInfo.class 2KB
UserInfoShowServlet.class 2KB
BookBorrowServlet.class 2KB
BookRepayServlet.class 2KB
Book.class 2KB
JsonUtils.class 2KB
UserInfoSelectServlet.class 2KB
BookSortUpdateServlet.class 2KB
UserInfoDeleteServlet.class 2KB
BookSortDeleteServlet.class 2KB
BookSortInsertServlet.class 2KB
BookDeleteServlet.class 2KB
UserInfoInsertServlet.class 2KB
UserInfoRegisterServlet.class 2KB
UserInfoInsertServiceImplTest.class 2KB
BookSort.class 2KB
HelpUtils.class 2KB
UserInfoLogOut.class 1KB
UtfFilter.class 1KB
UserInfoInsertService.class 490B
BookSortService.class 459B
BookService.class 448B
UserInfoDao.class 430B
MarkUtils.class 421B
BookSortDao.class 375B
BookDao.class 351B
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stylesheet.css 20KB
select2.css 19KB
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button-submit.gif 4KB
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login-sprite.gif 2KB
back_nav_blue.gif 2KB
tab_green.gif 2KB
icons.gif 1KB
step3-24.gif 1KB
step1-24.gif 1KB
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bg.gif 1KB
globe.gif 1KB
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