EasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python. EasyGUI is different from other GUI
libraries in that EasyGUI is NOT event-driven. Instead, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls.
EasyGUI runs on Python 2 and 3, and does not have any dependencies beyond python.
Example Usage
>>> import easygui
>>> easygui.ynbox('Shall I continue?', 'Title', ('Yes', 'No'))
>>> easygui.msgbox('This is a basic message box.', 'Title Goes Here')
>>> easygui.buttonbox('Click on your favorite flavor.', 'Favorite Flavor', ('Chocolate', 'Vanilla', 'Strawberry'))
Full documentation is always available.
For the most-recent production version:
For our develop version which will be released next:
This is an exciting time for easygui. We continue to make good progress with refactoring as
well as some enhancements and bug fixes here and there.
We would like to welcome Juanjo Denis-Corrales to the team. He is responsible for lots of good new work
this release. Of course we appreciate the work of everyone who contributed.
NOTE: I decided in this release to change the API a bit. Please consult the function documentation for details.
* Made changes guessing at fixes to any IDLE problems. Please report any problems found.
* Refactored the easygui.py file into several smaller files to improve our ability to manage the code
* Added callbacks to allow for more dynamic dialogs. See the docs for usage.
* Added class access to dialogs so properties may be changed.
* There were previous issues when using easygui with the IDLE IDE. I hope I resolved these problems, however,
I've never actually been able to repeat them. Please report any problems found in github.
* Centralized the Python 2 versus Python 3 "compatibility layer" into boxes/utils.py
This is a minor bug-fix release to address python 3 import errors.
We are happy to release version 0.97.3 of easygui. The intent of this release is to address some basic
functionality issues as well as improve easygui in the ways people have asked.
Robert Lugg (me) was searching for a GUI library for my python work. I saw easygui and liked very much its
paradigm. Stephen Ferg, the creator and developer of easygui, graciously allowed me to start development
back up. With the help of Alexander Zawadzki, Horst Jens, and others I set a goal to release before the
end of 2014.
We rely on user feedback so please bring up problems, ideas, or just say how you are using easygui.
* sourceforge #4: easygui docs contain bad references to easygui_pydoc.html
* sourceforge #6: no index.html in docs download file. Updated to sphinx which as autolinking.
* sourceforge #8: unicode issues with file*box. Fixed all that I knew how.
* sourceforge #12: Cannot Exit with 'X'. Now X and escape either return "cancel_button", if set, or None
* Added ability to specify default_choice and cancel_choice for button widgets (See API docs)
* True and False are returned instead of 1 and 0 for several boxes
* Allow user to map keyboard keys to buttons by enclosing a hotkey in square braces like: "Pick [M]e", which would assign
keyboard key M to that button. Double braces hide that character, and keysyms are allowed:
[[q]]Exit Would show Exit on the button, and the button would be controlled by the q key
[<F1>]Help Would show Help on the button, and the button would be controlled by the F1 function key
NOTE: We are still working on the exact syntax of these key mappings as Enter, space, and arrows are already being
* Escape and the windows 'X' button always work in buttonboxes. Those return None in that case.
* sourceforge #9: let fileopenbox open multiple files. Added optional argument 'multiple'
* Location of dialogs on screen is preserved. This isn't perfect yet, but now, at least, the dialogs don't
always reset to their default position!
* added some, but not all of the bugs/enhancements developed by Robbie Brook:
* In the documentation, there were previous references to issues when using the IDLE IDE. I haven't
experienced those, but also didn't do anything to fix them, so they may still be there. Please report
any problems and we'll try to address them
* I am fairly new to contributing to open source, so I don't understand packaging, pypi, etc. There
are likely problems as well as better ways to do things. Again, I appreciate any help or guidance.
Other Changes (that you likely don't care about)
* Restructured loading of image files to try PIL first throw error if file doesn't exist.
* Converted docs to sphinx with just a bit of doctest. Most content was retained from the old site, so
there might be some redundancies still. Please make any suggested improvements.
* Set up a GitHub repository for development: https://github.com/robertlugg/easygui
* Improved output/packaging for Debian distribution
EasyGui is licensed under what is generally known as
the "modified BSD license" (aka "revised BSD", "new BSD", "3-clause BSD").
This license is GPL-compatible but less restrictive than GPL.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
EasyGUI是一个非常简单、非常容易用Python进行GUI编程的模块。EasyGUI不同于其他GUI生成器,因为EasyGUI不是事件驱动的。相反,所有GUI交互都是通过简单的函数调用的。 EasyGui为与用户进行简单的GUI交互提供了一个易于使用的界面.它不要求程序员知道任何关于tkinter、框架、小部件、回调或lambda的信息。 EasyGUI运行在Python 2和3上,并且没有任何依赖关系。
easygui-0.96 (186个子文件)
make.bat 6KB
setup.cfg 27B
screenshot_choicebox_monofonts_and_exit_button.gif 40KB
python_and_check_logo.gif 25KB
python_and_check_logo.gif 25KB
python_and_check_logo.gif 25KB
screenshot_buttonbox-with-image.gif 22KB
screenshot_choicebox_with_multiple_buttons.gif 21KB
dave.gif 17KB
mickey.gif 10KB
minnie.gif 8KB
daffy duck.gif 7KB
cross.gif 4KB
python-logo.gif 2KB
tick.gif 2KB
zzzzz.gif 2KB
zzzzz.gif 2KB
zzzzz.gif 2KB
.gitattributes 719B
.gitignore 670B
《零基础入门学习Python》教学视频.htm 131B
globe.jpg 43KB
python_and_check_logo.jpg 9KB
python_and_check_logo.jpg 9KB
python_and_check_logo.jpg 9KB
pi.jpg 5KB
Makefile 7KB
intro.mp3 688KB
intro.ogg 324KB
Git-branching-model.png 189KB
screenshot_fileopenbox_vista.png 63KB
screenshot_register_main.png 48KB
screenshot_multchoicebox.png 42KB
screenshot_codebox_vista.png 34KB
screenshot_choicebox_icecream.png 28KB
screenshot_choicebox.png 26KB
screenshot_exceptionbox_vista.png 24KB
screenshot_ccbox.png 19KB
screenshot4.png 19KB
screenshot_register_show.png 16KB
screenshot3.png 16KB
screenshot_msgbox.png 15KB
screenshot2.png 13KB
screenshot_multenterbox_vista.png 12KB
python-logo-master-v3-TM-flattened.png 11KB
screenshot_multenterbox.png 9KB
screenshot_buttonbox_with_image.png 9KB
screenshot_passwordbox.png 8KB
python_and_check_logo.png 4KB
python_and_check_logo.png 4KB
python_and_check_logo.png 4KB
result.png 546B
easygui.py 88KB
easygui.py 88KB
button_box.py 17KB
button_box.py 17KB
button_box.py 17KB
text_box.py 16KB
text_box.py 16KB
text_box.py 16KB
multi_fillable_box.py 16KB
multi_fillable_box.py 16KB
multi_fillable_box.py 16KB
choice_box.py 15KB
choice_box.py 15KB
choice_box.py 15KB
geo_quiz.py 15KB
demo.py 14KB
demo.py 14KB
demo.py 14KB
derived_boxes.py 14KB
derived_boxes.py 14KB
derived_boxes.py 14KB
about.py 11KB
about.py 11KB
about.py 11KB
conf.py 9KB
utils.py 7KB
utils.py 7KB
utils.py 7KB
fillable_box.py 5KB
fillable_box.py 5KB
fillable_box.py 5KB
fileboxsetup.py 5KB
fileboxsetup.py 5KB
fileboxsetup.py 5KB
setup.py 5KB
egstore.py 4KB
egstore.py 4KB
egstore.py 4KB
hex_entry.py 4KB
fileopen_box.py 4KB
fileopen_box.py 4KB
fileopen_box.py 4KB
easygui.py 3KB
easygui.py 3KB
共 186 条
- 1
- 2
- 逛吃2019-05-18安装使用了,很好。
- chang762019-01-27已经用过了,挺好
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