Configuration management (CM) is an important, but often neglected, practice that allows application developers and project managers to better identify potential problems, manage changes, and track the progress of software projects. An effective CM strategy梠ne that adheres to the practice's complexity while harnessing its depth梒an be the cornerstone of fast, flexible development. However, CM practitioners often rely too heavily on commercial CM tools, and fail to understand the concept as a whole. While CM is not an easy discipline, it need not be a difficult one. Configuration Management Principles and Practice explains the elements and benefits of a sound CM strategy and shows how to put that strategy into action. Through configuration examples and recommendations drawn from the author's considerable experience, this practical guide will help readers to better manage and deliver projects.
- whatCanIDoToRegAName2012-07-19关于configuration management的书总是理论过多实践过少,这本书也不例外
- sz19882013-03-11打开了,不显示内容啊
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