//本程序是利用LINUX FIFO命名管道技术实现双向聊天的C语言源代码。
//chat.c: 聊天源代码。
//makefile: 利用宏定义,把一个源码生成两个不同的可执行程序。
//make clean 清除上次编译生成的结果文件。
//make 重新编译生成两个可执行程序。./a_chat和./b_chat的执行顺序没有先后。
//作者:david.q@sz 2012-8-11 2263537@qq.com
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
#ifdef A
char me[] = "a";
char you[] = "b";
char me[] = "b";
char you[] = "a";
char buf[100];
char get[100];
printf( "Hello, %s!\n", me ); //print welcome message
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if ( pid == 0 ) //child process
int fifo_f;
#ifdef A
char fifo[] = "/tmp/b2a";
char fifo[] = "/tmp/a2b";
mkfifo( fifo, 0666 ); //creat fifo if exist or not
if ( errno == EEXIST )
fifo_f = open( fifo, O_RDONLY ); //wait & open fifo
while ( 1 )
bzero( get, sizeof(get)); //set buf to '\0' before read buf
read( fifo_f, get, sizeof(get) ); //read buf from another side
if ( strlen(get) )
printf( "\r%s: %s", you, get );
printf( "%s: ", me );
fflush(stdout); //print buf to screen
else //parent process
int fifo_f;
#ifdef A
char fifo[] = "/tmp/a2b";
char fifo[] = "/tmp/b2a";
mkfifo( fifo, 0666 ); //creat fifo if exist or not
if ( errno == EEXIST )
fifo_f = open( fifo, O_WRONLY ); //wait & open fifo
while ( 1 )
printf( "%s: ", me );
fflush(stdout); //print to screen
bzero( buf, sizeof(buf) ); //set buf to '\0' before get from stdin
fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin ); //get buf from stdin
write( fifo_f, buf, sizeof(buf) ); //send buf to anoterh side
return 0;
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