// $Id: eztechrenderer.php,v 1.38 2000/11/09 15:01:46 bf-cvs Exp $
// Definition of eZTechRenderer class
// B�rd Farstad <bf@ez.no>
// Created on: <18-Oct-2000 17:45:32 bf>
// This source file is part of eZ publish, publishing software.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 eZ systems as
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, US
//!! eZArticle
//! eZTechRenderer renders XML contents into html articles.
This class wil decode the tech articles generated by eZTechGenerator.
Supported tags:
<page> - pagebreak
Header text
<link ez.no text to the link> - anchor
<mail adresse@domain.tld?subject="subject line" link text> - anchor to email address with subject
<image 42 align size> - image tag, 42 is the id, alignment (left|center|right), size (small|medium|large)
<ezanchor anchorname>
cpp code
php code
java code
html code
shell code
sql code
perl code
lisp code
bold text
italic text
underlined text
strike text
predefined text
predefined text
\sa eZTechGenerator
Add better syntax highlighting.
include_once( "classes/eztexttool.php" );
include_once( "classes/ezlog.php" );
class eZTechRenderer
Creates a new eZTechGenerator object.
function eZTechRenderer( &$article )
$this->Article = $article;
Returns the XHTML contents of the introduction of the article.
function &renderIntro()
$xml = xmltree( $this->Article->contents() );
if ( !$xml )
print( "<br /><b>Error: eZTechRenderer::docodeXML() could not decode XML</b><br />" );
$intro = "";
$body = "";
$articleImages = $this->Article->images();
$articleID = $this->Article->id();
$this->$PrevTag = "";
foreach ( $xml->root->children as $child )
if ( $child->name == "intro" )
if ( count( $child->children ) > 0 )
foreach ( $child->children as $paragraph )
$intro = $this->renderPlain( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderCode( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderStandards( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderLink( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderImage( $intro, $paragraph, $articleImages );
$this->PrevTag = $paragraph->name;
// $newArticle = eZTextTool::nl2br( $intro );
$newArticle = $intro;
return $newArticle;
Returns the XHTML article of the article.
function &renderPage( $pageNumber=0 )
$xml = xmltree( $this->Article->contents() );
if ( !$xml )
print( "<br /><b>Error: eZTechRenderer::docodeXML() could not decode XML</b><br />" );
$intro = "";
$body = "";
$this->$PrevTag = "";
$articleImages = $this->Article->images();
$articleID = $this->Article->id();
foreach ( $xml->root->children as $child )
if ( $child->name == "intro" )
if ( count( $child->children ) > 0 )
foreach ( $child->children as $paragraph )
$intro = $this->renderPlain( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderCode( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderStandards( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderLink( $intro, $paragraph );
$intro = $this->renderImage( $intro, $paragraph, $articleImages );
$this->PrevTag = $paragraph->name;
if ( $child->name == "body" )
$body = $child->children;
$pageArray = array();
// loop on the pages
foreach ( $body as $page )
$pageContent = "";
$this->$PrevTag = "";
// loop on the contents of the pages
if ( count( $page->children ) > 0 )
foreach ( $page->children as $paragraph )
$pageContent = $this->renderPlain( $pageContent, $paragraph );
$pageContent = $this->renderCode( $pageContent, $paragraph );
$pageContent = $this->renderStandards( $pageContent, $paragraph );
$pageContent = $this->renderLink( $pageContent, $paragraph );
$pageContent = $this->renderImage( $pageContent, $paragraph, $articleImages );
$this->PrevTag = $paragraph->name;
$pageArray[] = $pageContent;
if ( $pageNumber == -1 )
$newArticle = $intro . "\n</p><p>\n";
if ( count( $pageArray ) > 0 )
foreach ( $pageArray as $page )
$newArticle .= $page;
else if ( $pageNumber != 0 )
$newArticle = $pageArray[$pageNumber];
// $newArticle = eZTextTool::nl2br( $intro ) . "</p><p>". $pageArray[$pageNumber];
$newArticle = $intro . "\n</p><p>\n". $pageArray[$pageNumber];
return $newArticle;
function &renderPlain( $pageContent, $paragraph )
// ordinary text
if ( $paragraph->name == "text" )
$paragraph_text = $paragraph->content;
if ( $paragraph_text[0] == "\n" )
if ( $this->PrevTag != "link" )
$paragraph_text[0] = " ";
$pageContent .= eZTextTool::nl2br( $paragraph_text );
return $pageContent;
function &renderLink( $pageContent, $paragraph )
// link
if ( $paragraph->name == "link" )
foreach ( $paragraph->attributes as $imageItem )
switch ( $imageItem->name )
case "href" :
$href = $imageItem->children[0]->content;
case "text" :