Socket Chat - A Multithreaded TCP Chat Client-Server (.NET SDk beta2) - By Saurabh Nandu
A Multithreaded TCP Chat Client-Server
Installation Instructions
Unzip the zip file in to any directory (Remember to keep 'Use folder names' checked ON in your unziping program.)
Then go to the 'source' directory and click 'compile.bat' .
List Of Files
ReadMe.txt -- This File.
[Command Directory]
Command>ChatClient.exe -- The Chat Client
Command>CahtServer.exe -- The Chat Server, run this first.
[Command>Source Directory]
Command>Source>ChatForm.cs -- Chat Client Code.
Command>Source>ServerForm.cs -- Chat Server Code.
Command>Source>Client.cs -- Chat Server helper class Code.
Command>Source>SocketUserControl.cs -- Chat Client User Control Code.(To be hosted within Internet Explorer)
Command>Source>compile.bat -- a Batch file to compile the above source codes.Use this file to compile your codes.
[SocketClient Directory] - VS.NET Project for Chat Client
[SocketServer Directory] - VS.NET Project for Chat Server
[SocketControl Directory] - Socket Windows Forms Controls Client
SocketControl>Default.htm - Web Page that will host the User Control.
SocketControl>SocketUserControl.dll - The Socket Chat Client that gets hosted in the above page.
Any Pc with the .NET FrameWork SDK beta2 Installed on it [This example might not run on future or previous versions of the SDK].
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me for any questions , comments or suggestions ...
Saurabh Nandu