Crystal Reports?9 continues to deliver innovative reporting technology to address current development trends and challenges. More than 50 new features and enhancements are provided in this latest release! More control over data connectivity Unlimited SQL control - Edit SQL directly for unlimited control over database connectivity. Specify database connections and create parameterized SQL commands to perform any query your database supports. Support for Unicode ?With full support for Unicode strings, you can display data stored in virtually any language as well as present multiple languages in a single report. New time-saving design tools Component reuse - Store and maintain key report objects- including SQL commands, bitmaps, custom functions, and text objects ?in a central library for faster report development. The Crystal Repository also enables single point updating - update the component once and the change is available across all reports. Custom Functions ?Extract business logic from key formulas to create custom formula-language functions. Store Custom Functions in the Crystal Repository and reuse them across multiple reports. Custom Templates ?Spend less time formatting individual reports. With standardized formatting and logic, Custom Templates let you quickly apply a standardized, consistent look and feel across multiple reports. More web flexibility New report application server - The Crystal Enterprise Report Application Server - the evolution of the Crystal Reports Print Engine - provides powerful server-based report processing services so you can tightly integrate dynamic content into enterprise web applications. Web-based report processing is faster than ever before! Learn more. Java, .NET and COM SDKs - A rich set of Java, .NET, and COM APIs let you control how end users interact with reports and modify them at runtime. Automatically turn on advanced options including highlighting, zooming, and text searching. Tight integration with Microsoft Office lets end users search on report data and export the results to Microsoft Word, Excel and HTML. New deployment licensing ?Upgrade to the new Advanced Edition to take advantage of flexible deployment licensing for web applications. New queuing capabilities are ideal for managing variable user loads in a web environment. Enhanced support for Microsoft Office and mobile users ?Let end users insert charts, tables, and other report objects into Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel documents - and refresh them right within the document - using Crystal Reports support for Microsoft Smart Tags in Office XP. Exporting to Excel has also been significantly enhanced, providing excellent quality rendition from Crystal Reports. Integrate reports with corporate portals and wireless devices* using Report Parts ?new in Crystal Reports 9. Provide end users with access to charts, summary tables, specific records and other key report information ?via portals, WML phones, and RIM Blackberry and Compaq iPAQ devices. *Some restrictions apply due to wireless device limitations. Hassle-free upgrade experience Side-by-side installation ?Install and use Crystal Reports 9 on the same machine as previous versions of Crystal Reports to make migrating existing reports easier. Migration whitepapers, sample apps and other resources ?Check out the Developer Zone, Crystal‘s exclusive community for application developers. Access specific resources designed to help you upgrade your applications to Version 9.
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- jackeey272014-06-26不太能用啊,不过还是谢谢
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