palapa web server (PWS)运行于安卓系统的web服务器
一个运行于 安卓系统的 小型web服务器,包括php/mysql 配置文件可以修改,另外可以用phpmyadmin 管理数据库。 让你的手机立刻变身小型服务器。 =============================== Turn your Android devices into a web and database server with Palapa Web Server, a suite of web developer. This application has been designed for low memory consumption and CPU usage, specially used for smartphone and tablet. Hey, it's free and you don't need a root access to run Palapa Web Server! # Requirements - Internal memory should not be less than 50MB! - ARM based processor - Minimum Android 2.2 Froyo # Features - Lighttpd 1.4.32 - PHP 5.5.1 - MySQL 5.1.69 - Msmtp 1.4.31 - phpMyAdmin - Web Admin 1.0.1 # Default Document Root - Path : /sdcard/pws/www/ # Default URL - Address : # Web Admin Informations - Address : - Username : admin - Password : admin # MySQL Informations - Host : localhost ( - Port : 3306 - Username : root - Password : adminadmin # phpMyAdmin Informations - Address : - Username : root - Password : adminadmin # Problem? If something is not working properly, please try to restart your phone. # Known Issues As you know, compatibility issue is a big problem of Android phone, I can't test it in all phones. So if it can't work for your phone, just uninstall it, I'm sorry to waste your time. You also can send a mail to let me know your phone model, if I solve it, I will let you know.
- sogou06772015-01-07底部好大一条横幅广告。。androPHP比它好多了因为它没有广告。。。
- coolzoom2014-12-26很棒,比androPHP好用。google play要翻墙所以来下你这个了
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