1. Connect phone with PC, or memory card to cardreader, or memory card to other non-nokia device (need access to private folder)
2. Download and unpack to phone mass storage or memory card.
3. Download and install DrWeb6 for symbian
4. Launch DrWeb.
5. Go to Options - Quarantine
6. Go Options - Select all
7. Go Options - Restore
-. RomPacther drivers now in c:\sys\bin folder
8. Download and install RomPacther+ 3.1 Lite
9. Launch RomPatcher+ and apply Open4all patch
-. Now you have access to write in all system folders
-. If need you can apply installserver patch, or found in web installserver.exe
(installserver needs for installing all applications without any certificate restrictions). For S^3 use my instalslerver.
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 9
- TongWeb V7.0 快速使用手册
- ZZU物联网工程专业数电实验整合
- C++、MFC实现类图的绘制功能,包含:图元的创建及对齐、图元的移动、图元的删除、图元的文字编辑.zip
- TongWeb V7.0 服务配置指南
- 新手运营源码 手机自适应二开骰子网站源码+免公众号+免签支付即时到账
- TongWeb V7.0 应用管理指南
- C++职工信息管理系统,基于MFC界面设计,系大一下学期课程设计.zip
- 一个 JavaScript 编写的可拖拽任务列表,通过监听 dragstart、dragend、dragover 和 drop 等事件,实现了任务项的拖拽和重新排序功能
- ZZU物联网工程专业Linux实验整合
- TongWeb V7.0 工具使用指南
- TongWeb V7.0 Commandstool使用指南
- YOLO摔倒检测ppt
- TongWeb V7.0 应用开发手册
- 数字图像处理与分析期末复习笔记
- 慧荣量产工具1,SM2258AB-MPQ0719A-FWQ0621A-Samsung
- TongWeb V7.0 等级保护指南