<div align="center">
<img src="./src/assets/openai.svg" style="width:64px;height:64px;margin:0 32px" alt="icon"/>
<h1 align="center">ChatGPT Web</h1>
English / [ç®ä½ä¸æ](https://github.com/79E/ChatGpt-Web/blob/master/README-CN.md)
A commercially-viable ChatGpt web application built with React.
å¯é¨ç½²åä¸åç ChatGpt ç½é¡µåºç¨ã
[Issues](https://github.com/79E/ChatGPT-Web/issues) / [Buy Me a Coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/beggar) / [èµå©æ](https://files.catbox.moe/o0znrg.JPG)
[![Deploy to Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/import/project?template=https://github.com/79E/ChatGpt-Web)
## ð¶ Demo
### Link
[Web Demo: https://www.aizj.top/](https://www.aizj.top/)
[Web æ¼ç¤º: https://www.aizj.top/](https://www.aizj.top/)
[Admin Demo: https://www.aizj.top/admin](https://www.aizj.top/admin)
[Admin æ¼ç¤º: https://www.aizj.top/admin](https://www.aizj.top/admin)
If you need help, please submit [Issues](https://github.com/79E/ChatGPT-Web/issues) Or leave contact information when appreciating.
### Snapshot
## ð¤ Major Function
- The backend management system can manage users, tokens, products, card passwords, etc
- Carefully designed UI, responsive design
- Extremely fast first screen loading speed (~100kb)
- Supports Midjournal painting, DALL · E model painting, GPT4 and other applications
- Massive built-in prompt list from [Chinese](https://github.com/PlexPt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh)And [English](https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts)
- One click export of chat records, complete Markdown support
- Support for custom API addresses ([openAI](https://api.openai.com) / [API2D]( https://api2d.com/r/192767 ))
## ð® Start Using
Node requires version `^ 16 | | ^ 18 | | ^ 19 `(node >= 16.19.0), and NVM can be used to manage multiple local node versions.
# View node version
node -v
# View npm version
npm -v
# View yarn version
yarn -v
**1.First `Fork` this project, then clone it locally.**
git clone https://github.com/79E/ChatGpt-Web.git
**2.Installation dependencies**
yarn install
# run web
yarn dev:web
yarn build
## âºï¸ Environment Variable
> If it is a front-end and back-end separation mode deployment project, the following configuration needs to be filled in
Request the `Host` address of the server.
## ð§ Develop
> It is strongly not recommended to develop or deploy locally. Due to technical reasons, it is difficult to configure OpenAI API proxies locally, unless you can guarantee direct connection to the OpenAI server.
#### Local development
1. Please consult ChatGPT for specific details on installing `Nodejs` and `Yarn`
2. Just execute `yarn install`
3. Web Project Development `yarn dev:web`
4. Server side project development `yarn dev`
5. Package Project `yarn build`
#### Server side
1. Front end request server's [interface document](https://console-docs.apipost.cn/preview/38826c52f656ef05/044846bd536b67bb) You can develop according to this interface document.
2. If you need help, please submit [Issues](https://github.com/79E/ChatGPT-Web/issues) Or leave contact information when appreciating.
## ð¯ Arrange
> Simply upload the packaged `dist` directory of the `WEB` project to the server. Pay attention to the server IP address location!
### Vercel
If you host it on your own Vercel server, you can click the deploy button to start your deployment!
[![Deploy to Vercel](https://vercel.com/button)](https://vercel.com/import/project?template=https://github.com/79E/ChatGpt-Web)
If you need help, please submit [Issues](https://github.com/79E/ChatGPT-Web/issues) Or leave contact information when appreciating.
## ð§ Contributor
[See project contributor list](https://github.com/79E/ChatGPT-Web/graphs/contributors)
## ð License
[![License MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/79E/ChatGpt-Web/blob/master/license)
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
nodejs、openai、免费开源可商业运营的ChatGPT网页源码v1.2.2 商业付费变现
需积分: 5 3 下载量 50 浏览量
收藏 315KB ZIP 举报
nodejs、openai、免费开源可商业运营的ChatGPT网页源码v1.2.2 商业付费变现。 后台管理系统,可对用户,Token,商品,卡密等进行管理 精心设计的 UI,响应式设计 极快的首屏加载速度(~100kb) 支持 DALL·E 模型绘画,GPT4 等应用 海量的内置 prompt 列表,来自中文和英文 一键导出聊天记录 支持自定义API地址(如:openAI / API2D) 运行环境 Node 版本: node 需要 ^16 || ^18 || ^19 版本(node >= 16.19.0),可以使用 nvm 管理本地多个 node 版本。 数据库: MYSQL + Redis 两个域名: 一个用作前端,一个用作后端跳转 ## 安装依赖(注意先安装好 node 及 yarn) 以及 yarn) yarn install ## 打包 yarn build 将打包好的 dist 目录上传到服务器,将网站目录指向 dist 文件夹即可 需额外在伪静态中添加 location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; }
nodejs、openai、免费开源可商业运营的ChatGPT网页源码v1.2.2 商业付费变现 (130个子文件)
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prompts-zh.json 60KB
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index.module.less 707B
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openai.svg 1KB
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index.ts 3KB
admin.ts 3KB
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vite.config.ts 655B
index.ts 620B
async.ts 604B
generateUUID.ts 460B
getEmailPre.ts 336B
index.ts 317B
index.ts 311B
paginate.ts 303B
generateChatInfo.ts 274B
filterObjectNull.ts 274B
is.ts 266B
async.ts 258B
async.ts 256B
handleChatData.ts 235B
joinTrim.ts 157B
vite-env.d.ts 38B
async.ts 18B
index.tsx 18KB
index.tsx 13KB
index.tsx 12KB
index.tsx 12KB
index.tsx 11KB
index.tsx 11KB
index.tsx 10KB
index.tsx 9KB
index.tsx 9KB
index.tsx 8KB
index.tsx 8KB
index.tsx 8KB
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- C语言-leetcode题解之73-set-matrix-zeroes.c
- 树莓派物联网智能家居基础教程
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- (源码)基于 JavaFX 和 MySQL 的影院管理系统.zip