close all;
warning off;
addpath 'func\'
path = [cd '/Save_Temp/RGB/'];
files = dir([path '*.' 'jpg']);
files = sort({});
T = size(files, 2); % Number of frames
[HEIGHT, WIDTH, C] = size(imresize(imread([path files{1}]),[128,100])); % Get the dimension of one picture
image_sequence = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, C, T, 'uint8'); % Used for image dispaly
data = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, C, T, 'uint8');
% load data from the image sequence
for tt = 1:T
im = imresize(imread([path files{tt}]),[128,100]);
data(:, :, :, tt) = im;
image_sequence(:, :, :, tt) = im;
% Turn each picture into a column vector of color triplets
data = reshape(data, size(data, 1) * size(data, 2), size(data, 3), ...
size(data, 4));
%-------------------Initialise mix_gaussian parameters---------------------
K = 3; % how many components does the mixture have
ALPHA = 0.01; % How fast to adapt the component weights
RHO = 0.01; % How fast to adapt the component means and covariances
DEVIATION_SQ_THRESH = 7^2; % Threshold used to find matching versus unmatching components.
INIT_VARIANCE = 3; % Initial variance for newly placed components
INIT_MIXPROP = 0.00001; % Initial prior for newly placed components
BACKGROUND_THRESH = 0.8; % Percentage of weight that must be accounted for by background models.
COMPONENT_THRESH = 10; % Filter out connected components of smaller size
%----------------------------model initialise------------------------------
% Place the mean of first Gaussian on the value of first observed pixel.
% Place all other Gaussians mean randomly.
Mus = zeros(D, K, C);
Mus(:, 1, :) = double(data(:, :, 1));
Mus(:, 2:K, :) = rand([D, K-1, C]) * 255;
% Genenrally, R��G��B component are independent and have the same variance
% We just initialise the variance of the Gaussian with a relatively high value.
Sigmas = ones(D, K, C) * INIT_VARIANCE;
% Give each Gaussian except the first one zero weight. This ensures that uninitialised
% Gaussians (i.e. everything but the first) will be replaced first time we have the chance.
Weights = [ones(D, 1), zeros(D, K-1)];
%---------------------------------- iteration -----------------------------
deviations_squared = zeros(D, K); % the deviation from the mean of the Gaussian
matched_gaussian = zeros(D, K); % All gaussians that matched a pixel
accumulated_weights = zeros(D, K);
background = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, T);
shadow_mark = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH);
% Used for image dispaly
foreground_map_sequence = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, T);
foreground_with_map_sequence = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, T);
foreground_map_adjust_sequence = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, T);
background_sequence = zeros(HEIGHT, WIDTH, C, T);
for tt = 1:T
image = data(:, :, tt);
%----------------------Light and shadow correction---------------------
% Gama correction
% ratio = sum(sum(background_hsv(:,:,3)))/(sum(sum(background_hsv(:,:,3)))...
% + sum(sum(background_hsv(:,:,3))));
% image_hsv(:,:,3) = image_hsv(:,:,3).^ratio;
% image_adjust = hsv2rgb(image_hsv) * 255;
%---------------------------match definition---------------------------
% Compute the squared Mahalanobis distance. This only works if
% Sigmas represents a diagonal covariance matrix in the form
% of a vector of diagonal entries.
for kk = 1:K
% Center the image around the means of the kk-th Gaussian
% data_centered = double(reshape(image_adjust, D, C)- reshape(Mus(:, kk, :), D, C));
data_centered = double(data(:, :, tt)) - reshape(Mus(:, kk, :), D, C);
deviations_squared(:, kk) = sum((data_centered .^ 2) ./ reshape(Sigmas(:, kk, :), D, C), 2);
% Now see if any of the Gaussians matches to within DEVIATION_SQ_THRESH deviations.
% The best match for a pixel has min deviation.
[junk, index] = min(deviations_squared, [], 2);
% From index, whose elements are indeces of the minimum element of each
% row, compute an indicator matrix that has a 1 in the corresponding
% position of the min element and a 0 otherwise.
matched_gaussian = zeros(size(deviations_squared));
matched_gaussian(sub2ind(size(deviations_squared), 1:length(index), index')) = ones(D, 1);
matched_gaussian = matched_gaussian & (deviations_squared < DEVIATION_SQ_THRESH);
%---------------------------Parameters Update--------------------------
% Now update the weights. Increment weight for the selected Gaussian (if any),
% and decrement weights for all other Gaussians.
Weights = (1 - ALPHA) .* Weights + ALPHA .* matched_gaussian;
% Adjust Mus and Sigmas for matching distributions.
for kk = 1:K
pixel_matched = repmat(matched_gaussian(:, kk), 1, C);
pixel_unmatched = abs(pixel_matched - 1); % Inverted and mutually exclusive
Mu_kk = reshape(Mus(:, kk, :), D, C);
Sigma_kk = reshape(Sigmas(:, kk, :), D, C);
Mus(:, kk, :) = pixel_unmatched .* Mu_kk + ...
pixel_matched .* (((1 - RHO) .* Mu_kk) + ...
(RHO .* double(image)));
% Get updated Mus; Sigmas is still unchanged
Mu_kk = reshape(Mus(:, kk, :), D, C);
Sigmas(:, kk, :) = pixel_unmatched .* Sigma_kk + ...
pixel_matched .* (((1 - RHO) .* Sigma_kk) + ...
repmat((RHO .* sum((double(image) - Mu_kk) .^ 2, 2)), 1, C));
% Maintain an indicator matrix of those components that were replaced because no component matched.
replaced_gaussian = zeros(D, K);
% Find those pixels which have no Gaussian that matches
mismatched = find(sum(matched_gaussian, 2) == 0);
% A method that works well: Replace the component we
% are least confident in. This includes weight in the choice of
% component.
for ii = 1:length(mismatched)
[junk, index] = min(Weights(mismatched(ii), :) ./ sqrt(Sigmas(mismatched(ii), :, 1)));
% Mark that this Gaussian will be replaced
replaced_gaussian(mismatched(ii), index) = 1;
% With a distribution that has the current pixel as mean
Mus(mismatched(ii), index, :) = image(mismatched(ii), :);
% And a relatively wide variance
Sigmas(mismatched(ii), index, :) = ones(1, C) * INIT_VARIANCE;
% Also set the weight to be relatively small
Weights(mismatched(ii), index) = INIT_MIXPROP;
% Now renormalise the weights so they still sum to 1
Weights = Weights ./ repmat(sum(Weights, 2), 1, K);
active_gaussian = matched_gaussian + replaced_gaussian;
%--------------------------background Segment--------------------------
% Find maximum weight/sigma per row.
[junk, index] = sort(Weights ./ sqrt(Sigmas(:, :, 1)), 2, 'descend');
% Record indeces of those each pixel's component we are most confident
% in, so that we can display a single background estimate later. While
% our model allows for a multi-modal background, this is a useful
% visualisa
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
1.版本:matlab2021a,包含仿真操作录像,操作录像使用windows media player播放。 2.领域:目标检测和背景提取 3.内容:基于高斯混合模型的目标检测和背景提取算法matlab仿真。仿真输出原始视频,背景提取效果,目标检测二值图效果。 matched_gaussian = zeros(size(deviations_squared)); matched_gaussian(sub2ind(size(deviations_squared), 1:length(index), index')) = ones(D, 1); matched_gaussian = matched_gaussian & (deviations_squared < DEVIATION_SQ_THRESH); 4.注意事项:注意MATLAB左侧当前文件夹路径,必须是程序所在文件夹位置,具体可以参考视频录。
基于高斯混合模型的目标检测和背景提取算法matlab仿真,含仿真操作录像 (505个子文件)
操作录像0042.avi 17.59MB
背景更新.avi 537KB
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