cocos creator实现的推箱子游戏,含源码和功能;游戏一共有100关卡。 cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { // foo: { // // ATTRIBUTES: // default: null, // The default value will be used only when the component attaching // // to a node for the first time // type: cc.SpriteFrame, // optional, default is typeof default // serializable: true, // optional, default is true // }, // bar: { // get () { // return this._bar; // }, // set (value) { // this._bar = value; // } // }, starImg : cc.Node, itemBg : cc.Node, levelTxt : cc.Node, }, // LIFE-CYCLE CALLBACKS: onLoad () { }, start () { }, //--------显示星星数量-------- /** * @description: 显示星星数量 * @param {boolean} isOpen 是否开启 * @param {starCount} 星星数量 * @param {cc.SpriteAtlas} levelImgAtlas 纹理图 * @param {number} level 关卡 * @return: */ showStar : function(isOpen, starCount, levelImgAtlas, level){ this.itemBg.attr({"_level_" : level}); if(isOpen){ this.itemBg.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = levelImgAtlas.getSpriteFrame("pass_bg"); = true; this.starImg.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = levelImgAtlas.getSpriteFrame("point" + starCount); this.levelTxt.opacity = 255; this.itemBg.getComponent(cc.Button).interactable = true; }else{ this.itemBg.getComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = levelImgAtlas.getSpriteFrame("lock"); = false; this.levelTxt.opacity = 125; this.itemBg.getComponent(cc.Button).interactable = false; } this.levelTxt.getComponent(cc.Label).string = level; }, //按钮回调函数响应 btnCallBack : function(event, customEventData){ if(this._callfunc){ this._callfunc(this.itemBg._level_); } }, levelFunc : function(callfunc){ this._callfunc = callfunc; }, // update (dt) {}, });
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