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A tc234_bsp_example is a small functional project designed to simplify an evaluation phase of the TC234 microcontroller. It comes with necessary low-level functions like a startup code, a minimalistic hardware abstraction and predefined memory partitioning. On top of this low-level implementation, it provides a reference application code running on all uC cores.
ide_1558101511696_tc234-bsp-example.tar.gz (113个子文件)
bsp_uc.c 29KB
bsp_traps_tc2.c 10KB
shared_main.c 6KB
board_appkit_tc2x4.c 5KB
uc_tc23.c 4KB
bsp_isr_vector_table.c 4KB
bsp_board.c 3KB
bsp_isr.c 2KB
.cproject 15KB
.gitignore 7B
IfxCan_reg.h 1.27MB
IfxMc_reg.h 614KB
IfxEray_bf.h 299KB
IfxGtm_bf.h 195KB
IfxEray_regdef.h 188KB
IfxVadc_bf.h 148KB
IfxGtm_regdef.h 138KB
IfxScu_bf.h 134KB
IfxVadc_reg.h 121KB
IfxScu_regdef.h 105KB
IfxVadc_regdef.h 104KB
IfxGtm_reg.h 97KB
IfxEray_reg.h 93KB
IfxFlash_bf.h 88KB
IfxDma_bf.h 82KB
IfxSmu_bf.h 75KB
IfxDma_reg.h 74KB
IfxCcu6_bf.h 71KB
IfxCpu_regdef.h 67KB
IfxCan_bf.h 65KB
IfxDma_regdef.h 64KB
IfxPort_bf.h 60KB
IfxFlash_regdef.h 58KB
IfxCpu_reg.h 57KB
IfxCcu6_regdef.h 56KB
IfxAsclin_bf.h 56KB
IfxSrc_reg.h 56KB
IfxCan_regdef.h 55KB
IfxCpu_bf.h 54KB
IfxIom_bf.h 52KB
IfxSmu_regdef.h 50KB
IfxSent_bf.h 50KB
IfxPort_regdef.h 40KB
IfxPort_reg.h 39KB
IfxQspi_bf.h 38KB
IfxSent_regdef.h 38KB
IfxAsclin_regdef.h 37KB
IfxIom_regdef.h 34KB
IfxXbar_regdef.h 33KB
IfxXbar_bf.h 33KB
IfxGpt12_bf.h 32KB
IfxMtu_bf.h 32KB
IfxSbcu_bf.h 31KB
IfxQspi_regdef.h 29KB
IfxInt_bf.h 28KB
IfxGpt12_regdef.h 25KB
IfxSbcu_regdef.h 24KB
IfxInt_regdef.h 24KB
IfxSrc_regdef.h 22KB
IfxQspi_reg.h 22KB
IfxStm_regdef.h 21KB
IfxMtu_regdef.h 21KB
IfxSent_reg.h 20KB
IfxStm_bf.h 20KB
IfxEbcu_bf.h 19KB
uc_tc23_spec.h 18KB
IfxIom_reg.h 16KB
IfxXbar_reg.h 15KB
IfxScu_reg.h 14KB
IfxLmu_bf.h 14KB
IfxSmu_reg.h 14KB
IfxEbcu_regdef.h 14KB
IfxCcu6_reg.h 14KB
IfxMc_bf.h 13KB
IfxMc_regdef.h 12KB
IfxLmu_regdef.h 11KB
IfxAsclin_reg.h 10KB
IfxOvc_reg.h 9KB
IfxFlash_reg.h 9KB
IfxSbcu_reg.h 7KB
IfxOvc_regdef.h 7KB
IfxInt_reg.h 5KB
IfxOvc_bf.h 5KB
IfxStm_reg.h 5KB
IfxEbcu_reg.h 4KB
IfxGpt12_reg.h 4KB
IfxSrc_bf.h 4KB
uc_tc23_types.h 4KB
bsp_uc.h 4KB
uc_tc23_regdefs.h 4KB
IfxMtu_reg.h 3KB
IfxPmu_regdef.h 3KB
IfxLmu_reg.h 3KB
uc_tc23.h 3KB
board_appkit_tc2x4_spec.h 3KB
IfxPmu_bf.h 2KB
IfxPmu_reg.h 2KB
bsp_board.h 2KB
board_appkit_tc2x4_types.h 2KB
Ifx_TypesReg.h 2KB
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