1- Save attached db2_regex.zip file to a new folder on the hard disk for example to C:\avalanche 2- Extract all files from the zip file to C:\avalanche\db2_regex 3- Open C:\avalanche\db2_regex\scripts\sql\db2_regex_functions.sql. 4- Edit the script to suit your environment, you will need to : 4.1- On the first line, change the database name from DB2MIGR to whatever database you are using 4.2- On the second line, you will need to change the directory name. If you are using unix the syntax should be something like : CALL SQLJ.INSTALL_JAR('file:/tmp/avalanche/db2_regex/lib/db2_regex.jar', db2_regex); 5- In a DB2 command line processor window, run : \>db2 connect to <my_db> user <uid> using <pwd> \>db2 set current schema='REGEXP' \>db2 -td@ -vf C:\avalanche\db2_regex\scripts\sql\db2_regex_functions.sql
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