# fortran-sqlite3
A work-in-progress collection of Fortran 2018 interface bindings to SQLite 3.
## Build Instructions
Make sure that `libsqlite3` is installed with development headers. On FreeBSD,
# pkg install databases/sqlite3
Then, clone the GitHub repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-sqlite3
$ cd fortran-sqlite3/
Either build the library with `fpm` or `make`. Once compiled, link your Fortran
application against `libfortran-sqlite3.a` and `-lsqlite3`.
### fpm
Simply execute the Fortran Package Manager:
$ fpm build --profile=release
The output files are written to `build/`.
### make
Execute the provided `Makefile` with `make`:
$ make
You may want to override the default Fortran compiler (GNU Fortran) by passing
the `FC` argument, for instance:
$ make FC=ifort
## Example
The following SQL schema will be created by the example:
CREATE TABLE example_table (
string VARCHAR(32),
The program opens a database `example.db`, creates the table `example_table`,
inserts some values, then reads them back in, and prints them to console.
The module `sqlite_util` contains C interoperability functions/interfaces to
convert C char pointer to Fortran allocatable character.
! example.f90
program example
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use :: sqlite
use :: sqlite_util
implicit none (type, external)
character(len=:), allocatable :: errmsg
integer :: rc
type(c_ptr) :: db
type(c_ptr) :: stmt
! Open SQLite database.
rc = sqlite3_open('example.db', db)
! Create table.
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE TABLE example_table (" // &
"string VARCHAR(32)," // &
"value INTEGER)", c_null_ptr, c_null_ptr, errmsg)
if (rc /= SQLITE_OK) print '("sqlite3_exec(): ", a)', errmsg
! Create a prepared statement.
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, "INSERT INTO example_table(string, value) VALUES(?, ?)", stmt)
! Bind the values to the statement.
rc = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, 'one')
rc = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, 12345)
! Run the statement.
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt)
if (rc /= SQLITE_DONE) print '("sqlite3_step(): failed")'
! Delete the statement.
rc = sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
! Read values from database.
rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, "SELECT * FROM example_table", stmt)
! Print rows line by line.
do while (sqlite3_step(stmt) /= SQLITE_DONE)
call print_values(stmt, 3)
end do
! Delete the statement.
rc = sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
! Close SQLite handle.
rc = sqlite3_close(db)
subroutine print_values(stmt, ncols)
type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: stmt
integer, intent(in) :: ncols
integer :: col_type
integer :: i
do i = 0, ncols - 1
col_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, i)
select case (col_type)
write (*, '(i12)', advance='no') sqlite3_column_int(stmt, i)
write (*, '(f0.8)', advance='no') sqlite3_column_double(stmt, i)
write (*, '(a12)', advance='no') sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i)
case default
write (*, '(" unsupported")', advance='no')
end select
end do
print *
end subroutine print_values
end program example
Compile, link, and run the example with:
$ gfortran -o example example.f90 libfortran-sqlite3.a -lsqlite3
$ ./example
1 one 12345
## fpm
You can add *fortran-sqlite3* as an [fpm](https://github.com/fortran-lang/fpm)
fortran-sqlite3 = { git = "https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-sqlite3.git" }
## Compatibility
Note that the wrapper function `sqlite3_bind_text()` selects destructor type
`SQLITE_TRANSIENT` if argument `destructor` is not passed, in contrast to the
SQLite default `SQLITE_STATIC`. Therefore, SQLite will make a copy of the given
value. Otherwise, the passed variable could go out of scope before SQLite was
able to read the string completely, leading to possible data corruption.
## Licence