.. -*- mode: rst -*-
Write your own lexer
If a lexer for your favorite language is missing in the Pygments package, you can
easily write your own and extend Pygments.
All you need can be found inside the `pygments.lexer` module. As you can read in
the `API documentation <api.txt>`_, a lexer is a class that is initialized with
some keyword arguments (the lexer options) and that provides a
`get_tokens_unprocessed()` method which is given a string or unicode object with
the data to parse.
The `get_tokens_unprocessed()` method must return an iterator or iterable
containing tuples in the form ``(index, token, value)``. Normally you don't need
to do this since there are numerous base lexers you can subclass.
A very powerful (but quite easy to use) lexer is the `RegexLexer`. This lexer
base class allows you to define lexing rules in terms of *regular expressions*
for different *states*.
States are groups of regular expressions that are matched against the input
string at the *current position*. If one of these expressions matches, a
corresponding action is performed (normally yielding a token with a specific
type), the current position is set to where the last match ended and the
matching process continues with the first regex of the current state.
Lexer states are kept in a state stack: each time a new state is entered, the
new state is pushed onto the stack. The most basic lexers (like the
`DiffLexer`) just need one state.
Each state is defined as a list of tuples in the form (`regex`, `action`,
`new_state`) where the last item is optional. In the most basic form, `action`
is a token type (like `Name.Builtin`). That means: When `regex` matches, emit a
token with the match text and type `tokentype` and push `new_state` on the state
stack. If the new state is ``'#pop'``, the topmost state is popped from the
stack instead. (To pop more than one state, use ``'#pop:2'`` and so on.)
``'#push'`` is a synonym for pushing the current state on the
The following example shows the `DiffLexer` from the builtin lexers. Note that
it contains some additional attributes `name`, `aliases` and `filenames` which
aren't required for a lexer. They are used by the builtin lexer lookup
.. sourcecode:: python
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer
from pygments.token import *
class DiffLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Diff'
aliases = ['diff']
filenames = ['*.diff']
tokens = {
'root': [
(r' .*\n', Text),
(r'\+.*\n', Generic.Inserted),
(r'-.*\n', Generic.Deleted),
(r'@.*\n', Generic.Subheading),
(r'Index.*\n', Generic.Heading),
(r'=.*\n', Generic.Heading),
(r'.*\n', Text),
As you can see this lexer only uses one state. When the lexer starts scanning
the text, it first checks if the current character is a space. If this is true
it scans everything until newline and returns the parsed data as `Text` token.
If this rule doesn't match, it checks if the current char is a plus sign. And
so on.
If no rule matches at the current position, the current char is emitted as an
`Error` token that indicates a parsing error, and the position is increased by
Regex Flags
You can either define regex flags in the regex (``r'(?x)foo bar'``) or by adding
a `flags` attribute to your lexer class. If no attribute is defined, it defaults
to `re.MULTILINE`. For more informations about regular expression flags see the
`regular expressions`_ help page in the python documentation.
.. _regular expressions: http://docs.python.org/lib/re-syntax.html
Scanning multiple tokens at once
Here is a more complex lexer that highlights INI files. INI files consist of
sections, comments and key = value pairs:
.. sourcecode:: python
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups
from pygments.token import *
class IniLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'INI'
aliases = ['ini', 'cfg']
filenames = ['*.ini', '*.cfg']
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'\s+', Text),
(r';.*?$', Comment),
(r'\[.*?\]$', Keyword),
bygroups(Name.Attribute, Text, Operator, Text, String))
The lexer first looks for whitespace, comments and section names. And later it
looks for a line that looks like a key, value pair, seperated by an ``'='``
sign, and optional whitespace.
The `bygroups` helper makes sure that each group is yielded with a different
token type. First the `Name.Attribute` token, then a `Text` token for the
optional whitespace, after that a `Operator` token for the equals sign. Then a
`Text` token for the whitespace again. The rest of the line is returned as
Note that for this to work, every part of the match must be inside a capturing
group (a ``(...)``), and there must not be any nested capturing groups. If you
nevertheless need a group, use a non-capturing group defined using this syntax:
``r'(?:some|words|here)'`` (note the ``?:`` after the beginning parenthesis).
If you find yourself needing a capturing group inside the regex which
shouldn't be part of the output but is used in the regular expressions for
backreferencing (eg: ``r'(<(foo|bar)>)(.*?)(</\2>)'``), you can pass `None`
to the bygroups function and it will skip that group will be skipped in the
Changing states
Many lexers need multiple states to work as expected. For example, some
languages allow multiline comments to be nested. Since this is a recursive
pattern it's impossible to lex just using regular expressions.
Here is the solution:
.. sourcecode:: python
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer
from pygments.token import *
class ExampleLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Example Lexer with states'
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'[^/]+', Text),
(r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
(r'//.*?$', Comment.Singleline),
(r'/', Text)
'comment': [
(r'[^*/]', Comment.Multiline),
(r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
(r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
(r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline)
This lexer starts lexing in the ``'root'`` state. It tries to match as much as
possible until it finds a slash (``'/'``). If the next character after the slash
is a star (``'*'``) the `RegexLexer` sends those two characters to the output
stream marked as `Comment.Multiline` and continues parsing with the rules
defined in the ``'comment'`` state.
If there wasn't a star after the slash, the `RegexLexer` checks if it's a
singleline comment (eg: followed by a second slash). If this also wasn't the
case it must be a single slash (the separate regex for a single slash must also
be given, else the slash would be marked as an error token).
Inside the ``'comment'`` state, we do the same thing again. Scan until the lexer
finds a star or slash. If it's the opening of a multiline comment, push the
``'comment'`` state on the stack and continue scanning, again in the
``'comment'`` state. Else, check if it's the end of the multiline comment. If
yes, pop one state from the stack.
Note: If you pop from an empty stack you'll get an `IndexError`. (There is an
easy way to prevent this from happening: don't ``'#pop'`` in the root state).
If the `RegexLexer` encounters a newline that is flagged as an error token, the
stack is emptied and the lexer continues scanning in the ``'root'`` state. This
helps producing error-tolerant highlighting for erroneous input, e.g. when a
single-line string is not closed.
Advanced state tricks
There are a few m
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