# PyZMQ: Python bindings for ØMQ
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This package contains Python bindings for [ØMQ](http://www.zeromq.org).
ØMQ is a lightweight and fast messaging implementation.
PyZMQ should work with any Python ≥ 2.6 (including Python 3), as well as PyPy.
The Cython backend used by CPython supports libzmq ≥ 2.1.4 (including 3.2.x and 4.x),
but the CFFI backend used by PyPy only supports libzmq ≥ 3.2.2 (including 4.x).
For a summary of changes to pyzmq, see our
### ØMQ 3.x, 4.x
PyZMQ ≥ 2.2.0 fully supports the 3.x and 4.x APIs of libzmq,
developed at [zeromq/libzmq](https://github.com/zeromq/libzmq).
No code to change, no flags to pass,
just build pyzmq against the latest and it should work.
PyZMQ does not support the old libzmq 2 API on PyPy.
## Documentation
See PyZMQ's Sphinx-generated
[documentation](http://zeromq.github.com/pyzmq) on GitHub for API
details, and some notes on Python and Cython development. If you want to
learn about using ØMQ in general, the excellent [ØMQ
Guide](http://zguide.zeromq.org/py:all) is the place to start, which has a
Python version of every example. We also have some information on our
## Downloading
Unless you specifically want to develop PyZMQ, we recommend downloading
the PyZMQ source code, eggs, or wheels from
[PyPI](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyzmq). On Windows, you can get `.exe` installers
from [Christoph Gohlke](http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyzmq).
You can also get the latest source code from our GitHub repository, but
building from the repository will require that you install Cython
version 0.16 or later.
## Building and installation
For more detail on building pyzmq, see [our Wiki](https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/wiki/Building-and-Installing-PyZMQ).
We build eggs and wheels for OS X and Windows, so you can get a binary on those platforms with either:
pip install pyzmq
easy_install pyzmq
but compiling from source with `pip install pyzmq` should work in most environments.
When compiling pyzmq (e.g. installing with pip on Linux),
it is generally recommended that zeromq be installed separately, via homebrew, apt, yum, etc.
If this is not available, pyzmq will *try* to build libzmq as a Python Extension,
though this is not guaranteed to work.
To build pyzmq from the git repo (including release tags) requires Cython.
## Old versions
For libzmq 2.0.x, use pyzmq release
pyzmq-2.1.11 was the last version of pyzmq to support Python 2.5,
and pyzmq ≥ 2.2.0 requires Python ≥ 2.6.
pyzmq-13.0.0 introduces PyPy support via CFFI, which only supports libzmq-3.2.2 and newer.
PyZMQ releases ≤ 2.2.0 matched libzmq versioning, but this is no longer the case,
starting with PyZMQ 13.0.0 (it was the thirteenth release, so why not?).
PyZMQ ≥ 13.0 follows semantic versioning conventions accounting only for PyZMQ itself.
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收藏 1.24MB ZIP 举报
pyzmq-14.3.1.zip (662个子文件)
setup.cfg.android 439B
socket.c 432KB
message.c 293KB
monitoredqueue.c 211KB
constants.c 188KB
context.c 181KB
_poll.c 155KB
_device.c 123KB
utils.c 107KB
error.c 75KB
_version.c 63KB
auth_poly1305_53.c 26KB
smult_curve25519_donna_c64.c 13KB
sc_muladd.c 12KB
fe_mul.c 10KB
blake2b-ref.c 9KB
compat.c 9KB
fe25519_edwards25519sha512batch.c 9KB
randombytes_salsa20_random.c 8KB
sc_reduce.c 8KB
ge25519_edwards25519sha512batch.c 7KB
smult_curve25519_ref.c 7KB
aes256-ctr.c 6KB
blocks_sha512.c 6KB
fe_sq2.c 6KB
fe_sq.c 6KB
onetimeauth_poly1305_try.c 5KB
xor_afternm_aes128ctr.c 5KB
blocks_sha256.c 5KB
auth_poly1305_donna.c 4KB
afternm_aes128ctr.c 4KB
randombytes_sysrandom.c 4KB
sc25519_edwards25519sha512batch.c 3KB
core_salsa2012.c 3KB
core_salsa20.c 3KB
core_salsa208.c 3KB
fe_tobytes.c 3KB
core_hsalsa20.c 3KB
int128_aes128ctr.c 2KB
ge_scalarmult_base.c 2KB
ge_double_scalarmult.c 2KB
sign_edwards25519sha512batch.c 2KB
fe_frombytes.c 2KB
hmac_hmacsha512256.c 2KB
utils.c 2KB
shorthash_siphash24.c 2KB
beforenm_aes128ctr.c 2KB
crypto_box.c 2KB
hmac_hmacsha256.c 2KB
crypto_generichash.c 2KB
generichash_blake2b.c 2KB
hash_sha512.c 2KB
hash_sha256.c 1KB
fe_cmov.c 1KB
fe_sub.c 1KB
fe_add.c 1KB
common_aes128ctr.c 1KB
crypto_sign.c 1KB
consts_aes128ctr.c 1KB
box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_api.c 1KB
xor_salsa20_ref.c 1KB
randombytes.c 1KB
xor_salsa2012.c 1022B
onetimeauth_poly1305.c 1020B
xor_salsa208.c 1019B
ge_frombytes.c 987B
crypto_secretbox.c 961B
stream_salsa20_ref.c 943B
open.c 939B
stream_salsa208.c 918B
stream_salsa2012.c 917B
box_xsalsa20poly1305.c 872B
fe_neg.c 855B
sign.c 804B
initlibsodium.c 799B
initlibzmq.c 793B
crypto_onetimeauth.c 718B
crypto_stream.c 682B
generichash_blake2_api.c 668B
keypair.c 668B
stream_aes128ctr.c 668B
crypto_auth.c 636B
secretbox_xsalsa20poly1305_api.c 624B
box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.c 611B
crypto_scalarmult.c 580B
xor_xsalsa20.c 556B
sign_edwards25519sha512batch_api.c 535B
stream_xsalsa20.c 520B
core_salsa2012_api.c 497B
after_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.c 494B
core_salsa208_api.c 486B
core_hsalsa20_api.c 486B
sign_ed25519_api.c 481B
core_salsa20_api.c 475B
crypto_shorthash.c 475B
before_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305.c 474B
verify_32.c 460B
stream_aes256estream_api.c 457B
fe_copy.c 454B
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