Werkzeug Tutorial
.. module:: werkzeug
Welcome to the Werkzeug 0.5 tutorial in which we will create a `TinyURL`_ clone
that stores URLs in a database. The libraries we will use for this
applications are `Jinja`_ 2 for the templates, `SQLAlchemy`_ for the database
layer and, of course, Werkzeug for the WSGI layer.
The reasons why we've decided on these libraries for the tutorial application
is that we want to stick to some of the design decisions `Django`_ took in the
past. One of them is using view functions instead of controller classes with
action methods, which is common in `Rails`_ and `Pylons`_, the other one is
designer-friendly templates.
The Werkzeug `example folder`_ contains a couple of applications that use other
template engines, too, so you may want to have a look at them. There is also
the source code of this application.
You can use `easy_install`_ to install the required libraries::
sudo easy_install Jinja2
sudo easy_install SQLAlchemy
If you're on Windows, omit the "sudo" (and make sure, `setuptools`_ is
installed); if you're on OS X, you can check if the libraries are also
available in port; or on Linux, you can check out your package manager for
packages called ``python-jinja2`` and ``python-sqlalchemy``.
If you're curious, check out the `online demo`_ of the application.
.. _TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/
.. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/
.. _Jinja: http://jinja.pocoo.org/
.. _SQLAlchemy: http://sqlalchemy.org/
.. _Rails: http://www.rubyonrails.org/
.. _Pylons: http://pylonshq.com/
.. _example folder: http://dev.pocoo.org/projects/werkzeug/browser/examples
.. _easy_install: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall
.. _setuptools: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
.. _online demo: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/e/shorty/
Part 0: The Folder Structure
Before we can get started we have to create a Python package for our Werkzeug
application and the folders for the templates and static files.
This tutorial application is called `shorty` and the initial directory layout
we will use looks like this::
The ``__init__.py`` and ``manage.py`` files should be empty for the time
being. The first one makes ``shorty`` a Python package, the second one will
hold our management utilities later.
Part 1: The WSGI Application
Unlike Django or other frameworks, Werkzeug operates directly on the WSGI
layer. There is no fancy magic that implements the central WSGI application
for you. As a result of that the first thing you will do every time you write
a Werkzeug application is implementing this basic WSGI application object.
This can now either be a function or, even better, a callable class.
A callable class has huge advantages over a function. For one you can pass
it some configuration parameters and furthermore you can use inline WSGI
middlewares. Inline WSGI middlewares are basically middlewares applied
"inside" of our application object. This is a good idea for middlewares that
are essential for the application (session middlewares, serving of media
files etc.).
Here the initial code for our ``shorty/application.py`` file which implements
the WSGI application::
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from werkzeug import Request, ClosingIterator
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from shorty.utils import session, metadata, local, local_manager, url_map
from shorty import views
import shorty.models
class Shorty(object):
def __init__(self, db_uri):
local.application = self
self.database_engine = create_engine(db_uri, convert_unicode=True)
def init_database(self):
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
local.application = self
request = Request(environ)
local.url_adapter = adapter = url_map.bind_to_environ(environ)
endpoint, values = adapter.match()
handler = getattr(views, endpoint)
response = handler(request, **values)
except HTTPException, e:
response = e
return ClosingIterator(response(environ, start_response),
[session.remove, local_manager.cleanup])
That's a lot of code for the beginning! Let's go through it step by step.
First we have a couple of imports: From SQLAlchemy we import a factory
function that creates a new database engine for us. A database engine holds
a pool of connections for us and manages them. The next few imports pull some
objects into the namespace Werkzeug provides: a request object, a special
iterator class that helps us cleaning up stuff at the request end and finally
the base class for all HTTP exceptions.
The next five imports are not working because we don't have the utils module
written yet. However we should cover some of the objects already. The
`session` object pulled from there is not a PHP-like session object but a
SQLAlchemy database session object. Basically a database session object keeps
track of yet uncommited objects for the database. Unlike Django, an
instantiated SQLAlchemy model is already tracked by the session! The metadata
object is also an SQLAlchemy thing which is used to keep track of tables. We
can use the metadata object to easily create all tables for the database and
SQLAlchemy uses it to look up foreign keys and similar stuff.
The `local` object is basically a thread local object created in the utility
module for us. Every attribute on this object is bound to the current request
and we can use this to implicitly pass objects around in a thread-safe way.
The `local_manager` object ensures that all local objects it keeps track of
are properly deleted at the end of the request.
The last thing we import from there is the URL map which holds the URL routing
information. If you know Django you can compare that to the url patterns you
specify in the ``urls.py`` module, if you have used PHP so far it's comparable
with some sort of built-in "mod_rewrite".
We import our views module which holds the view functions and then we import
the models module which holds all of our models. Even if it looks like we
don't use that import it's there so that all the tables are registered on the
metadata properly.
So let's have a look at the application class. The constructor of this class
takes a database URI which is basically the type of the database and the login
credentials or location of the database. For SQLite this is for example
``'sqlite:////tmp/shorty.db'`` (note that these are **four** slashes).
In the constructor we create a database engine for that database URI and use
the `convert_unicode` parameter to tell SQLAlchemy that our strings are all
unicode objects.
Another thing we do here is binding the application to the local object. This
is not really required but useful if we want to play with the application in
a python shell. On application instanciation we have it bound to the current
thread and all the database functions will work as expected. If we don't do
that Werkzeug will complain that it's unable to find the database when it's
creating a session for SQLAlchemy.
The `init_database` function defined below can be used to create all the
tables we use.
And then comes the request dispatching function. In there we create a new
request object by passing the environment to the :class:`Request` constructor.
Once again we bind the application to the local object, this time, however,
we have to do this, otherwise things will break soon.
Then we create a new URL map adapter by binding the URL map to the current
WSGI environment. This basically looks at the environment of the incoming
request information and fetches the informatio
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