# Request -- Simplified HTTP request method
## Install
npm install request
Or from source:
git clone git://github.com/mikeal/request.git
cd request
npm link
## Super simple to use
Request is designed to be the simplest way possible to make http calls. It supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.
var request = require('request');
request('http://www.google.com', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
console.log(body) // Print the google web page.
## Streaming
You can stream any response to a file stream.
You can also stream a file to a PUT or POST request. This method will also check the file extension against a mapping of file extensions to content-types, in this case `application/json`, and use the proper content-type in the PUT request if one is not already provided in the headers.
Request can also pipe to itself. When doing so the content-type and content-length will be preserved in the PUT headers.
Now let's get fancy.
http.createServer(function (req, resp) {
if (req.url === '/doodle.png') {
if (req.method === 'PUT') {
} else if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD') {
You can also pipe() from a http.ServerRequest instance and to a http.ServerResponse instance. The HTTP method and headers will be sent as well as the entity-body data. Which means that, if you don't really care about security, you can do:
http.createServer(function (req, resp) {
if (req.url === '/doodle.png') {
var x = request('http://mysite.com/doodle.png')
And since pipe() returns the destination stream in node 0.5.x you can do one line proxying :)
Also, none of this new functionality conflicts with requests previous features, it just expands them.
var r = request.defaults({'proxy':'http://localproxy.com'})
http.createServer(function (req, resp) {
if (req.url === '/doodle.png') {
You can still use intermediate proxies, the requests will still follow HTTP forwards, etc.
## OAuth Signing
// Twitter OAuth
var qs = require('querystring')
, oauth =
{ callback: 'http://mysite.com/callback/'
, consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY
, consumer_secret: CONSUMER_SECRET
, url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
request.post({url:url, oauth:oauth}, function (e, r, body) {
// Assume by some stretch of magic you aquired the verifier
var access_token = qs.parse(body)
, oauth =
{ consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY
, consumer_secret: CONSUMER_SECRET
, token: access_token.oauth_token
, verifier: VERIFIER
, token_secret: access_token.oauth_token_secret
, url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
request.post({url:url, oauth:oauth}, function (e, r, body) {
var perm_token = qs.parse(body)
, oauth =
{ consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY
, consumer_secret: CONSUMER_SECRET
, token: perm_token.oauth_token
, token_secret: perm_token.oauth_token_secret
, url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json?'
, params =
{ screen_name: perm_token.screen_name
, user_id: perm_token.user_id
url += qs.stringify(params)
request.get({url:url, oauth:oauth, json:true}, function (e, r, user) {
### request(options, callback)
The first argument can be either a url or an options object. The only required option is uri, all others are optional.
* `uri` || `url` - fully qualified uri or a parsed url object from url.parse()
* `qs` - object containing querystring values to be appended to the uri
* `method` - http method, defaults to GET
* `headers` - http headers, defaults to {}
* `body` - entity body for POST and PUT requests. Must be buffer or string.
* `form` - sets `body` but to querystring representation of value and adds `Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8` header.
* `json` - sets `body` but to JSON representation of value and adds `Content-type: application/json` header. Additionally, parses the response body as json.
* `multipart` - (experimental) array of objects which contains their own headers and `body` attribute. Sends `multipart/related` request. See example below.
* `followRedirect` - follow HTTP 3xx responses as redirects. defaults to true.
* `followAllRedirects` - follow non-GET HTTP 3xx responses as redirects. defaults to false.
* `maxRedirects` - the maximum number of redirects to follow, defaults to 10.
* `encoding` - Encoding to be used on `setEncoding` of response data. If set to `null`, the body is returned as a Buffer.
* `pool` - A hash object containing the agents for these requests. If omitted this request will use the global pool which is set to node's default maxSockets.
* `pool.maxSockets` - Integer containing the maximum amount of sockets in the pool.
* `timeout` - Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for a request to respond before aborting the request
* `proxy` - An HTTP proxy to be used. Support proxy Auth with Basic Auth the same way it's supported with the `url` parameter by embedding the auth info in the uri.
* `oauth` - Options for OAuth HMAC-SHA1 signing, see documentation above.
* `strictSSL` - Set to `true` to require that SSL certificates be valid. Note: to use your own certificate authority, you need to specify an agent that was created with that ca as an option.
* `jar` - Set to `false` if you don't want cookies to be remembered for future use or define your custom cookie jar (see examples section)
The callback argument gets 3 arguments. The first is an error when applicable (usually from the http.Client option not the http.ClientRequest object). The second in an http.ClientResponse object. The third is the response body String or Buffer.
## Convenience methods
There are also shorthand methods for different HTTP METHODs and some other conveniences.
### request.defaults(options)
This method returns a wrapper around the normal request API that defaults to whatever options you pass in to it.
### request.put
Same as request() but defaults to `method: "PUT"`.
### request.post
Same as request() but defaults to `method: "POST"`.
### request.head
Same as request() but defaults to `method: "HEAD"`.
### request.del
Same as request() but defaults to `method: "DELETE"`.
### request.get
Alias to normal request method for uniformity.
### request.cookie
Function that creates a new cookie.
### request.jar
Function that creates a new cookie jar.
## Examples:
var request = require('request')
, rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000000).toString()
{ method: 'PUT'
, uri: 'http://mikeal.iriscouch.com/testjs/' + rand
, multipart:
[ { 'content-type': 'application/json'
, body: JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar', _attachments: {'message.txt': {follows: true, length: 18, 'content_type': 'text/plain' }}})
, { body: 'I am an attachment' }
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Node.js,简称Node,是一个开源且跨平台的JavaScript运行时环境,它允许在浏览器外运行JavaScript代码。Node.js于2009年由Ryan Dahl创立,旨在创建高性能的Web服务器和网络应用程序。它基于Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎,可以在Windows、Linux、Unix、Mac OS X等操作系统上运行。 Node.js的特点之一是事件驱动和非阻塞I/O模型,这使得它非常适合处理大量并发连接,从而在构建实时应用程序如在线游戏、聊天应用以及实时通讯服务时表现卓越。此外,Node.js使用了模块化的架构,通过npm(Node package manager,Node包管理器),社区成员可以共享和复用代码,极大地促进了Node.js生态系统的发展和扩张。 Node.js不仅用于服务器端开发。随着技术的发展,它也被用于构建工具链、开发桌面应用程序、物联网设备等。Node.js能够处理文件系统、操作数据库、处理网络请求等,因此,开发者可以用JavaScript编写全栈应用程序,这一点大大提高了开发效率和便捷性。 在实践中,许多大型企业和组织已经采用Node.js作为其Web应用程序的开发平台,如Netflix、PayPal和Walmart等。它们利用Node.js提高了应用性能,简化了开发流程,并且能更快地响应市场需求。
node-v0.8.16-darwin-x86.tar.gz (868个子文件)
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