SV 346,683,580v4 4-24-11
Node.js Project Trademark Policy
This document outlines Joyent’s policy and guidelines for the trademarks and graphic logos we
use to identify the Node.js™ software and other software developed and distributed by the
Node.js projects. Joyent owns all trademarks, service marks, and graphic logos related to the
Node.js software.
The Node.js trademarks, service marks, and graphics marks are symbols of the quality,
performance, and ease of use that people have come to associate with the Node.js software and
project. To ensure that the Node.js marks continue to symbolize these qualities, we must ensure
that the marks are only used in ways that do not mislead people or cause them to confuse Node.js
with other software of lower quality. If we don’t ensure the marks are used in this way, it can not
only confuse users, it can make it impossible to use the mark to protect against people who
maliciously exploit the mark in the future. The primary goal of this policy is to make sure that
this doesn’t happen to the Node.js mark, so that the community and users of Node.js are always
protected in the future.
At the same time, we’d like community members to feel comfortable spreading the word about
Node.js and participating in the Node.js community. Keeping that goal in mind, we’ve tried to
make the policy as flexible and easy to understand as legally possible.
Contacting Us
These guidelines will often be the start of a dialog, not the end. Something below may be simply
unclear, you may feel you’re right on the edge between permissible and impermissible, or you
may even think your idea clearly violates the policy - but you think it would be a great idea
anyway. If you are in that sort of situation, or have any other questions about anything below,
please contact us- we’d be happy to discuss, clarify where possible, and arrange a license if need
Please contact us at We will reply to all inquiries within 48 hours if not
Specific Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to the "Node.js" word trademark, the "node[cloud]js" graphic
trademark, the “node[hex]js” graphic trademark (the “Trademarks”).