Building and Distributing Packages with Setuptools
``Setuptools`` is a collection of enhancements to the Python ``distutils``
that allow developers to more easily build and
distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other
Packages built and distributed using ``setuptools`` look to the user like
ordinary Python packages based on the ``distutils``.
Feature Highlights:
* Create `Python Eggs <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs>`_ -
a single-file importable distribution format
* Enhanced support for accessing data files hosted in zipped packages.
* Automatically include all packages in your source tree, without listing them
individually in setup.py
* Automatically include all relevant files in your source distributions,
without needing to create a ``MANIFEST.in`` file, and without having to force
regeneration of the ``MANIFEST`` file when your source tree changes.
* Automatically generate wrapper scripts or Windows (console and GUI) .exe
files for any number of "main" functions in your project. (Note: this is not
a py2exe replacement; the .exe files rely on the local Python installation.)
* Transparent Cython support, so that your setup.py can list ``.pyx`` files and
still work even when the end-user doesn't have Cython installed (as long as
you include the Cython-generated C in your source distribution)
* Command aliases - create project-specific, per-user, or site-wide shortcut
names for commonly used commands and options
* Deploy your project in "development mode", such that it's available on
``sys.path``, yet can still be edited directly from its source checkout.
* Easily extend the distutils with new commands or ``setup()`` arguments, and
distribute/reuse your extensions for multiple projects, without copying code.
* Create extensible applications and frameworks that automatically discover
extensions, using simple "entry points" declared in a project's setup script.
* Full support for PEP 420 via ``find_namespace_packages()``, which is also backwards
compatible to the existing ``find_packages()`` for Python >= 3.3.
.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
Developer's Guide
Installing ``setuptools``
.. _Installing Packages: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages/
To install the latest version of setuptools, use::
pip install --upgrade setuptools
Refer to `Installing Packages`_ guide for more information.
Basic Use
For basic use of setuptools, just import things from setuptools instead of
the distutils. Here's a minimal setup script using setuptools::
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
As you can see, it doesn't take much to use setuptools in a project.
Run that script in your project folder, alongside the Python packages
you have developed.
Invoke that script to produce distributions and automatically include all
packages in the directory where the setup.py lives. See the `Command
Reference`_ section below to see what commands you can give to this setup
script. For example, to produce a source distribution, simply invoke::
setup.py sdist
Of course, before you release your project to PyPI, you'll want to add a bit
more information to your setup script to help people find or learn about your
project. And maybe your project will have grown by then to include a few
dependencies, and perhaps some data files and scripts::
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
# Project uses reStructuredText, so ensure that the docutils get
# installed or upgraded on the target machine
# If any package contains *.txt or *.rst files, include them:
"": ["*.txt", "*.rst"],
# And include any *.msg files found in the "hello" package, too:
"hello": ["*.msg"],
# metadata to display on PyPI
description="This is an Example Package",
keywords="hello world example examples",
url="http://example.com/HelloWorld/", # project home page, if any
"Bug Tracker": "https://bugs.example.com/HelloWorld/",
"Documentation": "https://docs.example.com/HelloWorld/",
"Source Code": "https://code.example.com/HelloWorld/",
"License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License"
# could also include long_description, download_url, etc.
In the sections that follow, we'll explain what most of these ``setup()``
arguments do (except for the metadata ones), and the various ways you might use
them in your own project(s).
Specifying Your Project's Version
Setuptools can work well with most versioning schemes; there are, however, a
few special things to watch out for, in order to ensure that setuptools and
other tools can always tell what version of your package is newer than another
version. Knowing these things will also help you correctly specify what
versions of other projects your project depends on.
A version consists of an alternating series of release numbers and pre-release
or post-release tags. A release number is a series of digits punctuated by
dots, such as ``2.4`` or ``0.5``. Each series of digits is treated
numerically, so releases ``2.1`` and ``2.1.0`` are different ways to spell the
same release number, denoting the first subrelease of release 2. But ``2.10``
is the *tenth* subrelease of release 2, and so is a different and newer release
from ``2.1`` or ``2.1.0``. Leading zeros within a series of digits are also
ignored, so ``2.01`` is the same as ``2.1``, and different from ``2.0.1``.
Following a release number, you can have either a pre-release or post-release
tag. Pre-release tags make a version be considered *older* than the version
they are appended to. So, revision ``2.4`` is *newer* than revision ``2.4c1``,
which in turn is newer than ``2.4b1`` or ``2.4a1``. Postrelease tags make
a version be considered *newer* than the version they are appended to. So,
revisions like ``2.4-1`` and ``2.4pl3`` are newer than ``2.4``, but are *older*
than ``2.4.1`` (which has a higher release number).
A pre-release tag is a series of letters that are alphabetically before
"final". Some examples of prerelease tags would include ``alpha``, ``beta``,
``a``, ``c``, ``dev``, and so on. You do not have to place a dot or dash
before the prerelease tag if it's immediately after a number, but it's okay to
do so if you prefer. Thus, ``2.4c1`` and ``2.4.c1`` and ``2.4-c1`` all
represent release candidate 1 of version ``2.4``, and are treated as identical
by setuptools.
In addition, there are three special prerelease tags that are treated as if
they were the letter ``c``: ``pre``, ``preview``, and ``rc``. So, version
``2.4rc1``, ``2.4pre1`` and ``2.4preview1`` are all the exact same version as
``2.4c1``, and are treated as identical by setuptools.
A post-release tag is either a series of letters that are alphabetically
greater than or equal to "final", or a dash (``-``). Post-release tags are
generally used to separate patch numbers, port numbers, build numbers, revision
numbers, or date stamps from the release number. For example, the version
``2.4-r1263`` might denote Subversion revision 1263 of a post-release patch of
version ``2.4``. Or you might use ``2.4-20051127`` to denote a date-stamped
Notice that after each pre or
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