# TensorFlow Similarity: Metric Learning for Humans
TensorFlow Similarity is a [TensorFlow](https://tensorflow.org) library for [similarity learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Similarity_learning) which includes techniques such as self-supervised learning, metric learning, similarity learning, and contrastive learning. TensorFlow Similarity is still in beta and we may push breaking changes.
## Introduction
Tensorflow Similarity offers state-of-the-art algorithms for metric learning along with all the necessary components to research, train, evaluate, and serve similarity and contrastive based models. These components include models, losses, metrics, samplers, visualizers, and indexing subsystems to make this quick and easy.
![Example of nearest neighbors search performed on the embedding generated by a similarity model trained on the Oxford IIIT Pet Dataset.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tensorflow/similarity/master/assets/images/similar-cats-and-dogs.jpg)
With Tensorflow Similarity you can train two main types of models:
1. **Self-supervised models**: Used to learn general data representations on unlabeled data to boost the accuracy of downstream tasks where you have few labels. For example, you can pre-train a model on a large number of unlabled images using one of the supported contrastive methods supported by TensorFlow Similarity, and then fine-tune it on a small labeled dataset to achieve higher accuracy. To get started training your own self-supervised model see this [notebook](examples/unsupervised_hello_world.ipynb).
2. **Similarity models**: Output embeddings that allow you to find and cluster similar examples such as images representing the same object within a large corpus of examples. For instance, as visible above, you can train a similarity model to find and cluster similar looking, unseen cat and dog images from the [Oxford IIIT Pet Dataset](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/oxford_iiit_pet) while only training on a few of the dataset classes. To get started training your own similarity model see this [notebook](examples/supervised/visualization.ipynb).
## What's new
- [Jan 2022]: 0.15 self-supervised release
* Added support for self-supervised contrastive learning. Including SimCLR, SimSiam, and Barlow Twins. Checkout the in-depth [hello world notebook](examples/unsupervised_hello_world.ipynb) to get started.
* Soft Nearest Neighbor Loss added thanks to [Abhishar Sinha](https://github.com/abhisharsinha)
* Added GenerlizedMeanPooling2D support that improves similarity matching accuracy over GlobalMeanPooling2D.
* Numerous speed optimizations and general bug fixes.
- [Dec 2021]:
* Sampler speed optimizations and general bug fixes.
- [Oct 2021]: 0.14 similarity release
* 0.14 is out which includes various speed improvements and post initial release bug fixes.
* Added `Samplers.*` IO [notebook](examples/sampler_io_cookbook.ipynb) detailing how to efficiently sample your data for successful training.
For previous changes and more details - see [the changelog](./releases.md)
## Getting Started
### Installation
Use pip to install the library.
**NOTE**: The Tensorflow extra_require key can be omitted if you already have tensorflow>=2.4 installed.
pip install --upgrade-strategy=only-if-needed tensorflow_similarity[tensorflow]
### Documentation
The detailed and narrated [notebooks](examples/) are a good way to get started with TensorFlow Similarity. There is likely to be one that is similar to your data or your problem (if not, let us know). You can start working with the examples immediately in Google Colab by clicking the Google Colab icon.
For more information about specific functions, you can [check the API documentation](api/)
For contributing to the project please check out the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)
### Minimal Example: MNIST similarity
<summary> Click to expand and see how to train a supervised similarity model on mnist using TF.Similarity</summary>
Here is a bare bones example demonstrating how to train a TensorFlow Similarity model on the MNIST data. This example illustrates some of the main components provided by TensorFlow Similarity and how they fit together. Please refer to the [hello_world notebook](examples/supervised_hello_world.ipynb) for a more detailed introduction.
### Preparing data
TensorFlow Similarity provides [data samplers](api/TFSimilarity/samplers/), for various dataset types, that balance the batches to ensure smoother training.
In this example, we are using the multi-shot sampler that integrates directly from the TensorFlow dataset catalog.
from tensorflow_similarity.samplers import TFDatasetMultiShotMemorySampler
# Data sampler that generates balanced batches from MNIST dataset
sampler = TFDatasetMultiShotMemorySampler(dataset_name='mnist', classes_per_batch=10)
### Building a Similarity model
Building a TensorFlow Similarity model is similar to building a standard Keras model, except the output layer is usually a [`MetricEmbedding()`](api/TFSimilarity/layers/) layer that enforces L2 normalization and the model is instantiated as a specialized subclass [`SimilarityModel()`](api/TFSimilarity/models/SimilarityModel.md) that supports additional functionality.
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow_similarity.layers import MetricEmbedding
from tensorflow_similarity.models import SimilarityModel
# Build a Similarity model using standard Keras layers
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(28, 28, 1))
x = layers.experimental.preprocessing.Rescaling(1/255)(inputs)
x = layers.Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu')(x)
x = layers.Flatten()(x)
x = layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
outputs = MetricEmbedding(64)(x)
# Build a specialized Similarity model
model = SimilarityModel(inputs, outputs)
### Training model via contrastive learning
To output a metric embedding, that are searchable via approximate nearest neighbor search, the model needs to be trained using a similarity loss. Here we are using the `MultiSimilarityLoss()`, which is one of the most efficient loss functions.
from tensorflow_similarity.losses import MultiSimilarityLoss
# Train Similarity model using contrastive loss
model.compile('adam', loss=MultiSimilarityLoss())
model.fit(sampler, epochs=5)
### Building images index and querying it
Once the model is trained, reference examples must be indexed via the model index API to be searchable. After indexing, you can use the model lookup API to search the index for the K most similar items.
from tensorflow_similarity.visualization import viz_neigbors_imgs
# Index 100 embedded MNIST examples to make them searchable
sx, sy = sampler.get_slice(0,100)
model.index(x=sx, y=sy, data=sx)
# Find the top 5 most similar indexed MNIST examples for a given example
qx, qy = sampler.get_slice(3713, 1)
nns = model.single_lookup(qx[0])
# Visualize the query example and its top 5 neighbors
viz_neigbors_imgs(qx[0], qy[0], nns)
## Supported Algorithms
### Self-Supervised Models
- SimCLR
- SimSiam
- Barlow Twins
### Supervised Losses
- Triplet Loss
- PN Loss
- Multi Sim Loss
- Circle Loss
- Soft Nearest Neighbor Loss
### Metrics
Tensorflow Similarity offers many of the most common metrics used for [classification](api/TFSimilarity/classification_metrics/) and [retrieval](api/TFSimilarity/retrieval_metrics/) evaluation. Including:
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| Precision | Classification | |
| Recall | Classification | |
| F1 Score | Classification | |
| Recall@K | Retrieval | |
| Binary NDCG | Retrieval | |
## Citing
Please cite this reference if you use any part of TensorFlow similarity in your research:
title={TensorFlow Similarity: A Usable, High-Performance Metric Learning Library},
author={Elie Bursztein, James Long, Shun Lin, Owen Vallis, Francois Cho
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收藏 112KB GZ 举报
tensorflow_similarity-0.15.3.tar.gz (126个子文件)
setup.cfg 38B
contrastive_model.py 40KB
similarity_model.py 30KB
indexer.py 29KB
simclr.py 22KB
callbacks.py 16KB
memory_evaluator.py 15KB
layers.py 14KB
memory_samplers.py 14KB
classification_match.py 13KB
distances.py 10KB
test_callbacks.py 9KB
test_layers.py 8KB
multisim_loss.py 8KB
pn_loss.py 8KB
resnet18.py 7KB
triplet_loss.py 7KB
circle_loss.py 7KB
tfdataset_samplers.py 7KB
efficientnet.py 6KB
distance_metrics.py 6KB
projector.py 6KB
test_classification_match.py 6KB
utils.py 6KB
memory_store.py 6KB
test_classification_metrics.py 6KB
evaluator.py 6KB
nmslib_search.py 6KB
samplers.py 6KB
tfrecords_samplers.py 6KB
bndcg.py 6KB
test_losses.py 5KB
resnet50.py 5KB
test_indexer.py 5KB
map_at_k.py 5KB
test_memory_samplers.py 5KB
test_distances.py 5KB
schedules.py 5KB
__init__.py 4KB
softnn_loss.py 4KB
retrieval_metric.py 4KB
test_memory_evaluator.py 4KB
utils.py 4KB
types.py 4KB
test_confusion_matrix.py 4KB
precision_at_k.py 4KB
algebra.py 4KB
store.py 4KB
simsiam.py 4KB
confusion_matrix_viz.py 3KB
search.py 3KB
recall_at_k.py 3KB
binary_accuracy.py 3KB
test_neighbors_viz.py 3KB
test_distance_metrics.py 3KB
setup.py 3KB
precision.py 3KB
test_utils.py 3KB
classification_metric.py 3KB
utils.py 3KB
test_schedules.py 3KB
test_bndcg.py 3KB
f1_score.py 3KB
match_majority_vote.py 3KB
neighbors_viz.py 3KB
false_positive_rate.py 3KB
test_algebra.py 3KB
negative_predictive_value.py 3KB
simclr.py 3KB
metric_loss.py 3KB
test_retrieval_metric.py 2KB
recall.py 2KB
test_efficientnet.py 2KB
barlow.py 2KB
match_nearest.py 2KB
utils.py 2KB
test_nmslib_search.py 2KB
vizualize_views.py 2KB
utils.py 2KB
test_memory_store.py 2KB
__init__.py 2KB
test_tfrecord_samplers.py 2KB
__init__.py 2KB
utils.py 2KB
__init__.py 2KB
test_map_at_k.py 2KB
utils.py 1KB
test_model.py 1KB
contrastive.py 1KB
__init__.py 1KB
__init__.py 1KB
__init__.py 1KB
__init__.py 1KB
augmenter.py 1KB
__init__.py 1KB
__init__.py 1016B
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