# TensorFlow Datasets
TensorFlow Datasets provides many public datasets as `tf.data.Datasets`.
[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/tensorflow-datasets.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/py/tensorflow-datasets)
* [List of datasets](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/overview)
* [Try it in Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/datasets/blob/master/docs/overview.ipynb)
* [API docs](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/api_docs/python/tfds)
* Guides
* [Overview](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/overview)
* [Datasets versioning](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/datasets_versioning)
* [Using splits and slicing API](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/splits)
* [Add a dataset](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/add_dataset)
* [Add a huge dataset (>>100GiB)](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/beam_datasets)
**Table of Contents**
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [`DatasetBuilder`](#datasetbuilder)
* [NumPy usage](#numpy-usage-with-tfdsas-numpy)
* [Citation](#citation)
* [Want a certain dataset?](#want-a-certain-dataset)
* [Disclaimers](#disclaimers)
### Installation
pip install tensorflow-datasets
# Requires TF 1.15+ to be installed.
# Some datasets require additional libraries; see setup.py extras_require
pip install tensorflow
# or:
pip install tensorflow-gpu
Join [our Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tensorflow-datasets-public-announce)
to receive updates on the project.
### Usage
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import tensorflow as tf
# Here we assume Eager mode is enabled (TF2), but tfds also works in Graph mode.
# See available datasets
# Construct a tf.data.Dataset
ds_train = tfds.load(name="mnist", split="train", shuffle_files=True)
# Build your input pipeline
ds_train = ds_train.shuffle(1000).batch(128).prefetch(10)
for features in ds_train.take(1):
image, label = features["image"], features["label"]
Try it interactively in a
[Colab notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/datasets/blob/master/docs/overview.ipynb).
### `DatasetBuilder`
All datasets are implemented as subclasses of `tfds.core.DatasetBuilder`. TFDS
has two entry points:
* `tfds.builder`: Returns the `tfds.core.DatasetBuilder` instance, giving
control over `builder.download_and_prepate()` and
* `tfds.load`: Convenience wrapper which hides the `download_and_prepate` and
`as_dataset` calls, and directly returns the `tf.data.Dataset`.
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
# The following is the equivalent of the `load` call above.
# You can fetch the DatasetBuilder class by string
mnist_builder = tfds.builder('mnist')
# Download the dataset
# Construct a tf.data.Dataset
ds = mnist_builder.as_dataset(split='train')
# Get the `DatasetInfo` object, which contains useful information about the
# dataset and its features
info = mnist_builder.info
This will print the dataset info content:
description='The MNIST database of handwritten digits.',
'image': Image(shape=(28, 28, 1), dtype=tf.uint8),
'label': ClassLabel(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64, num_classes=10)
'test': <tfds.core.SplitInfo num_examples=10000>,
'train': <tfds.core.SplitInfo num_examples=60000>
supervised_keys=('image', 'label'),
title={MNIST handwritten digit database},
author={LeCun, Yann and Cortes, Corinna and Burges, CJ},
journal={ATT Labs [Online]. Available: http://yann. lecun. com/exdb/mnist},
You can also get details about the classes (number of classes and their names).
info = tfds.builder('cats_vs_dogs').info
info.features['label'].num_classes # 2
info.features['label'].names # ['cat', 'dog']
info.features['label'].int2str(1) # "dog"
info.features['label'].str2int('cat') # 0
### NumPy Usage with `tfds.as_numpy`
As a convenience for users that want simple NumPy arrays in their programs, you
can use `tfds.as_numpy` to return a generator that yields NumPy array
records out of a `tf.data.Dataset`. This allows you to build high-performance
input pipelines with `tf.data` but use whatever you'd like for your model
train_ds = tfds.load("mnist", split="train")
train_ds = train_ds.shuffle(1024).batch(128).repeat(5).prefetch(10)
for example in tfds.as_numpy(train_ds):
numpy_images, numpy_labels = example["image"], example["label"]
You can also use `tfds.as_numpy` in conjunction with `batch_size=-1` to
get the full dataset in NumPy arrays from the returned `tf.Tensor` object:
train_ds = tfds.load("mnist", split=tfds.Split.TRAIN, batch_size=-1)
numpy_ds = tfds.as_numpy(train_ds)
numpy_images, numpy_labels = numpy_ds["image"], numpy_ds["label"]
Note that the library still requires `tensorflow` as an internal dependency.
### Citation
Please include the following citation when using `tensorflow-datasets` for a
paper, in addition to any citation specific to the used datasets.
title = {{TensorFlow Datasets}, A collection of ready-to-use datasets},
howpublished = {\url{https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets}},
## Want a certain dataset?
Adding a dataset is really straightforward by following
[our guide](https://github.com/tensorflow/datasets/tree/master/docs/add_dataset.md).
Request a dataset by opening a
[Dataset request GitHub issue](https://github.com/tensorflow/datasets/issues/new?assignees=&labels=dataset+request&template=dataset-request.md&title=%5Bdata+request%5D+%3Cdataset+name%3E).
And vote on the current
[set of requests](https://github.com/tensorflow/datasets/labels/dataset%20request)
by adding a thumbs-up reaction to the issue.
#### *Disclaimers*
*This is a utility library that downloads and prepares public datasets. We do*
*not host or distribute these datasets, vouch for their quality or fairness, or*
*claim that you have license to use the dataset. It is your responsibility to*
*determine whether you have permission to use the dataset under the dataset's*
*If you're a dataset owner and wish to update any part of it (description,*
*citation, etc.), or do not want your dataset to be included in this*
*library, please get in touch through a GitHub issue. Thanks for your*
*contribution to the ML community!*
*If you're interested in learning more about responsible AI practices, including*
*fairness, please see Google AI's [Responsible AI Practices](https://ai.google/education/responsible-ai-practices).*
*`tensorflow/datasets` is Apache 2.0 licensed. See the `LICENSE` file.*
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0 下载量 98 浏览量
收藏 2.58MB GZ 举报
tensorflow-datasets-2.1.0.tar.gz (642个子文件)
setup.cfg 38B
dataset.mako.md 7KB
schema_org.mako.md 2KB
catalog_overview.mako.md 1KB
dataset_builder.py 49KB
cbis_ddsm.py 38KB
wmt.py 37KB
super_glue.py 28KB
glue.py 27KB
dataset_info.py 25KB
dataset_builder_test.py 25KB
corruptions.py 23KB
splits.py 22KB
splits_test.py 21KB
tfrecords_reader.py 19KB
dataset_info_generated_pb2.py 17KB
subword_text_encoder.py 17KB
tfrecords_reader_test.py 17KB
download_manager.py 17KB
feature.py 17KB
coco.py 16KB
text_encoder.py 16KB
sequence_feature_test.py 16KB
tfrecords_writer.py 16KB
dataset_builder_testing.py 15KB
test_utils.py 15KB
open_images.py 15KB
file_format_adapter_test.py 15KB
c4_utils.py 15KB
registered.py 14KB
features_test.py 13KB
mnist.py 13KB
nsynth.py 13KB
qa4mre.py 13KB
c4.py 12KB
sun.py 12KB
dataset_info_test.py 12KB
abstract_reasoning.py 12KB
trivia_qa.py 12KB
download_manager_test.py 12KB
diabetic_retinopathy_detection.py 12KB
example_serializer.py 12KB
wikipedia.py 12KB
text_encoder_test.py 11KB
cars196.py 11KB
cityscapes.py 11KB
py_utils.py 11KB
caltech_birds.py 11KB
c4_utils_test.py 11KB
kitti.py 10KB
cnn_dailymail.py 10KB
bigearthnet.py 10KB
dataset_utils.py 9KB
downloader.py 9KB
resource.py 9KB
big_patent.py 9KB
imagenet2012_corrupted.py 9KB
curated_breast_imaging_ddsm.py 9KB
groove.py 9KB
lost_and_found.py 8KB
sequence_feature.py 8KB
tfrecords_writer_test.py 8KB
voc.py 8KB
moving_sequence.py 8KB
math_dataset.py 8KB
shuffle.py 8KB
file_format_adapter.py 8KB
imagenet.py 8KB
download_and_prepare.py 8KB
smallnorb.py 8KB
downloader_test.py 8KB
starcraft.py 8KB
visual_domain_decathlon.py 8KB
celeba.py 8KB
registered_test.py 7KB
dataset_utils_test.py 7KB
ucf101.py 7KB
cifar.py 7KB
amazon_us_reviews.py 7KB
yelp_polarity.py 7KB
features_dict.py 7KB
librispeech.py 7KB
natural_questions.py 7KB
wikihow.py 7KB
duke_ultrasound.py 7KB
stanford_dogs.py 7KB
speech_commands.py 7KB
subword_text_encoder_test.py 7KB
create_new_dataset.py 7KB
wider_face.py 7KB
image_feature.py 7KB
dataset_builder_beam_test.py 7KB
mocking.py 7KB
cifar10_corrupted.py 7KB
ted_hrlr.py 7KB
example_serializer_test.py 7KB
flores.py 6KB
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