# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from functools import wraps
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.base import PandasObject
from pandas_ta.candles import *
from pandas_ta.momentum import *
from pandas_ta.overlap import *
from pandas_ta.performance import *
from pandas_ta.statistics import *
from pandas_ta.trend import *
from pandas_ta.volatility import *
from pandas_ta.volume import *
from pandas_ta.utils import *
version = ".".join(("0", "1", "66b"))
def finalize(method):
def _wrapper(*class_methods, **method_kwargs):
cm = class_methods[0]
result = method(cm, **method_kwargs)
cm._add_prefix_suffix(result, **method_kwargs)
cm._append(result, **method_kwargs)
return result
return _wrapper
class BasePandasObject(PandasObject):
"""Simple PandasObject Extension
Ensures the DataFrame is not empty and has columns. It would be a
sad Panda otherwise.
df (pd.DataFrame): Extends Pandas DataFrame
def __init__(self, df, **kwargs):
if df.empty: return
if len(df.columns) > 0:
self._df = df
raise AttributeError(f" [X] No columns!")
def __call__(self, kind, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError()
class AnalysisIndicators(BasePandasObject):
"""AnalysisIndicators is a class that extends the Pandas DataFrame via
Pandas @pd.api.extensions.register_dataframe_accessor('name') decorator.
This Pandas Extension is named 'ta' for Technical Analysis that allows us
to apply technical indicators by extension. Even though 'ta' is a
Pandas DataFrame Extension, you can still call the Indicators
individually. Use help() if needed.
By default the 'ta' extension uses lower case column names: open, high,
low, close, and volume. You can override the defaults by providing the
it's replacement name when calling the indicator. For example, to call the
indicator hl2().
With 'default' columns: open, high, low, close, and volume.
>>> df.ta.hl2()
>>> df.ta(kind='hl2')
With DataFrame columns: Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume.
>>> df.ta.hl2(high='High', low='Low')
>>> df.ta(kind='hl2', high='High', low='Low')
If you do not want to use a DataFrame Extension, just call it normally.
>>> sma10 = ta.sma(df['Close']) # Default length=10
>>> sma50 = ta.sma(df['Close'], length=50)
>>> ichimoku, span = ta.ichimoku(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'])
kind (str, optional): Default: None. Kind is the 'name' of the indicator.
It converts kind to lowercase before calling.
timed (bool, optional): Default: False. Curious about the execution
kwargs: Extension specific modifiers.
append (bool, optional): Default: False. When True, it appends the
resultant column(s) to the DataFrame.
Most Indicators will return a Pandas Series. Others like MACD, BBANDS,
KC, et al will return a Pandas DataFrame. Ichimoku on the other hand
will return two DataFrames, the Ichimoku DataFrame for the known period
and a Span DataFrame for the future of the Span values.
Let's get started!
1. Loading the 'ta' module:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import ta as ta
2. Load some data:
>>> df = pd.read_csv('AAPL.csv', index_col='date', parse_dates=True)
3. Help!
3a. General Help:
>>> help(df.ta)
>>> df.ta()
3b. Indicator Help:
>>> help(ta.apo)
3c. Indicator Extension Help:
>>> help(df.ta.apo)
4. Ways of calling an indicator.
4a. Calling just the MACD indicator without 'ta' DataFrame extension.
>>> ta.apo(df['close'])
4b. Calling just the MACD indicator with 'ta' DataFrame extension.
>>> df.ta.apo()
4c. Calling using kind.
>>> df.ta(kind='apo')
5. Working with kwargs
5a. Append the result to the working df.
>>> df.ta.apo(append=True)
5b. Timing an indicator.
>>> apo = df.ta(kind='apo', timed=True)
>>> print(apo.timed)
_adjusted = None
def __call__(self, kind=None, alias=None, timed=False, **kwargs):
if isinstance(kind, str):
kind = kind.lower()
fn = getattr(self, kind)
if timed:
stime = time.time()
# Run the indicator
indicator = fn(**kwargs)
if timed:
time_diff = time.time() - stime
ms = time_diff * 1000
indicator.timed = f"{ms:2.3f} ms ({time_diff:2.3f} s)"
# print(f"execution time: {indicator.timed}")
self._df.timed = indicator.timed
# Add an alias if passed
if alias:
indicator.alias = f"{alias}"
return indicator
def adjusted(self) -> str:
"""property: df.ta.adjusted"""
return self._adjusted
def adjusted(self, value:str) -> None:
"""property: df.ta.adjusted = 'adj_close'"""
if value is not None and isinstance(value, str):
self._adjusted = value
self._adjusted = None
def datetime_ordered(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the index is a datetime and ordered."""
return is_datetime_ordered(self._df)
def reverse(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Reverses the DataFrame. Simply: df.iloc[::-1]"""
return self._df.iloc[::-1]
def version(self) -> str:
"""Returns the version."""
return version
def _append(self, result=None, **kwargs):
"""Appends a Pandas Series or DataFrame columns to self._df."""
if 'append' in kwargs and kwargs['append']:
df = self._df
if df is None or result is None: return
if isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame):
for i, column in enumerate(result.columns):
df[column] = result.iloc[:,i]
df[result.name] = result
def _add_prefix_suffix(self, result=None, **kwargs):
"""Add prefix and/or suffix to the result columns"""
if result is None: return
prefix = suffix = ""
# delimiter = kwargs.pop("delimiter", "_")
if "prefix" in kwargs:
prefix = f"{kwargs['prefix']}_"
if "suffix" in kwargs:
suffix = f"_{kwargs['suffix']}"
if isinstance(result, pd.Series):
result.name = prefix + result.name + suffix
result.columns = [prefix + column + suffix for column in result.columns]
def _get_column(self, series, default):
"""Attempts to get the correct series or 'column' and return it."""
df = self._df
if df is None: return
# Explicitly passing a pd.Series to override default.
if isinstance(series, pd.Series):
return series
# Apply default if no series nor a default.
elif series is None or default is None:
return df[self.adjusted] if self.adjusted is not None else df[default]
# Ok. So it's a str.
elif isinstance(series, str):
# Return the df column since it's in there.
if series in df.columns:
return df[series]
# Attempt to match the 'series' because it was likely misspelled.
matches = df.columns.str.match(series, case=False)
match = [i for i, x in enumerate(matches) if x]
# If found, awesome. Retur
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收藏 53KB GZ 举报
pandas_ta-0.1.66b.tar.gz (115个子文件)
setup.cfg 0B
core.py 48KB
utils.py 10KB
adx.py 5KB
ichimoku.py 4KB
macd.py 4KB
psar.py 4KB
linreg.py 4KB
accbands.py 4KB
supertrend.py 4KB
kc.py 4KB
kst.py 3KB
uo.py 3KB
aobv.py 3KB
stoch.py 3KB
vp.py 3KB
rsi.py 3KB
aroon.py 3KB
ha.py 3KB
aberration.py 3KB
ppo.py 3KB
bbands.py 3KB
rvi.py 3KB
ema.py 3KB
kdj.py 3KB
brar.py 3KB
trend_return.py 3KB
donchian.py 3KB
vortex.py 3KB
chop.py 3KB
eom.py 3KB
mfi.py 3KB
cksp.py 3KB
trix.py 3KB
amat.py 2KB
kama.py 2KB
atr.py 2KB
cmf.py 2KB
tsi.py 2KB
nvi.py 2KB
t3.py 2KB
psl.py 2KB
cmo.py 2KB
massi.py 2KB
efi.py 2KB
coppock.py 2KB
pvi.py 2KB
adosc.py 2KB
cci.py 2KB
zlma.py 2KB
wma.py 2KB
bias.py 2KB
qstick.py 2KB
setup.py 2KB
ao.py 2KB
ad.py 2KB
willr.py 2KB
fisher.py 2KB
apo.py 2KB
natr.py 2KB
sinwma.py 2KB
slope.py 2KB
dpo.py 2KB
swma.py 2KB
vwap.py 2KB
true_range.py 2KB
trima.py 2KB
log_return.py 2KB
tema.py 2KB
pwma.py 2KB
fwma.py 2KB
sma.py 2KB
roc.py 2KB
hma.py 2KB
dema.py 2KB
obv.py 2KB
pvt.py 2KB
bop.py 2KB
entropy.py 2KB
decreasing.py 2KB
increasing.py 2KB
pdist.py 2KB
percent_return.py 1KB
cg.py 1KB
pvol.py 1KB
linear_decay.py 1KB
rma.py 1KB
zscore.py 1KB
vwma.py 1KB
mom.py 1KB
skew.py 1KB
mad.py 1KB
median.py 1KB
quantile.py 1KB
kurtosis.py 1KB
variance.py 1KB
wcp.py 1KB
stdev.py 1KB
midprice.py 1KB
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