# pandas-stubs: Public type stubs for pandas
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## What is it?
These are public type stubs for [**pandas**](http://pandas.pydata.org/), following the
convention of providing stubs in a separate package, as specified in [PEP 561](https://peps.python.org/pep-0561/#stub-only-packages). The stubs cover the most typical use cases of
pandas. In general, these stubs are narrower than what is possibly allowed by pandas,
but follow a convention of suggesting best recommended practices for using pandas.
The stubs are likely incomplete in terms of covering the published API of pandas.
The stubs are tested with [mypy](http://mypy-lang.org/) and [pyright](https://github.com/microsoft/pyright#readme) and are currently shipped with the Visual Studio Code extension
## Usage
Let’s take this example piece of code in file `round.py`
import pandas as pd
decimals = pd.DataFrame({'TSLA': 2, 'AMZN': 1})
prices = pd.DataFrame(data={'date': ['2021-08-13', '2021-08-07', '2021-08-21'],
'TSLA': [720.13, 716.22, 731.22], 'AMZN': [3316.50, 3200.50, 3100.23]})
rounded_prices = prices.round(decimals=decimals)
Mypy won't see any issues with that, but after installing pandas-stubs and running it again:
mypy round.py
we get the following error message:
round.py:6: error: Argument "decimals" to "round" of "DataFrame" has incompatible type "DataFrame"; expected "Union[int, Dict[Any, Any], Series[Any]]" [arg-type]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
And, if you use pyright:
pyright round.py
you get the following error message:
round.py:6:40 - error: Argument of type "DataFrame" cannot be assigned to parameter "decimals" of type "int | Dict[Unknown, Unknown] | Series[Unknown]" in function "round"
Type "DataFrame" cannot be assigned to type "int | Dict[Unknown, Unknown] | Series[Unknown]"
"DataFrame" is incompatible with "int"
"DataFrame" is incompatible with "Dict[Unknown, Unknown]"
"DataFrame" is incompatible with "Series[Unknown]" (reportGeneralTypeIssues)
And after confirming with the [docs](https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.round.html)
we can fix the code:
decimals = pd.Series({'TSLA': 2, 'AMZN': 1})
## Version Numbering Convention
The version number x.y.z.yymmdd corresponds to a test done with pandas version x.y.z, with the stubs released on the date mm/yy/dd.
It is anticipated that the stubs will be released more frequently than pandas as the stubs are expected to evolve due to more
public visibility.
## Where to get it
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at: <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas-stubs>
Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the [Python
Package Index (PyPI)](https://pypi.org/project/pandas-stubs) and on [conda-forge](https://conda-forge.org/).
# conda
conda install pandas-stubs
# or PyPI
pip install pandas-stubs
## Dependencies
- [pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit](https://pandas.pydata.org/)
- [typing-extensions >= 4.2.0 - supporting the latest typing extensions](https://github.com/python/typing_extensions#readme)
## Installation from sources
- Make sure you have `python >= 3.8` installed.
- Install poetry
# conda
conda install poetry
# or PyPI
pip install poetry
- Install the project dependencies
poetry update -vvv
- Build and install the distribution
poetry run poe build_dist
poetry run poe install_dist
## License
## Documentation
Documentation is a work-in-progress.
## Background
These stubs are the result of a strategic effort lead by the core pandas team to integrate [Microsoft type stub repository](https://github.com/microsoft/python-type-stubs)
together with the [VirtusLabs pandas_stubs repository](https://github.com/VirtusLab/pandas-stubs).
These stubs were initially forked from the Microsoft project <https://github.com/microsoft/python-type-stubs> as of [this commit](https://github.com/microsoft/python-type-stubs/tree/6b800063bde687cd1846122431e2a729a9de625a).
We are indebted to Microsoft and that project for the initial set of public type stubs. We are also grateful for the original pandas-stubs project at <https://github.com/VirtusLab/pandas-stubs> that created the framework for testing the stubs.
## Differences between type declarations in pandas and pandas-stubs
The <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/> project has type declarations for some parts of pandas, both for the internal and public API's. Those type declarations are used to make sure that the pandas code is _internally_ consistent.
The <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas-stubs/> project provides type declarations for the pandas _public_ API. The philosophy of these stubs can be found at <https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas-stubs/blob/main/docs/philosophy.md/> While it would be ideal if the `pyi` files in this project would be part of the `pandas` distribution, this would require consistency between the internal type declarations and the public declarations, and the scope of a project to create that consistency is quite large. That is a long term goal. Finally, another goal is to do more frequent releases of the pandas-stubs than is done for pandas, in order to make the stubs more useful.
If issues are found with the public stubs, pull requests to correct those issues are welcome. In addition, pull requests on the pandas repository to fix the same issue are welcome there as well. However, since the goals of typing in the two projects are different (internal consistency vs. public usage), it may be a challenge to create consistent type declarations across both projects. See <https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/development/contributing_codebase.html#type-hints/> for a discussion of typing standards used within the pandas code.
## Getting help
Ask questions and report issues on the [pandas-stubs repository](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas-stubs/issues).
## Discussion and Development
Most development discussions take place on GitHub in the [pandas-stubs repository](https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas-stubs/). Further, the [pandas-dev mailing list](https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pandas-dev) can also be used for specialized discussions or design issues, and a [Gitter channel](https://gitter.im/pydata/pandas) is available for quick development related questions.
## Contributing to pandas-stubs
All contributions, bu
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需积分: 1 0 下载量 57 浏览量
收藏 94KB GZ 举报
pandas_stubs- (206个子文件)
setup.py 10KB
frame.pyi 62KB
series.pyi 60KB
readers.pyi 16KB
generic.pyi 15KB
_typing.pyi 15KB
timedeltas.pyi 14KB
interval.pyi 13KB
accessors.pyi 13KB
_core.pyi 13KB
generic.pyi 13KB
style.pyi 11KB
timestamps.pyi 10KB
base.pyi 9KB
interval.pyi 8KB
offsets.pyi 8KB
_base.pyi 8KB
tile.pyi 8KB
categorical.pyi 7KB
clipboards.pyi 7KB
pytables.pyi 7KB
strings.pyi 7KB
period.pyi 6KB
resample.pyi 6KB
rolling.pyi 6KB
multi.pyi 5KB
sql.pyi 5KB
datetimes.pyi 4KB
stata.pyi 4KB
config.pyi 4KB
groupby.pyi 4KB
__init__.pyi 4KB
pivot.pyi 4KB
_json.pyi 4KB
expanding.pyi 4KB
__init__.pyi 4KB
nattype.pyi 3KB
dataframe_protocol.pyi 3KB
merge.pyi 3KB
pytables.pyi 3KB
sasreader.pyi 3KB
period.pyi 3KB
range.pyi 3KB
concat.pyi 3KB
datetimelike.pyi 3KB
datetimes.pyi 3KB
api.pyi 3KB
ops.pyi 3KB
timedeltas.pyi 3KB
base.pyi 3KB
ewm.pyi 2KB
style_render.pyi 2KB
interval.pyi 2KB
common.pyi 2KB
_misc.pyi 2KB
ops.pyi 2KB
array.pyi 2KB
algorithms.pyi 2KB
expr.pyi 2KB
datetimes.pyi 2KB
base.pyi 2KB
timedeltas.pyi 2KB
__init__.pyi 2KB
__init__.pyi 2KB
missing.pyi 2KB
indexing.pyi 2KB
arraylike.pyi 2KB
__init__.pyi 2KB
numeric.pyi 2KB
category.pyi 2KB
dtypes.pyi 2KB
indexers.pyi 2KB
period.pyi 2KB
grouper.pyi 2KB
api.pyi 2KB
config_init.pyi 2KB
html.pyi 1KB
offsets.pyi 1KB
_decorators.pyi 1KB
dtypes.pyi 1KB
api.pyi 1KB
timedeltas.pyi 1KB
missing.pyi 1KB
xml.pyi 1015B
integer.pyi 1010B
masked.pyi 964B
common.pyi 955B
boolean.pyi 954B
construction.pyi 935B
api.pyi 928B
numeric.pyi 873B
lib.pyi 866B
base.pyi 834B
datetimelike.pyi 812B
melt.pyi 741B
__init__.pyi 726B
encoding.pyi 716B
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