Informix Product Family
Informix Client Software Development Kit
Version 4.10
IBM Informix Client Products
Installation Guide
Informix Product Family
Informix Client Software Development Kit
Version 4.10
IBM Informix Client Products
Installation Guide
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page B-1.
This edition replaces GC27-4495-04.
This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected
by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any
statements provided in this publication should not be interpreted as such.
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2016.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Introduction .................................. v
About this Publication ................................ v
What's new in installation for IBM Informix client products, Version 4.10 ............... v
Java technology dependencies ............................. vii
Compliance with industry standards .......................... viii
How to read the syntax diagrams ........................... viii
Additional documentation ............................... x
How to provide documentation feedback .......................... x
Chapter 1. Preparing to install Client SDK .................... 1-1
IBM Informix Client Software Development Kit components................... 1-1
Products that are installed with the IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix............ 1-4
System requirements for client products ......................... 1-6
System requirements for IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix ............... 1-7
Installation methods ................................ 1-10
Installation owner ................................ 1-11
Installation directory................................ 1-12
Chapter 2. Installing client products ....................... 2-1
Running an interactive installation ........................... 2-1
Running a silent installation (UNIX, Linux, Windows) ..................... 2-2
Redistributing client products with scripts (UNIX, Linux).................... 2-3
Chapter 3. Client products installation command syntax .............. 3-1
Chapter 4. Post-installation tasks for client products ............... 4-1
Environment variables for clients ............................ 4-1
Configuring client products on Windows systems ...................... 4-3
Connectivity protocols ............................... 4-4
Starting the IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix..................... 4-6
Chapter 5. Removing client products ...................... 5-1
Removing client products .............................. 5-1
Running a silent uninstallation (UNIX, Linux) ....................... 5-2
Removing a scripted installation (UNIX, Linux) ....................... 5-2
Removing the IBM OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix .................... 5-3
Chapter 6. Client installation troubleshooting ................... 6-1
Appendix. Accessibility ............................ A-1
Accessibility features for IBM Informix products ...................... A-1
Accessibility features ............................... A-1
Keyboard navigation ............................... A-1
Related accessibility information ........................... A-1
IBM and accessibility............................... A-1
Dotted decimal syntax diagrams ............................ A-1
Notices ................................... B-1
Privacy policy considerations ............................. B-3
Trademarks ................................... B-3
Index .................................... X-1
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2016 iii