* mainlpno.c -- phase unwrapping by means of min. Lp norm algorithm
* Source code files required:
* congruen.c dct.c dxdygrad.c extract.c
* getqual.c grad.c histo.c laplace.c
* lpnorm.c mainlpno.c maskfat.c pcg.c
* qualgrad.c qualpseu.c qualvar.c raster.c
* residues.c solncos.c util.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "file.h"
#include "histo.h"
#include "pi.h"
#include "getqual.h"
#include "congruen.h"
#include "maskfat.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "extract.h"
#include "getqual.h"
#include "lpnorm.h"
#define BORDER 0x20
#define DEFAULT_E0 0.001
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i, j, k, n;
FILE *ifp, *ofp, *mfp=0, *qfp=0;
float *phase; /* array */
float *soln; /* array */
float *qual_map; /* array */
float *rarray; /* array */
float *zarray; /* array */
float *parray; /* array */
float *dxwts; /* array */
float *dywts; /* array */
unsigned char *bitflags;
double *xcos, *ycos;
char buffer[200], tempstr[200];
char infile[200], outfile[200];
char bmaskfile[200], qualfile[200];
char format[200], modekey[200];
int in_format, debug_flag;
int xsize, ysize; /* dimensions of arrays */
int xsize_actual, ysize_actual, xsize_dct, ysize_dct;
int avoid_code, thresh_flag, fatten, tsize;
int num_iter=DEFAULT_NUM_ITER;
int pcg_iter=DEFAULT_PCG_ITER;
double rmin, rmax, rscale, e0=DEFAULT_E0;
double one_over_twopi = 1.0/TWOPI;
UnwrapMode mode;
char use[] = /* define usage statement */
"Usage: prog-name -input file -format fkey -output file\n"
" -xsize x -ysize y [ -mode mkey -bmask file -corr file\n"
" -tsize size -debug yes/no -iter num -pcg_iter nump\n"
" -e0 e0val -thresh yes/no -fat n ]\n"
"where 'fkey' is a keyword designating the input file type\n"
"(key = complex8, complex4, float or byte), 'x' and 'y' are\n"
"the dimensions of the file, bmask is an optional byte-file\n"
"for masking out undefined phase, corr is an optional byte-\n"
"file of cross-correlation values, tsize is the size of the\n"
"square template for averaging the corr file or quality\n"
"values (default = 1), and 'mkey' is a keyword designating\n"
"the type of quality map. The value of mkey may be\n"
"'min_grad' for Minimum Gradient, 'min_var' for Minimum\n"
"Variance, 'max_corr' for Maximum Correlation, 'max_pseu' for\n"
"Maximum Pseudocorrelation, or 'none' for no quality map.\n"
"All files are simple raster files, and the output file\n"
"is a raster file of elevation values of the unwrapped\n"
"surface. If the 'debug' parm is 'yes', then intermediate\n"
"byte-files are saved. The maximum number of iterations is\n"
"'num', and the number of PCG iterations is 'nump'. The\n"
"normalization parameter is 'e0'. To apply an automatic\n"
"threshold to the quality map, the 'thresh' parm should be\n"
"yes. To thicken the quality mask, the 'fat' parm should be\n"
"the number of pixels by which to fatten it.\n";
printf("Phase Unwrapping by Minimum Lp Norm Algorithm\n");
CommandLineParm(argc,argv, "-input", StringParm, infile, 1, use);
CommandLineParm(argc,argv, "-format", StringParm, format, 1, use);
CommandLineParm(argc,argv, "-output", StringParm, outfile, 1,use);
CommandLineParm(argc,argv, "-xsize", IntegerParm, &xsize, 1, use);
CommandLineParm(argc,argv, "-ysize", IntegerParm, &ysize, 1, use);
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-mode", StringParm,
modekey, 0, use)) strcpy(modekey, "none");
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-corr", StringParm,
qualfile, 0, use)) strcpy(qualfile, "none");
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-tsize", IntegerParm,
&tsize, 0, use)) tsize = 1;
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-bmask", StringParm, bmaskfile,
0, use)) strcpy(bmaskfile, "none");
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-debug", StringParm, tempstr,
0, use)) debug_flag = 0;
else debug_flag = Keyword(tempstr, "yes");
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-thresh", StringParm,
tempstr, 0, use)) thresh_flag = 0;
else thresh_flag = Keyword(tempstr, "yes");
if (!CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-fat", IntegerParm,
&fatten, 0, use)) fatten = 0;
CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-iter", IntegerParm, &num_iter,
0, use);
if (num_iter < 0) num_iter = 1;
CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-pcg_iter", IntegerParm, &pcg_iter,
0, use);
if (pcg_iter < 0) pcg_iter = 1;
CommandLineParm(argc, argv, "-e0", DoubleParm, &e0, 0, use);
if (Keyword(format, "complex8")) in_format = 0;
else if (Keyword(format, "complex4")) in_format = 1;
else if (Keyword(format, "byte")) in_format = 2;
else if (Keyword(format, "float")) in_format = 3;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized format: %s\n", format);
printf("Input file = %s\n", infile);
printf("Input file type = %s\n", format);
printf("Output file = %s\n", outfile);
printf("File dimensions = %dx%d (cols x rows).\n", xsize, ysize);
if (Keyword(bmaskfile, "none")) printf("No border mask file.\n");
else printf("Border mask file = %s\n", bmaskfile);
printf("Quality mode = %s\n", modekey);
if (modekey==none) {
printf("No quality map.\n");
strcpy(qualfile, "none");
else {
if (Keyword(qualfile, "none")) printf("No correlation file.\n");
else printf("Correlation image file = %s\n", qualfile);
printf("Averaging template size = %d\n", tsize);
if (tsize < 0 || tsize > 30) {
fprintf(stderr, "Illegal size: must be between 0 and 30\n");
mode = SetQualityMode(modekey, qualfile, 1);
if (mode < 0) exit(BAD_PARAMETER); /* error msg already printed */
/* Increase dimensions to power of two (plus one) */
xsize_actual = xsize;
ysize_actual = ysize;
for (xsize_dct = 1; xsize_dct+1 < xsize_actual; xsize_dct*=2)
for (ysize_dct = 1; ysize_dct+1 < ysize_actual; ysize_dct*=2)
if (xsize_dct != xsize_actual || ysize_dct != ysize_actual) {
printf("Dimensions increase from %dx%d to %dx%d for FFT's\n",
xsize_actual, ysize_actual, xsize_dct, ysize_dct);
/* note: xsize_dct >= xsize; ysize_dct >= ysize */
xsize = xsize_dct;
ysize = ysize_dct;
AllocateFloat(&phase, xsize*ysize, "phase data");
AllocateFloat(&soln, xsize*ysize, "scratch data");
AllocateFloat(&qual_map, xsize*ysize, "quality map");
AllocateByte(&bitflags, xsize*ysize, "bitflags array");
OpenFile(&ifp, infile, "r");
OpenFile(&ofp, outfile, "w");
if (!Keyword(bmaskfile, "none")) OpenFile(&mfp, bmaskfile, "r");
if (mode==corr_coeffs) OpenFile(&qfp, qualfile, "r");
xsize = xsize_actual;
ysize = ysize_actual;
printf("Reading input data...\n");
GetPhase(in_format, ifp, infile, phase, xsize, ysize);
if (qfp) {
printf("Reading quality data...\n");
/* borrow the bitflags array temporarily */
ReadByte(qfp, bitflags, xsize*ysize, qualfile);
/* process data and store in quality map array */
AverageByteToFloat(bitflags, qual_map, tsize, xsize, ysize);
/* border mask data */
printf("Processing border mask data...\n");
if (mfp) {
ReadByte(mfp, bitflags, xsize*ysize, bma
- 1
- 2