Mobile GIS support for remote sensing data interpretation.
Karel Charvat
& Stanislav Holy Co-Author
Lesprojekt sluzby
Za ryby, Martinov 197,
P.O. Box 21, 277 13 Kostelec nad Labem, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 604617327 Fax: +420 81973501
Email: charvat@lesprojekt.cz
Help Service Č Remote Sensing
C ernoleska 1600, 256 0, Benes ov u Prahy
Phone: +420 301 724620 , Fax: +420 301 724620
Email: standa@bnhelp.cz
Presented at ForestSAT Symposium
Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh,
August 5
of August 2002
Methods for land use inventory have been already trellised in the past within the
frame of many EU projects (MARS, CORINE, FIRS). There are a technology based
on an Earth remote sensing method issuing from data purchased in the past. The
inventory is based particularly on the use of SPOT, Thematic Mapper (or another RS
data) multi-temporary data analysis combined with the use of another spatial data.
Basic tool, used for such analysis methods, is the Geographic Information System
(GIS). In connection with on line wireless data access, it can bring new quality into
interpretation and controlling process. Such systems enable to gather and analyse
effectively all available data on the landscape and based on these analyses These are
objective of the WirelessInfo project (IST 1999-21056 Wirelessinfo), which offer
new possibilities of implementation of mobile communications into remote
sensing data interpretation). The whole project is oriented on the connection of
GIS platforms with wireless communication (GSM, GPRS). The solution will be
based on using open GIS platforms and different sources of communication.
Keywords and phrases: mobile GIS, remote sensing, on line data interpretation
1. 0 Mapserver solution
The access to the applications shown on the master is realised by a connection through the master computer
MapServer. The MapServer was originally developed by the University of Minnesota (UMN) project in
cooperation with NASA and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR). Additional
enhancements were made by the MNDNR and the Minnesota Land Management Information Center . Current
development is funded by the project, a NASA sponsored project between the UMN and consortium of land
management interests. MapServer is an OpenSource development environment for building spatially enabled
Internet applications. The software builds upon other popular OpenSource or freeware systems. Mapserver is an
OpenSource development environment for building up the spatially enabled Internet applications. The software is
built upon other popular OpenSource or freeware systems like Shapelib, FreeType, Proj.4, libTIFF, Perl and
others. Mapserver will run where most commercial systems will not or cannot, on Linux/Apache platforms.
Mapserver is known to be compile with most UNIXes and will run under Windows NT/98/95.