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Single-Channel and Multi-Channel Sinusoidal Audio
Coding Using Compressed Sensing
Anthony Griffin, Toni Hirvonen, Christos Tzagkarakis, Athanasios Mouchtaris, Member, IEEE, and
Panagiotis Tsakalides, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Compressed sensing (CS) samples signals at a much
lower rate than the Nyquist rate if they are sparse in some basis.
In this paper, the CS methodology is applied to sinusoidally mod-
eled audio signals. As this model is sparse by definition in the fre-
quency domain (being equal to the sum of a small number of si-
nusoids), we investigate whether CS can be used to encode audio
signals at low bitrates. In contrast to encoding the sinusoidal pa-
rameters (amplitude, frequency, phase) as current state-of-the-art
methods do, we propose encoding few randomly selected samples
of the time-domain description of the sinusoidal component (per
signal segment). The potential of applying compressed sensing both
to single-channel and multi-channel audio coding is examined. The
listening test results are encouraging, indicating that the proposed
approach can achieve comparable performance to that of state-of-
the-art methods. Given that CS can lead to novel coding systems
where the sampling and compression operations are combined into
one low-complexity step, the proposed methodology can be consid-
ered as an important step towards applying the CS framework to
audio coding applications.
Index Terms—Audio coding, compressed sensing (CS), signal re-
construction, signal sampling, sinusoidal model.
HE growing demand for audio content far outpaces the
corresponding growth in users’ storage space or band-
width. Thus, there is a constant incentive to further improve the
compression of audio signals. This can be accomplished either
by applying compression algorithms to the actual samples of a
digital audio signal, or using initially a signal model and then
encoding the model parameters as a second step. In this paper,
we propose a novel method for encoding the parameters of the
sinusoidal model.
Manuscript received December 24, 2009; revised May 05, 2010; accepted Oc-
tober 17, 2010. Date of publication November 09, 2010; date of current version
May 13, 2011. This work was supported in part by the Marie Curie TOK-DEV
“ASPIRE” grant and in part by the PEOPLE-IAPP “AVID-MODE” grant within
the 6th and 7th European Community Framework Programs, respectively. The
associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for
publication was Dr. Patrick Naylor.
A. Griffin, C. Tzagkarakis, A. Mouchtaris, and P. Tsakalides are with the In-
stitute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas
(FORTH-ICS), and Department of Computer Science, University of Crete, Her-
aklion, Crete GR-70013, Greece (e-mail: agriffin@ics.forth.gr; tzagarak@ics.
forth.gr; mouchtar@ics.forth.gr; tsakalid@ics.forth.gr).
T. Hirvonen was with the Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for
Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH-ICS), Heraklion, Crete GR-70013,
Greece. He is now with the Dolby Laboratories, Stockholm SE-113 30,
Sweden, (e-mail: toni.hirvonen@dolby.com).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASL.2010.2090656
The sinusoidal model represents an audio signal using a
small number of time-varying sinusoids [1]. The remainder
error signal—often termed the residual signal—can also be
modeled to further improve the resulting subjective quality of
the sinusoidal model [2]. The sinusoidal model allows for a
compact representation of the original signal and for efficient
encoding and quantization. Extending the sinusoidal model to
multi-channel audio applications has also been proposed (e.g.,
Various methods for quantization of the sinusoidal model
parameters (amplitude, phase, and frequency) have been pro-
posed in the literature. Initial methods in this area suggested
quantizing the parameters independently of each other [4]–[8].
The frequency locations of the sinusoids were quantized based
on research into the just noticeable differences in frequency
(JNDF), while the amplitudes were quantized based either on
the just noticeable differences in amplitude (JNDA) or the esti-
mated frequency masking thresholds. In these initial quantizers,
phases were uniformly quantized, or were not quantized at all
for low-bitrate applications. More recent quantizers operate
by jointly encoding all the sinusoidal parameters based on
high-rate theory and can be expressed analytically [9]–[12].
The bitrates achieved by these methods can be further reduced
using differential coding, e.g., [13]. It must be noted that all
the aforementioned methods encode the sinusoidal parameters
independently for each short-time segment of the audio signal.
Extensions of these methods, where the sinusoidal parameters
can be jointly quantized across neighboring segments, have
recently been proposed, e.g., [14].
In this paper, we propose using the emerging compressed
sensing (CS) [15], [16] methodology to encode and compress
the sinusoidally modeled audio signals. Compressed sensing
seeks to represent a signal using a number of linear, non-adap-
tive measurements. Usually, the number of measurements is
much lower than the number of samples needed if the signal
is sampled at the Nyquist rate. CS requires that the signal is
sparse in some basis—in the sense that it is a linear combina-
tion of a small number of basis functions—in order to correctly
reconstruct the original signal. Clearly, the sinusoidally mod-
eled part of an audio signal is a sparse signal, and it is thus nat-
ural to wonder how CS might be used to encode such a signal.
We present such an investigation of how CS can be applied to
encoding the time-domain signal of the model instead of the si-
nusoidal model parameters as state-of-the-art methods propose,
extending our recent work in [17], [18]. We extend our previous
work in terms of providing more results for the single-channel
audio coding case, but also we propose here a system which
1558-7916/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE
applies CS to the case of sinusoidally modeled multi-channel
audio. At the same time, the paper proposes a psychoacoustic
modeling analysis for the selection of sinusoidal components in
a multi-channel audio recording, which provides a very com-
pact description of multi-channel audio and is very efficient for
low-bitrate applications.
This is, to our knowledge, the first attempt to exploit the
sparse representation of the sinusoidal model for audio signals
using compressed sensing, and many interesting and important
issues are raised in this context. The most important problems
encountered in this work are summarized in this paragraph.
The encoding operation is based on randomly sampling the
time-domain sinusoidal signal, which is obtained after applying
the sinusoidal model to a monophonic or multi-channel audio
signal. The random samples can be further encoded (here
scalar quantization is suggested, but other methods could be
used to improve performance). An issue that arises is that as
the encoding is performed in the time-domain—rather than
the Fourier domain—the quantization error is not localized in
frequency, and it is therefore more complicated to predict the
audio quality of the reconstructed signal; this was addressed
by suggesting a spectral whitening procedure for the sinu-
soidal amplitudes. Another issue is that the sinusoidal model
estimated frequencies should correspond to single bins of the
discrete Fourier transform, or else the sparsity requirement
cannot be satisfied. In practice, this translates into encoding
the sinusoidal parameters selected from a peak-picking proce-
dure (with the possible inclusion of a psychoacoustic model),
without further refinement of the estimated frequencies. This
important problem can be addressed (as explained in detail
later) by employing zero-padding in the Fourier analysis (i.e.,
improving the frequency resolution by shortening the bin
spacing), and also by employing interpolation techniques in the
decoder (since sparsity is not needed after the CS decoding).
The improved frequency resolution resulted in a need to in-
crease the number of CS measurements, and consequently the
bitrate, and this problem was alleviated by employing a process
termed “frequency mapping.” Another important problem
which was addressed in this paper is the fact that CS theory
allows for signal reconstruction with high probability but not
with certainty; three different ways of overcoming this problem
(termed “operating modes”) are suggested in this paper. In
summary, several practical problems were raised during our
research; by providing a complete end-to-end design of a
CS-based sinusoidal coding system, this paper both clarifies
several limitations of CS to audio coding, but also presents
ways to overcome them, and in this sense we believe that this
paper will be of interest to researchers working on applying the
CS theory to signal coding.
The paper deals only with encoding the sinusoidal part of the
model (i.e., there is no treatment for the residual signal). It is
noted that other than the proposed method, the authors are only
familiar with the work of [19] for applying the CS methodology
to audio coding in general. While our focus in this paper is on
exploiting the sinusoidal model in this context, in [19] the goal
was to exploit the excitation/filter model using CS.
The importance of applying CS theory to audio coding lies
mainly to the applicability of CS to sensor network applications.
Sensor-based local encoding of audio signals could enable a va-
riety of audio-related applications, such as environmental mon-
itoring, recording audio in large outdoor venues, and so forth.
This paper provides an important step towards applying CS to
audio coding, at least in low-bitrate audio applications where
the sinusoidal part of an audio signal provides sufficient quality.
It is shown here for multi-channel audio signals that, except for
one primary (reference) audio channel, a simple low-complexity
system can be used to encode the sinusoidal model for all re-
maining channels of the multi-channel recording. This is an im-
portant result given that research in CS is still at an early stage,
and its practical value in coding applications is still unclear.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, background information about the sinusoidal model
is given, and a novel psychoacoustic model for sinusoidal
modeling for multi-channel audio signals is proposed. Back-
ground information about the CS methodology is presented in
Section III. In Section IV, a detailed discussion about the prac-
tical implementation of the method is provided related to issues
such as alleviating the effects of quantization (Section IV-A);
bitrate improvements (Section IV-B); quantization and en-
tropy coding (Section IV-C); CS reconstruction algorithms
(Section IV-D); achieved bitrates (Section IV-E); operating
modes (Section IV-F); and complexity (Section IV-G). The
discussion of Section IV is then extended to the multi-channel
case in Section V. In Section VI, results from listening tests
demonstrate the audio quality achieved with the proposed
coding scheme for the single-channel (Section VI-A) and
the multi-channel case (Section VI-B), while in Section VII
concluding remarks are made.
The sinusoidal model was initially used in the analysis/syn-
thesis of speech [1]. A short-time segment of an audio signal
is represented as the sum of a small number of sinu-
soids with time-varying amplitudes and frequencies. This can
be written as
, , and are the amplitude, frequency, and phase,
respectively. To estimate the parameters of the model, one needs
to segment the signal into a number of short-time frames and
compute a short-time frequency representation for each frame.
Consequently, the prominent spectral peaks are identified using
a peak detection algorithm (possibly enhanced by perceptual-
based criteria). Interpolation methods can be used to increase
the accuracy of the algorithm [2]. Each peak in the
th frame is
represented as a triad of the form
frequency, phase), corresponding to the
th sinewave. A peak
continuation algorithm is usually employed in order to assign
each peak to a frequency trajectory by matching the peaks of
the previous frame to the current frame, using linear amplitude
interpolation and cubic phase interpolation.
A more accurate representation of audio signals is achieved
when a stochastic component is included in the model. This
model is usually called the sinusoids plus noise model, or deter-
ministic plus stochastic decomposition. In this model, the sinu-
soidal part corresponds to the “deterministic” part of the signal
due to the structured nature of this model. The remaining signal
is the sinusoidal noise component
, also referred to here as
residual or sinusoidal error signal, which is the “stochastic” part
of the audio signal, since it is very difficult to accurately model,
but at the same time essential for high-quality audio synthesis.
Accurately modeling the stochastic component has been exam-
ined both for the single-channel case, e.g., [2], [20], [21] and
the multi-channel audio case [3]. Practically, after the sinusoidal
parameters are estimated, the noise component is computed by
subtracting the sinusoidal component from the original signal.
Note that in this paper we are only interested in encoding the
sinusoidal part.
A. Single-Channel Sinusoidal Selection
To perform single-channel sinusoidal analysis, we employed
state-of-the-art psychoacoustic analysis based on [22]. In the
iteration, the algorithm picks a perceptually optimal sinusoidal
component frequency, amplitude, and phase. This choice mini-
mizes the perceptual distortion measure
is the Fourier transform of the residual signal
(original frame minus the currently selected sinusoids) after the
th iteration, and is a frequency weighting function set
as the inverse of the current masking threshold energy.
One issue with CS encoding is that no further refinement of
the sinusoid frequencies can be performed in the encoder, be-
cause frequencies which do not correspond to exact frequency
bins would result in loss of the sparsity in the frequency do-
main. This is an important problem, because it implies that we
must restrict the sinusoidal frequency estimation to the selection
of frequency bins (e.g., following a peak-picking procedure),
without the possibility of further refinement of the estimated fre-
quencies in the encoder. This can be alleviated by zero-padding
the signal frame, in other words improving the frequency res-
olution during the parameter estimation by reducing the bin
spacing. We have found, though, that for CS-based encoding
this can be performed to a limited degree, as zero-padding will
increase the number of measurements that must be encoded as
explained in Section IV (and consequently the bitrate). Fortu-
nately, this problem can be partly addressed by employing the
“frequency mapping” procedure, described in Section IV. Fur-
thermore, since the sparsity restriction need not hold after the
signal is decoded, frequency re-estimation can be performed in
the decoder, such as interpolation among frames.
B. Multi-Channel Sinusoidal Selection
To perform multi-channel sinusoidal analysis, we have
extended the sinusoidal modeling method presented in
[23]—which employs a matching pursuit algorithm to de-
termine the model parameters of each frame—to include the
psychoacoustic analysis of [22]. For the multichannel case,
in each iteration, the algorithm picks a sinusoidal compo-
nent frequency that is optimal for all channels, as well as
channel-specific amplitudes and phases. This choice minimizes
the perceptual distortion measure
is the Fourier transform of the residual signal of
th channel after the th iteration, and is a frequency
weighting function set as the inverse of the current masking
threshold energy. The contributions of each channel are simply
summed to obtain the final measure.
An important question is what masking model is suitable for
multi-channel audio where the different channels have different
binaural attributes in the reproduction. In transform coding, a
common problem is caused by binaural masking level differ-
ence (BMLD); sometimes quantization noise that is masked in
monaural reproduction is detectable because of binaural release,
and using separate masking analysis for different channels is not
suitable for loudspeaker rendering. However, this effect in para-
metric coding is not so well established.
We performed preliminary experiments using: 1) separate
masking analysis, i.e., individual
based on the masker
of channel
for each signal separately [see (3)]; 2) the masker
of the sum signal of all channel signals to obtain
; and 3) power summation of the other signals’ attenuated
maskers to the masker of channel
according to
In the above equation,
indicates the masker energy,
the estimated attenuation (panning) factor that was varied
heuristically, and
iterates through all channel signals ex-
. In this paper, we chose to use the first method, i.e.,
separate masking analysis for channels
, for the
reason that we did not find notable differencies in BMLD noise
unmasking, and that the sound quality seemed to be marginally
better with headphone reproduction. For loudspeaker reproduc-
tion, the second or third method may be more suitable.
The use of this psychoacoustic multi-channel sinusoidal
model resulted in sparser modeled signals, increasing the
effectiveness of our compressed sensing encoding.
Compressed sensing [15], [16]—also known as compressive
sensing or compressive sampling—is an emerging field which
has grown up in response to the increasing amount of data that
needs to be sensed, processed and stored. A great majority of
this data is compressed as soon as it has been sensed at the
Nyquist rate. The idea behind compressed sensing is to go di-
rectly from the full-rate, analog signal to the compact represen-
tation by using measurements in the sparse basis. Thus, the CS
theory is based on the assumption that the signal of interest is
sparse in some basis as it can be accurately and efficiently repre-
sented in that basis. This is not possible unless the sparse basis is
known in advance, which is generally not the case. Thus com-
pressed sensing uses random measurements in a basis that is
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