Cuckoo Malware Analysis

Analyze malware using Cuckoo Sandbox Overview Learn how to analyze malware in a straightforward way with minimum technical skills Understand the risk of the rise of document-based malware Enhance your malware analysis concepts through illustrations, tips and tricks, step-by-step instructions, and practical real-world scenarios In Detail Cuckoo Sandbox is a leading open source automated malware analysis system. This means that you can throw any suspicious file at it and, in a matter of seconds, Cuckoo will provide you with some detailed results outlining what said file did when executed inside an isolated environment. Cuckoo Malware Analysis is a hands-on guide that will provide you with everything you need to know to use Cuckoo Sandbox with added tools like Volatility, Yara, Cuckooforcanari, Cuckoomx, Radare, and Bokken, which will help you to learn malware analysis in an easier and more efficient way. Cuckoo Malware Analysis will cover basic theories in sandboxing, automating malware analysis, and how to prepare a safe environment lab for malware analysis. You will get acquainted with Cuckoo Sandbox architecture and learn how to install Cuckoo Sandbox, troubleshoot the problems after installation, submit malware samples, and also analyze PDF files, URLs, and binary files. This book also covers memory forensics – using the memory dump feature, additional memory forensics using Volatility, viewing result analyses using the Cuckoo analysis package, and analyzing APT attacks using Cuckoo Sandbox, Volatility, and Yara. Finally, you will also learn how to screen Cuckoo Sandbox against VM detection and how to automate the scanning of e-mail attachments with Cuckoo. What you will learn from this book Get started with automated malware analysis using Cuckoo Sandbox Use Cuckoo Sandbox to analyze sample malware Analyze output from Cuckoo Sandbox Report results with Cuckoo Sandbox in standard form Learn tips and tricks to get the most out of your malware analysis results Approach This book is a step-by-step, practical tutorial for analyzing and detecting malware and performing digital investigations. This book features clear and concise guidance in an easily accessible format. Who this book is written for Cuckoo Malware Analysis is great for anyone who wants to analyze malware through programming, networking, disassembling, forensics, and virtualization. Whether you are new to malware analysis or have some experience, this book will help you get started with Cuckoo Sandbox so you can start analysing malware effectively and efficiently. Cuckoo Sandbox是一个领先的开源自动化恶意软件分析系统,它允许用户将任何可疑文件提交给它,系统会在隔离环境中迅速执行该文件,并在数秒内提供详细的结果,展示文件执行时的行为。这种分析方式对于初步了解文件是否具有恶意行为非常有效,同时它也降低了用户需要具备的技术水平。 本书《Cuckoo Malware Analysis》是一本面向希望进行恶意软件分析的学习者的实用指南,旨在提供使用Cuckoo Sandbox所需的所有知识,并结合Volatility、Yara、Cuckooforcanari、Cuckoomx、Radare、Bokken等附加工具,帮助学习者以更简便、高效的方式掌握恶意软件分析。书中的内容涵盖了沙盒技术的基础理论、自动化恶意软件分析的过程以及如何准备安全的环境实验室进行分析。读者将熟悉Cuckoo Sandbox的架构、了解如何安装和解决安装后的问题、提交恶意软件样本以及分析PDF文件、URL和二进制文件。 在学习过程中,读者将了解到内存取证的重要性,并使用内存转储功能和Volatility进行附加内存取证分析。此外,本书还将介绍如何利用Cuckoo分析包查看结果分析,以及如何使用Cuckoo Sandbox、Volatility和Yara来分析高级持续性威胁(APT)攻击。 读者还将学习到如何绕过虚拟机检测,并使用Cuckoo自动化扫描电子邮件附件。本书不仅提供了如何使用Cuckoo Sandbox开始自动化恶意软件分析的实践教程,还包括了如何使用Cuckoo Sandbox分析样本恶意软件、如何分析Cuckoo Sandbox的输出结果、如何以标准形式报告Cuckoo Sandbox的结果,以及如何充分利用恶意软件分析结果的技巧和窍门。 本书内容的设计出发点是为初学者或有一定经验的恶意软件分析者提供逐步的指导,让他们能够有效地进行数字调查和恶意软件检测。作者Digit Oktavianto和Iqbal Muhardianto都是在Linux服务器、网络安全、安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)、漏洞评估、渗透测试、入侵分析、事件响应和事件处理、安全加固、PCI-DSS和系统管理方面有实际经验的IT安全专业人员和系统管理员。他们参与了管理安全服务(MSS)项目、安全运营中心的运营以及维护SIEM工具、配置IDS/IPS、防火墙、防病毒软件、操作系统等工作,这些都是本书内容得以深入展开的重要背景。


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