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intel资深专家编写. Chapter 1: Introduction to Trust and Intel Trusted Execution Technology Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles of Intel TXT Chapter 3: Getting It to Work: Provisioning Intel TXT Chapter 4: Foundation for Control: Establishing Launch Control Policy Chapter 5: Raising Visibility for Trust: The Role of Attestation Chapter 6: Trusted Computing: Opportunities in Software Chapter 7: Creating a More Secure Datacenter and Cloud Chapter 8: The Future of Trusted Computing
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Building the Infrastructure
for Cloud Security
For cloud users and providers alike, security is an everyday concern, yet
there are very few books covering cloud security as a main subject. This
book will help address this information gap from an Information Technology
solution and usage-centric view of cloud infrastructure security. The book
highlights the fundamental technology components necessary to build
and enable trusted clouds. Here also is an explanation of the security and
compliance challenges organizations face as they migrate mission-critical
applications to the cloud, and how trusted clouds, that have their integrity
rooted in hardware, can address these challenges.
This book provides:
• Use cases and solution reference architectures to enable infrastructure
integrity and the creation of trusted pools leveraging Intel Trusted
Execution Technology (TXT).
• Trusted geo-location management in the cloud, enabling workload and
data location compliance and boundary control usages in the cloud.
• OpenStack-based reference architecture of tenant-controlled virtual
machine and workload protection in the cloud.
• A reference design to enable secure hybrid clouds for a cloud bursting
use case, providing infrastructure visibility and control to organizations.
“A valuable guide to the next generation of cloud security and
hardware based root of trust. More than an explanation of the
what and how, is the explanation of why. And why you can’t
afford to ignore it!”
—Vince Lubsey, Vice President, Product Development, Virtustream Inc.
9781430 261452
ISBN 978-1-4302-6145-2
For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front
matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks
and Contents at a Glance links to access them.
Contents at a Glance
About the Authors ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� xv
About the Technical Reviewers ����������������������������������������������������� xvii
Acknowledgments �������������������������������������������������������������������������� xix
Foreword ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xxi
Introduction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xxiii
Chapter 1: Cloud Computing Basics ■ ����������������������������������������������� 1
Chapter 2: The Trusted Cloud: Addressing Security ■
and Compliance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Chapter 3: Platform Boot Integrity: Foundation for Trusted ■
Compute Pools ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37
Chapter 4: Attestation: Proving Trustability ■ ��������������������������������� 65
Chapter 5: Boundary Control in the Cloud: Geo-Tagging ■
and Asset Tagging ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 93
Chapter 6: Network Security in the Cloud ■ ���������������������������������� 123
Chapter 7: Identity Management and Control for Clouds ■ ����������� 141
Chapter 8: Trusted Virtual Machines: Ensuring the Integrity ■
of Virtual Machines in the Cloud ������������������������������������������������ 161
Chapter 9: A Reference Design for Secure Cloud Bursting ■ �������� 179
Index ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 211
Security is an ever-present consideration for applications and data in the cloud. It is a
concern for executives trying to come up with criteria for migrating an application, for
marketing organizations in trying to position the company in a good light as enlightened
technology adopters, for application architects attempting to build a safe foundation and
operations sta making sure bad guys don’t have a eld day. It does not matter whether an
application is a candidate for migration to the cloud or it already runs using cloud-based
components. It does not even matter that an application has managed to run for years in
the cloud without a major breach: an unblemished record does not entitle an organization
to claim to be home free in matters of security; its executives are acutely aware that resting
on their laurels regardless of an unblemished record is an invitation to disaster; and
certainly past performance is no predictor for future gains.
Irrespective of whom you ask, security is arguably the biggest inhibitor for the
broader adoption of cloud computing. Many organizations will need to apply best
practices security standards that set a much higher bar than that for on-premise systems,
in order to dislodge that incumbent on-premise alternative. e migration or adoption of
cloud services then can provide an advantage, in that rms can design, from the ground
up, their new cloud-based infrastructures with security “baked-in;” this is in contrast to
the piecemeal and “after the fact” or “bolted-on” nature of security seen in most data
centers today. But even a baked-in approach has its nuances, as we shall see in Chapter 1.
Cloud service providers are hard at work building a secure infrastructure as the foundation
for enabling multi-tenancy and providing the instrumentation, visibility, and control that
organizations demand. ey are beginning to treat security as an integration concern to be
addressed as a service like performance, power consumption, and uptime. is provides
a exibility and granularity wherein solution architects design in as much security as
their particular situation demands: security for a nancial services industry (FSI) or an
enterprise resource planning (ERP) application will be dierent from security for a bunch
of product brochures, yet they both may use storage services from the same provider,
which demands a high level of integrity, condentiality, and protection.
Some practices—for instance, using resources in internal private clouds as opposed
to public, third-party hosted clouds—while conferring some tactical advantages do
not address fundamental security issues, such as perimeter walls made of virtual Swiss
cheese where data can pass through anytime. We would like to propose a dierent
approach: to anchor a security infrastructure in the silicon that runs the volume servers in
almost every data center. However, end users running mobile applications don’t see the
servers. What we’ll do is dene a logical chain of trust rooted in hardware, in a manner
not unlike a geometry system built out of a small set of axioms. We use the hardware
to ensure the integrity of the rmware: BIOS code running in the chipset and rmware
■ IntroduCtIon
taking care of the server’s housekeeping functions. is provides a solid platform on
which to run software: the hypervisor environment and operating systems. Each software
component is “measured” initially and veried against a “known good” with the root
of trust anchored in the hardware trust chain, thereby providing a trusted platform to
launch applications.
We assume that readers are already familiar with cloud technology and are
interested in a deeper exploration of security aspects. We’ll cover some cloud technology
principles, primarily with the purpose of establishing a vocabulary from which to build a
discussion of security topics (oered here with no tutorial intent). Our goal is to discuss
the principles of cloud security, the challenges companies face as they move into the
cloud, and the infrastructure requirements to address security requirements. e content
is intended for a technical audience and provides architectural, design, and code samples
as needed to show how to provision and deploy trusted clouds. While documentation
for low-level technology components such as trusted platform modules and the
basics of secure boot is not dicult to nd from vendor specications, the contextual
perspective—a usage-centric approach describing how the dierent components are
integrated into trusted virtualized platforms—has been missing from the literature. is
book is a rst attempt at lling this gap through actual proof of concept implementations
and a few initial commercial implementations. e implementation of secure platforms is
an emerging and fast evolving issue. is is not a denitive treatment by a long measure,
and trying to compile one at this early juncture would be unrealistic. Timeliness is a
more pressing consideration, and the authors hope that this material will stimulate the
curiosity of the reader and encourage the community to replicate the results, leading to
new deployments and, in the process, advancing the state of the art.
ere are three key trends impacting security in the enterprise and cloud
data centers:
e evolution of IT architectures• . is is pertinent especially with
the adoption of virtualization and now cloud computing.
Multi-tenancy and consolidation are driving signicant
operational eciencies, enabling multiple lines of business
and tenants to share the infrastructure. is consolidation and
co-tenancy provide a new dimension and attack vector.
How do you ensure the same level of security and control
in an infrastructure that is not owned and operated by
you? Outsourcing, cross-business, and cross-supply chain
collaboration are breaking through the perimeter of traditional
security models. ese new models are blurring the distinction
between data “inside” an organization and that which exists
“outside” of those boundaries. e data itself is the new perimeter.
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